# A Mongo collection.
# Collections are automatically created on the MongoDB server upon insertion of
# the first document.
# There is no need to create a database manually.
class MongoCollection
super FinalizableOnce
# Database that collection belongs to.
var database: MongoDb
# Name of this collection.
var name: String
private var native: NativeMongoCollection is noinit
# Loads a collection.
# Call `MongoDb::collection` instead.
init do
native = new NativeMongoCollection(
# Set the autogenerated last id if the `doc` does not contain one already.
private fun set_id(doc: JsonObject) do
var last_id = database.client.last_id
if last_id != null then
doc["_id"] = last_id.to_json
database.client.last_id = null
# Inserts a new document in the collection.
# If no _id element is found in document, then a new one be generated locally
# and added to the document.
# Returns `false` if an error occured. See `Sys::last_mongoc_error`.
# ~~~
# var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://mongo:27017/")
# var db_suffix = "NIT_TESTING_ID".environ
# var db_name = "test_{db_suffix}"
# var db = client.database(db_name)
# var col = db.collection("test")
# var doc = new JsonObject
# doc["foo"] = 10
# doc["bar"] = "bar"
# doc["baz"] = new JsonArray
# assert col.insert(doc)
# assert doc.has_key("_id")
# ~~~
fun insert(doc: JsonObject): Bool do
var res = native.insert(doc.to_bson.native)
if res then set_id(doc)
return res
# Inserts multiple documents in the collection.
# See `insert`.
fun insert_all(docs: Collection[JsonObject]): Bool do
var res = true
for doc in docs do res = insert(doc) and res
return res
# Saves a new document in the collection.
# If the document has an `_id` field it will be updated.
# Otherwise it will be inserted.
# Returns `false` if an error occured. See `Sys::last_mongoc_error`.
# ~~~
# var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://mongo:27017/")
# var db_suffix = "NIT_TESTING_ID".environ
# var db_name = "test_{db_suffix}"
# var db = client.database(db_name)
# var col = db.collection("test")
# var doc = new JsonObject
# doc["foo"] = 10
# doc["bar"] = "bar"
# doc["baz"] = new JsonArray
# assert col.save(doc) # will be inserted
# assert doc.has_key("_id")
# var id = doc["_id"]
# assert col.save(doc) # will be updated
# assert doc["_id"] == id
# ~~~
fun save(doc: JsonObject): Bool do
var bson = doc.to_bson
var nat = bson.native
var res = native.save(nat)
if res then set_id(doc)
assert nat != self #FIXME used to avoid GC crashes
assert bson != self #FIXME used to avoid GC crashes
return res
# Removes the first document that matches `selector`.
# Returns `false` if an error occured. See `Sys::last_mongoc_error`.
# ~~~
# var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://mongo:27017/")
# var db_suffix = "NIT_TESTING_ID".environ
# var db_name = "test_{db_suffix}"
# var db = client.database(db_name)
# var col = db.collection("test")
# var sel = new JsonObject
# sel["foo"] = 10
# assert col.remove(sel)
# ~~~
fun remove(selector: JsonObject): Bool do
return native.remove(selector.to_bson.native)
# Removes all the document that match `selector`.
# See `remove`.
fun remove_all(selector: JsonObject): Bool do
return native.remove_all(selector.to_bson.native)
# Updates a document already existing in the collection.
# No upsert is done, see `save` instead.
# ~~~
# var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://mongo:27017/")
# var db_suffix = "NIT_TESTING_ID".environ
# var db_name = "test_{db_suffix}"
# var db = client.database(db_name)
# var col = db.collection("test")
# var sel = new JsonObject
# sel["foo"] = 10
# var upd = new JsonObject
# upd["bar"] = "BAR"
# assert col.update(sel, upd)
# ~~~
fun update(selector: JsonObject, update: JsonObject): Bool do
return native.update(
# Updates all documents matching the `selector`.
# See `update`.
fun update_all(selector: JsonObject, update: JsonObject): Bool do
return native.update_all(
# Counts the document matching `query`.
# Returns `-1` if an error occured. See `Sys::last_mongoc_error`.
# ~~~
# var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://mongo:27017/")
# var db_suffix = "NIT_TESTING_ID".environ
# var db_name = "test_{db_suffix}"
# var db = client.database(db_name)
# var col = db.collection("test")
# var query = new JsonObject
# query["foo"] = 10
# assert col.count(query) > 0
# ~~~
fun count(query: JsonObject): Int do
return native.count(query.to_bson.native)
# Finds the first document that matches `query`.
# Params:
# * `skip` number of documents to skip
# * `limit` number of documents to return
# Returns `null` if an error occured. See `Sys::last_mongoc_error`.
# ~~~
# var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://mongo:27017/")
# var db_suffix = "NIT_TESTING_ID".environ
# var db_name = "test_{db_suffix}"
# var db = client.database(db_name)
# var col = db.collection("test")
# var query = new JsonObject
# query["foo"] = 10
# var doc = col.find(query)
# assert doc["foo"] == 10
# ~~~
fun find(query: JsonObject, skip, limit: nullable Int): nullable JsonObject do
var q = new NativeBSON.from_json_string(query.to_json.to_cstring)
var s = skip or else 0
var l = limit or else 0
var c = native.find(q, s, l)
if c == null then return null
var cursor = new MongoCursor(c)
if not cursor.is_ok then
return null
var item = cursor.item
assert cursor != self
return item
# Finds all the documents matching the `query`.
# Params:
# * `skip` number of documents to skip
# * `limit` number of documents to return
# ~~~
# var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://mongo:27017/")
# var db_suffix = "NIT_TESTING_ID".environ
# var db_name = "test_{db_suffix}"
# var db = client.database(db_name)
# var col = db.collection("test")
# var query = new JsonObject
# query["foo"] = 10
# assert col.find_all(query).length > 0
# ~~~
fun find_all(query: JsonObject, skip, limit: nullable Int): Array[JsonObject] do
var s = skip or else 0
var l = limit or else 0
var res = new Array[JsonObject]
var c = native.find(query.to_bson.native, s, l)
if c == null then return res
var cursor = new MongoCursor(c)
while cursor.is_ok do
res.add cursor.item
return res
# Applies an aggregation `pipeline` over the collection.
# ~~~
# var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://mongo:27017/")
# var db_suffix = "NIT_TESTING_ID".environ
# var db_name = "test_{db_suffix}"
# var db = client.database(db_name)
# var col = db.collection("test_aggregate")
# col.drop
# col.insert("""{ "cust_id": "A123", "amount": 500, "status": "A"}""".parse_json.as(JsonObject))
# col.insert("""{ "cust_id": "A123", "amount": 250, "status": "A"}""".parse_json.as(JsonObject))
# col.insert("""{ "cust_id": "B212", "amount": 200, "status": "A"}""".parse_json.as(JsonObject))
# col.insert("""{ "cust_id": "A123", "amount": 300, "status": "D"}""".parse_json.as(JsonObject))
# var res = col.aggregate("""[
# { "$match": { "status": "A" } },
# { "$group": { "_id": "$cust_id", "total": { "$sum": "$amount" } } },
# { "$sort" : { "_id": 1 } }
# ]""".parse_json.as(JsonArray))
# assert res[0].to_json == """{"_id":"A123","total":750}"""
# assert res[1].to_json == """{"_id":"B212","total":200}"""
# ~~~
fun aggregate(pipeline: JsonArray): Array[JsonObject] do
var q = new JsonObject
q["pipeline"] = pipeline
var res = new Array[JsonObject]
var c = native.aggregate(q.to_bson.native)
if c == null then return res
var cursor = new MongoCursor(c)
while cursor.is_ok do
res.add cursor.item
return res
# Retrieves statistics about the collection.
# Returns `null` if an error occured. See `Sys::last_mongoc_error`.
# ~~~
# var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://mongo:27017/")
# var db_suffix = "NIT_TESTING_ID".environ
# var db_name = "test_{db_suffix}"
# var db = client.database(db_name)
# var col = db.collection("test")
# assert col.stats["ns"] == "{db_name}.test"
# ~~~
fun stats: nullable JsonObject do
var bson = native.stats
if bson == null then return null
return new JsonObject.from_bson(new BSON(bson))
# Drops `self`, returns false if an error occured.
fun drop: Bool do return native.drop
# Moves `self` to another `database`.
# The database will also be updated internally so it is safe to continue using
# this collection after the move.
# Additional operations will occur on moved collection.
fun move(database: MongoDb): Bool do
self.database = database
return native.rename(database.name.to_cstring, name.to_cstring)
# Renames `self`.
# The name of the collection will also be updated internally so it is safe
# to continue using this collection after the rename.
# Additional operations will occur on renamed collection.
fun rename(name: String): Bool do
self.name = name
return native.rename(database.name.to_cstring, name.to_cstring)
redef fun finalize_once do native.destroy