Property definitions

mongodb $ BSONError :: defaultinit
# Wrapper for `bson_error_t`.
# The `bson_error_t` structure is used to encapsulate information about an error.
# See [`bson_error_t`](
extern class BSONError `{ bson_error_t * `}

	# Wrapper for `error.domain`.
	# The `error.domain` field contains the logical domain within a library that
	# created the error.
	fun domain: Int `{ return self->domain; `}

	# Wrapper for `error.code`.
	# The `error.code` field contains the domain specific error code.
	fun code: Int `{ return self->code; `}

	# Wrapper for `error.message`.
	# The `error.message` field contains a human printable error message.
	fun message: CString `{ return self->message; `}