and SDLWindow::show_simple_message_box
and returned by SDLWindow::flags
and SDLWindow::show_simple_message_box
and returned by SDLWindow::flags
core :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structuregamnit :: camera_control_linux
Mouse wheel and middle mouse button to control cameraegl
, sdl
and x11
glesv2 :: opengles2_hello_triangle
Basic example of OpenGL ES 2.0 usage using SDL 2
# Basic SDL 2 features
module sdl2_base is pkgconfig "sdl2"
in "C header" `{
#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
redef class Sys
# Access to the global methods of `sdl2`
var sdl = new SDL is lazy
# Holds the global methods of `sdl2`
class SDL
super Finalizable
# Get the `SDL` singleton
new do return once new SDL.internal
# TODO make this private and only called through `sys.sdl`
init internal do end
# Initialize the given SDL `subsystems`, returns `false` on error
fun initialize(subsystems: SDLInitFlags): Bool `{ return SDL_Init(subsystems) == 0; `}
# Returns the latest SDL error
# After calling this method, you should also call `clear_error`.
fun error: CString `{ return (char*)SDL_GetError(); `}
# Clear the SDL error
fun clear_error `{ SDL_ClearError(); `}
# Quit SDL
fun quit `{ SDL_Quit(); `}
# Was SDL initialized?
fun was_initialized: Bool do return not initialized_subsystems((new SDLInitFlags).everything).is_empty
# What SDL subsystems are initialized? You can use a mask of `subsystems` to restrict the query.
# Returns the flags of the initialized subsystems.
fun initialized_subsystems(subsystems: SDLInitFlags): SDLInitFlags `{ return SDL_WasInit(subsystems); `}
# The number of CPU on the system
fun cpu_count: Int `{ return SDL_GetCPUCount(); `}
# Amount of RAM configured on the system
fun system_ram: Int `{ return SDL_GetSystemRAM(); `}
# Show a simple message box
fun show_simple_message_box(level: SDLMessageBoxFlags, title, content: CString) `{
SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(level, title, content, NULL);
redef fun finalize do if was_initialized then quit
# Function that should be called from the SDL main method
# This method should not normally be used, refer to the SDL source code
# before use.
fun set_main_ready `{ SDL_SetMainReady(); `}
# Show or hide the cursor
fun show_cursor=(val: Bool) `{ SDL_ShowCursor(val? SDL_ENABLE: SDL_DISABLE); `}
# Is the cursor visible?
fun show_cursor: Bool `{ return SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_QUERY); `}
# Collect only relative mouse events and hide cursor
# Check `relative_mouse_mode` to see if the mode could be applied,
# if not, see `error`.
fun relative_mouse_mode=(value: Bool) `{
# Hide cursor and collect only relative mouse events?
fun relative_mouse_mode: Bool `{
return SDL_GetRelativeMouseMode();
# Flags for `sys.sdl.initialize` and related methods
extern class SDLInitFlags `{ Uint32 `}
# Get the default empty flag set
new `{ return 0; `}
# Add the timer subsystem
fun timer: SDLInitFlags `{ return self | SDL_INIT_TIMER; `}
# Add the audio subsystem
fun audio: SDLInitFlags `{ return self | SDL_INIT_AUDIO; `}
# Add the video subsystem
fun video: SDLInitFlags `{ return self | SDL_INIT_VIDEO; `}
# Add the joystick subsystem
# Implied by `gamecontroller`
fun joystick: SDLInitFlags `{ return self | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK; `}
# Add the haptic subsystem
fun haptic: SDLInitFlags `{ return self | SDL_INIT_HAPTIC; `}
# Add the gamecontroller subsystem
fun gamecontroller: SDLInitFlags `{ return self | SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER; `}
# Add the events subsystem
# Implied by `video` and `joystick`
fun events: SDLInitFlags `{ return self | SDL_INIT_EVENTS; `}
# Add all subsystems
fun everything: SDLInitFlags `{ return self | SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING; `}
# Is this flag set empty?
fun is_empty: Bool `{ return self == 0; `}
# TODO add all other is_
# A window created by SDL
extern class SDLWindow `{ SDL_Window * `}
# Create a window with the given `title`, `width` and `height`, also apply the `flags`
new (title: CString, width, height: Int, flags: SDLWindowFlags) `{
return SDL_CreateWindow(title,
width, height, flags);
# Has this window been correctly initialized?
fun initialized: Bool do return not address_is_null
# Destroy this window
fun destroy `{ SDL_DestroyWindow(self); `}
# Get the `SDLWindowFlags` describing the status of the window
fun flags: SDLWindowFlags `{ return SDL_GetWindowFlags(self); `}
# Show a simple message box
# Similar to `sys.sdl.show_simple_message_box` but attached to this window
fun show_simple_message_box(level: SDLMessageBoxFlags, title, content: CString) `{
SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(level, title, content, self);
# Set the icon of this window
fun icon=(icon: SDLSurface) `{ SDL_SetWindowIcon(self, icon); `}
# Flags for `SDLWindow::new` and returned by `SDLWindow::flags`
extern class SDLWindowFlags `{ Uint32 `}
# Get the default empty flag set
new `{ return 0; `}
# Add the flag requesting a fullscreen window
fun fullscreen: SDLWindowFlags `{ return self | SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN; `}
# Add the flag requesting a fullscreen window for the current desktop
fun fullscreen_desktop: SDLWindowFlags `{ return self | SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP; `}
# Add the flag requesting a window usable with an OpenGL context
fun opengl: SDLWindowFlags `{ return self | SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL; `}
# Add the flag requesting a borderless window
fun borderless: SDLWindowFlags `{ return self | SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS; `}
# Add the flag requesting a resizable window
fun resizable: SDLWindowFlags `{ return self | SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE; `}
# Add the flag requesting a minimized window
fun minimized: SDLWindowFlags `{ return self | SDL_WINDOW_MINIMIZED; `}
# Add the flag requesting a maximimez window
fun maximized: SDLWindowFlags `{ return self | SDL_WINDOW_MAXIMIZED; `}
# Add the flag to grab the input focus
fun input_grabbed: SDLWindowFlags `{ return self | SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_GRABBED; `}
# Add the flag to request a window using the system High-DPI mode
fun allow_highdpi: SDLWindowFlags `{
return self;
# Is the window shown?
# Can only be queried because it is ignored by `SDLWindow::new`
fun is_shown: Bool `{ return self & SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN; `}
# Does the window has the input focus?
# Can only be queried because it is ignored by `SDLWindow::new`
fun has_input_focus: Bool `{ return self & SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_FOCUS; `}
# Does the window has the mouse focus?
# Can only be queried because it is ignored by `SDLWindow::new`
fun has_mouse_focus: Bool `{ return self & SDL_WINDOW_MOUSE_FOCUS; `}
# TODO add all other `is_` methods, as needed
redef universal Int
# Suspend execution for `self` milliseconds
fun delay `{ SDL_Delay(self); `}
# A renderer, maybe software or hardware
extern class SDLRenderer `{ SDL_Renderer * `}
# Create a new `SDLRenderer` for the `window` using the `index`th renderer according to `flags`
# Use an `index` of `-1` to get the default renderer for the given flags.
new (window: SDLWindow, index: Int, flags: SDLRendererFlags) `{
return SDL_CreateRenderer(window, index, flags);
# Create a new software `SDLRenderer`
new software(surface: SDLSurface) `{
return SDL_CreateSoftwareRenderer(surface);
# Destroy this renderer
fun destroy `{ SDL_DestroyRenderer(self); `}
# Clear the rendering target with the current `draw_color`
fun clear `{ SDL_RenderClear(self); `}
# Copy the rectangle at `src` from `texture` to fill the `dst` at the rendering `target`
# If `dst` has a different size than `src`, the image will be stretched.
# If `src == null` the whole source texture will be drawn, and if
# `dst == null` then the texture will fill the rendering `target`.
fun copy(texture: SDLTexture, src, dst: nullable SDLRect)
if src == null then src = new SDLRect.nil
if dst == null then dst = new SDLRect.nil
native_copy(texture, src, dst)
private fun native_copy(texture: SDLTexture, src, dst: SDLRect) `{
SDL_RenderCopy(self, texture, src, dst);
# Update the screen with all rendering since the previous call
fun present `{ SDL_RenderPresent(self); `}
# Get the `SDLRendererInfo` for this renderer
fun info_copy(out: SDLRendererInfo) `{ SDL_GetRendererInfo(self, out); `}
# Set the drawing color
fun draw_color=(val: SDLColor) `{
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(self, val->r, val->g, val->b, val->a);
# Get the drawing color of this renderer
# The returned `SDLColor` is malloced here and must be freed by the called.
# For a more efficient usage, it is recommended to use instead `draw_color_copy`.
fun draw_color: SDLColor
var color = new SDLColor.malloc
draw_color_copy color
return color
# Copy the drawing color of this renderer in `color`
fun draw_color_copy(color: SDLColor) `{
SDL_GetRenderDrawColor(self, &color->r, &color->g, &color->b, &color->a);
# Fill a rectangle with the current `draw_color`
# If `rect.address_is_null` then fills the entire screen.
fun fill_rect(rect: SDLRect) `{ SDL_RenderFillRect(self, rect); `}
# Draw a rectangle with the current `draw_color`
fun draw_rect(rect: SDLRect) `{ SDL_RenderDrawRect(self, rect); `}
# Draw a point with the current `draw_color`
fun draw_point(x, y: Int) `{ SDL_RenderDrawPoint(self, x, y); `}
# Draw a line with the current `draw_color`
fun draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2: Int) `{ SDL_RenderDrawLine(self, x1, y1, x2, y2); `}
# Set the viewport of this renderer
fun viewport=(rect: SDLRect) `{ SDL_RenderSetViewport(self, rect); `}
# Get the rendering target of this renderer
fun target: SDLTexture `{ return SDL_GetRenderTarget(self); `}
# Set the rendering target of this renderer
fun target=(val: SDLTexture) `{ SDL_SetRenderTarget(self, val); `}
# TODO add other renderer related methods:
# draw_rects
# draw_lines
# A color
extern class SDLColor `{ SDL_Color *`}
# Allocate the memory for a new `SDLColor`, it must then be freed with `free`
new malloc `{ return malloc(sizeof(SDL_Color)); `}
# Allocate the memory for a new `SDLColor` and fill it with `r`, `g`, `b` and `a`
# As with `malloc`, the new instances must then be freed with `free`.
new (r, g, b, a: Int)
var color = new SDLColor.malloc
color.set(r, g, b, a)
return color
# Set this instance's `r`, `g`, `b` and `a`
fun set(r, g, b, a: Int)
self.r = r
self.g = g
self.b = b
self.a = a
# The red component of this color `[0..255]`
fun r: Int `{ return self->r; `}
# Set the red component of this color `[0..255]`
fun r=(val: Int) `{ self->r = val; `}
# The green component of this color `[0..255]`
fun g: Int `{ return self->g; `}
# Set the green component of this color `[0..255]`
fun g=(val: Int) `{ self->g = val; `}
# The blue component of this color `[0..255]`
fun b: Int `{ return self->b; `}
# Set the blue component of this color `[0..255]`
fun b=(val: Int) `{ self->b = val; `}
# The alpha component of this color `[0..255]`
fun a: Int `{ return self->a; `}
# Set the ralpha component of this color `[0..255]`
fun a=(val: Int) `{ self->a = val; `}
# TODO implement the related `SDL_Palette` and related methods
# Flags for `SDLRenderer::new`
extern class SDLRendererFlags `{ Uint32 `}
# Get the default empty flag set
new `{ return 0; `}
# Add the flag to request a software renderer
fun software: SDLRendererFlags `{ return self | SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE; `}
# Add the flag to request an accelerated renderer
# This is the default option.
fun accelerated: SDLRendererFlags `{ return self | SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED; `}
# Add the flag to request a renderer where `SDLRenderer::present` is synchronized with the refresh rate
fun presentvsync: SDLRendererFlags `{ return self | SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC; `}
# Add the flag to request a renderer able to render to a texture
fun targettexture: SDLRendererFlags `{ return self | SDL_RENDERER_TARGETTEXTURE; `}
# A bitmap surface
extern class SDLSurface `{ SDL_Surface * `}
# Load the BMP file at `path`
new load_bmp(path: CString) `{ return SDL_LoadBMP(path); `}
redef fun free `{ SDL_FreeSurface(self); `}
# Save this texture to a BMP file
fun save_bmp(path: CString) `{ SDL_SaveBMP(self, path); `}
# Format of the pixels
fun format: SDL_PixelFormat `{ return self->format; `}
# Width in pixels
fun w: Int `{ return self->w; `}
# Height in pixels
fun h: Int `{ return self->h; `}
# Bytes in a row of pixels
fun pitch: Int `{ return self->pitch; `}
# Pointer to pixel data
fun pixels: Pointer `{ return self->pixels; `}
# Pixel format information
extern class SDL_PixelFormat `{ SDL_PixelFormat * `}
# Number of significant bits in a pixel
fun bits_per_pixel: Int `{ return self->BitsPerPixel; `}
# Number of bytes required to hold a pixel
fun bytes_per_pixel: Int `{ return self->BytesPerPixel; `}
# Mask of the location of the red component
fun rmask: UInt32 `{ return self->Rmask; `}
# Mask of the location of the green component
fun gmask: UInt32 `{ return self->Gmask; `}
# Mask of the location of the blue component
fun bmask: UInt32 `{ return self->Bmask; `}
# Mask of the location of the alpha component
fun amask: UInt32 `{ return self->Amask; `}
# A loaded bitmap texture
extern class SDLTexture `{ SDL_Texture * `}
# Get a `SDLTexture` from a `surface`, for a given `renderer`
new from_surface(renderer: SDLRenderer, surface: SDLSurface) `{
return SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surface);
# Destroy this texture
fun destroy `{ SDL_DestroyTexture(self); `}
# Width of this texture
fun width: Int `{
int val;
SDL_QueryTexture(self, NULL, NULL, &val, NULL);
return val;
# Height of this texture
fun height: Int `{
int val;
SDL_QueryTexture(self, NULL, NULL, NULL, &val);
return val;
# TODO other queries: format and access
# A rectangle
extern class SDLRect `{SDL_Rect *`}
# Get a null rectangle (on the C side), should be used only internally
new nil `{ return NULL; `}
# Allocate the memory for a new `SDLRect`, it must then be freed with `free`
new malloc`{ return malloc(sizeof(SDL_Rect)); `}
# Allocate the memory for a new `SDLRect` and fill it with `x`, `y`, `w` and `h`
# As with `malloc`, the new instances must then be freed with `free`.
new (x, y, w, h: Int)
var rect = new SDLRect.malloc
rect.set(x, y, w, h)
return rect
# Set this instance's `x`, `y`, `w` and `h`
fun set(x, y, w, h: Int)
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.w = w
self.h = h
# X coordinate of the top left corner
fun x: Int `{ return self->x; `}
# Set the X coordinate of the top left corner
fun x=(val: Int) `{ self->x = val; `}
# Y coordinate of the top left corner
fun y: Int `{ return self->y; `}
# Set the Y coordinate of the top left corner
fun y=(val: Int) `{ self->y = val; `}
# Width of this rectangle
fun w: Int `{ return self->w; `}
# Set the width of this rectangle
fun w=(val: Int) `{ self->w = val; `}
# Height of this rectangle
fun h: Int `{ return self->h; `}
# Set the height of this rectangle
fun h=(val: Int) `{ self->h = val; `}
# TODO implement other `SDLRect` related methods:
# SDL_EnclosePoints
# SDL_HasIntersection
# SDL_IntersectRect
# SDL_IntersectRectAndLine
# SDL_PointInRect
# SDL_RectEmpty
# SDL_RectEquals
# SDL_UnionRect
# A point with `x` and `y`
extern class SDLPoint `{SDL_Point *`}
# Get a null rectangle (on the C side), should be used only internally
new nil `{ return NULL; `}
# Allocate the memory for a new `SDLPoint`, it must the be freed with `free`
new malloc`{ return malloc(sizeof(SDL_Point)); `}
# Allocate the memory for a new `SDLPoint` and fill it with `x` and `y`
# As with `malloc`, the new instances must the be freed with `free`.
new (x, y: Int) do
var point = new SDLPoint.malloc
point.x = x
point.y = y
return point
# X coordinate of this point
fun x: Int `{ return self->x; `}
# Set the X coordinate of this point
fun x=(val: Int) `{ self->x = val; `}
# Y coordinate of this point
fun y: Int `{ return self->y; `}
# Set the Y coordinate of this point
fun y=(val: Int) `{ self->y = val; `}
# Flag to set the icon in `sys.sdl.show_simple_message_box` and `SDLWindow::show_simple_message_box`
extern class SDLMessageBoxFlags `{ Uint32 `}
# Request the error icon
new error `{ return SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR; `}
# Request the warning icon
new warning `{ return SDL_MESSAGEBOX_WARNING; `}
# Request the information icon
new information `{ return SDL_MESSAGEBOX_INFORMATION; `}
# Information on a `SDLRenderer`
extern class SDLRendererInfo `{ SDL_RendererInfo * `}
# Allocate the memory for a new `SDLRenderer`, it must then be freed with `free`
new malloc `{ return malloc(sizeof(SDL_RendererInfo)); `}
# Name of the renderer's driver
fun name: CString `{ return (char*)self->name; `}
# Maximum texture width supported by the renderer
fun max_texture_width: Int `{ return self->max_texture_width; `}
# Maximum texture height supported by the renderer
fun max_texture_height: Int `{ return self->max_texture_height; `}