Property definitions

sdl2 $ SDL_PixelFormat :: defaultinit
# Pixel format information
extern class SDL_PixelFormat `{ SDL_PixelFormat * `}
	# Number of significant bits in a pixel
	fun bits_per_pixel: Int `{ return self->BitsPerPixel; `}

	# Number of bytes required to hold a pixel
	fun bytes_per_pixel: Int `{ return self->BytesPerPixel; `}

	# Mask of the location of the red component
	fun rmask: UInt32 `{ return self->Rmask; `}

	# Mask of the location of the green component
	fun gmask: UInt32 `{ return self->Gmask; `}

	# Mask of the location of the blue component
	fun bmask: UInt32 `{ return self->Bmask; `}

	# Mask of the location of the alpha component
	fun amask: UInt32 `{ return self->Amask; `}