An HTML element.

Introduced properties

fun add(child: HTMLTag): HTMLTag

html :: HTMLTag :: add

Add a HTML 'child' to self
fun add_class(klass: String): HTMLTag

html :: HTMLTag :: add_class

Add a CSS class to the HTML tag
fun add_classes(classes: Collection[String]): HTMLTag

html :: HTMLTag :: add_classes

Add multiple CSS classes
fun add_outer(parent: HTMLTag)

html :: HTMLTag :: add_outer

Replace self by parent.
fun add_raw_html(txt: String): HTMLTag

html :: HTMLTag :: add_raw_html

Append raw HTML to element
fun append(txt: String): HTMLTag

html :: HTMLTag :: append

Append text to element
fun attr(key: String, value: String): HTMLTag

html :: HTMLTag :: attr

Set a 'value' for 'key'
fun attrs: Map[String, String]

html :: HTMLTag :: attrs

Tag attributes map
protected fun attrs=(attrs: Map[String, String])

html :: HTMLTag :: attrs=

Tag attributes map
fun children: Array[HTMLTag]

html :: HTMLTag :: children

List of children HTML elements
protected fun children=(children: Array[HTMLTag])

html :: HTMLTag :: children=

List of children HTML elements
fun classes: Set[String]

html :: HTMLTag :: classes

CSS classes
protected fun classes=(classes: Set[String])

html :: HTMLTag :: classes=

CSS classes
fun css(prop: String, value: String): HTMLTag

html :: HTMLTag :: css

Set a CSS 'value' for 'prop'
fun get_attr(key: String): nullable String

html :: HTMLTag :: get_attr

Get the attributed value of 'prop' or null if 'prop' is undifened
fun get_css(prop: String): nullable String

html :: HTMLTag :: get_css

Get CSS value for 'prop'
fun is_void: Bool

html :: HTMLTag :: is_void

Is the HTML element a void element?
protected fun is_void=(is_void: Bool)

html :: HTMLTag :: is_void=

Is the HTML element a void element?
fun open(tag: String): HTMLTag

html :: HTMLTag :: open

Create a new HTMLTag child and return it
fun tag: String

html :: HTMLTag :: tag

HTML element type.
protected fun tag=(tag: String)

html :: HTMLTag :: tag=

HTML element type.
fun text(txt: String): HTMLTag

html :: HTMLTag :: text

Clear all child and set the text of element
init with_attrs(tag: String, attrs: Map[String, String])

html :: HTMLTag :: with_attrs

Create a HTML elements with the specifed type and attributes.

Redefined properties

redef type SELF: HTMLTag

html $ HTMLTag :: SELF

Type of this instance, automatically specialized in every class
redef init init

html $ HTMLTag :: init

redef fun write_to(stream: Writer)

html $ HTMLTag :: write_to

Write itself to a stream

All properties

fun !=(other: nullable Object): Bool

core :: Object :: !=

Have self and other different values?
fun ==(other: nullable Object): Bool

core :: Object :: ==

Have self and other the same value?
type CLASS: Class[SELF]

core :: Object :: CLASS

The type of the class of self.
type SELF: Object

core :: Object :: SELF

Type of this instance, automatically specialized in every class
fun add(child: HTMLTag): HTMLTag

html :: HTMLTag :: add

Add a HTML 'child' to self
fun add_class(klass: String): HTMLTag

html :: HTMLTag :: add_class

Add a CSS class to the HTML tag
fun add_classes(classes: Collection[String]): HTMLTag

html :: HTMLTag :: add_classes

Add multiple CSS classes
fun add_outer(parent: HTMLTag)

html :: HTMLTag :: add_outer

Replace self by parent.
fun add_raw_html(txt: String): HTMLTag

html :: HTMLTag :: add_raw_html

Append raw HTML to element
fun append(txt: String): HTMLTag

html :: HTMLTag :: append

Append text to element
fun attr(key: String, value: String): HTMLTag

html :: HTMLTag :: attr

Set a 'value' for 'key'
fun attrs: Map[String, String]

html :: HTMLTag :: attrs

Tag attributes map
protected fun attrs=(attrs: Map[String, String])

html :: HTMLTag :: attrs=

Tag attributes map
fun children: Array[HTMLTag]

html :: HTMLTag :: children

List of children HTML elements
protected fun children=(children: Array[HTMLTag])

html :: HTMLTag :: children=

List of children HTML elements
protected fun class_factory(name: String): CLASS

core :: Object :: class_factory

Implementation used by get_class to create the specific class.
fun class_name: String

core :: Object :: class_name

The class name of the object.
fun classes: Set[String]

html :: HTMLTag :: classes

CSS classes
protected fun classes=(classes: Set[String])

html :: HTMLTag :: classes=

CSS classes
fun css(prop: String, value: String): HTMLTag

html :: HTMLTag :: css

Set a CSS 'value' for 'prop'
fun get_attr(key: String): nullable String

html :: HTMLTag :: get_attr

Get the attributed value of 'prop' or null if 'prop' is undifened
fun get_class: CLASS

core :: Object :: get_class

The meta-object representing the dynamic type of self.
fun get_css(prop: String): nullable String

html :: HTMLTag :: get_css

Get CSS value for 'prop'
fun hash: Int

core :: Object :: hash

The hash code of the object.
init init

core :: Object :: init

fun inspect: String

core :: Object :: inspect

Developer readable representation of self.
protected fun inspect_head: String

core :: Object :: inspect_head

intern fun is_same_instance(other: nullable Object): Bool

core :: Object :: is_same_instance

Return true if self and other are the same instance (i.e. same identity).
fun is_same_serialized(other: nullable Object): Bool

core :: Object :: is_same_serialized

Is self the same as other in a serialization context?
intern fun is_same_type(other: Object): Bool

core :: Object :: is_same_type

Return true if self and other have the same dynamic type.
fun is_void: Bool

html :: HTMLTag :: is_void

Is the HTML element a void element?
protected fun is_void=(is_void: Bool)

html :: HTMLTag :: is_void=

Is the HTML element a void element?
intern fun object_id: Int

core :: Object :: object_id

An internal hash code for the object based on its identity.
fun open(tag: String): HTMLTag

html :: HTMLTag :: open

Create a new HTMLTag child and return it
fun output

core :: Object :: output

Display self on stdout (debug only).
intern fun output_class_name

core :: Object :: output_class_name

Display class name on stdout (debug only).
fun serialization_hash: Int

core :: Object :: serialization_hash

Hash value use for serialization
intern fun sys: Sys

core :: Object :: sys

Return the global sys object, the only instance of the Sys class.
fun tag: String

html :: HTMLTag :: tag

HTML element type.
protected fun tag=(tag: String)

html :: HTMLTag :: tag=

HTML element type.
fun text(txt: String): HTMLTag

html :: HTMLTag :: text

Clear all child and set the text of element
abstract fun to_jvalue(env: JniEnv): JValue

core :: Object :: to_jvalue

fun to_s: String

core :: Object :: to_s

User readable representation of self.
init with_attrs(tag: String, attrs: Map[String, String])

html :: HTMLTag :: with_attrs

Create a HTML elements with the specifed type and attributes.
abstract fun write_to(stream: Writer)

core :: Writable :: write_to

Write itself to a stream
fun write_to_bytes: Bytes

core :: Writable :: write_to_bytes

Like write_to but return a new Bytes (may be quite large)
fun write_to_file(filepath: String)

core :: Writable :: write_to_file

Like write_to but take care of creating the file
fun write_to_string: String

core :: Writable :: write_to_string

Like write_to but return a new String (may be quite large).
package_diagram html::HTMLTag HTMLTag core::Writable Writable html::HTMLTag->core::Writable core::Object Object core::Writable->core::Object ...core::Object ... ...core::Object->core::Object


interface Object

core :: Object

The root of the class hierarchy.


interface Writable

core :: Writable

Things that can be efficienlty written to a Writer

Class definitions

html $ HTMLTag
# An HTML element.
class HTMLTag
	super Writable

	# HTML element type.
	# `"div"` for `<div></div>`.
	var tag: String
	init do
		self.is_void = (once void_list).has(tag)

	private fun void_list: Set[String]
		return new HashSet[String].from(["area", "base", "br", "col", "command", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "keygen", "link", "meta", "param", "source", "track", "wbr"])

	# Is the HTML element a void element?
	#     assert (new HTMLTag("img")).is_void    == true
	#     assert (new HTMLTag("p")).is_void      == false
	var is_void: Bool is noinit

	# Create a HTML elements with the specifed type and attributes.
	init with_attrs(tag: String, attrs: Map[String, String]) do
		self.attrs = attrs

	# Tag attributes map
	var attrs: Map[String, String] = new ArrayMap[String, String] is lazy

	# Get the attributed value of 'prop' or null if 'prop' is undifened
	#     var img = new HTMLTag("img")
	#     img.attr("src", "./image.png").attr("alt", "image")
	#     assert img.get_attr("src")     == "./image.png"
	fun get_attr(key: String): nullable String do
		if not attrs.has_key(key) then return null
		return attrs[key]

	# Set a 'value' for 'key'
	#     var img = new HTMLTag("img")
	#     img.attr("src", "./image.png").attr("alt", "image")
	#     assert img.write_to_string      == """<img src=".&#47;image.png" alt="image"/>"""
	fun attr(key: String, value: String): HTMLTag do
		attrs[key] = value
		return self

	# Add a CSS class to the HTML tag
	#     var img = new HTMLTag("img")
	#     img.add_class("logo").add_class("fullpage")
	#     assert img.write_to_string      == """<img class="logo fullpage"/>"""
	fun add_class(klass: String): HTMLTag do
		return self

	# CSS classes
	var classes: Set[String] = new ArraySet[String] is lazy

	# Add multiple CSS classes
	#     var img = new HTMLTag("img")
	#     img.add_classes(["logo", "fullpage"])
	#     assert img.write_to_string      == """<img class="logo fullpage"/>"""
	fun add_classes(classes: Collection[String]): HTMLTag do
		return self

	# Set a CSS 'value' for 'prop'
	#     var img = new HTMLTag("img")
	#     img.css("border", "2px solid black").css("position", "absolute")
	#     assert img.write_to_string      == """<img style="border: 2px solid black; position: absolute"/>"""
	fun css(prop: String, value: String): HTMLTag do
		css_props[prop] = value
		return self
	private var css_props: Map[String, String] = new HashMap[String, String] is lazy

	# Get CSS value for 'prop'
	#     var img = new HTMLTag("img")
	#     img.css("border", "2px solid black").css("position", "absolute")
	#     assert img.get_css("border")    == "2px solid black"
	#     assert img.get_css("color")     == null
	fun get_css(prop: String): nullable String do
		if not css_props.has_key(prop) then return null
		return css_props[prop]

	# Replace `self` by `parent`.
	#     var elem = new HTMLTag("li")
	#     elem.add_outer(new HTMLTag("ul"))
	#     assert elem.write_to_string == "<ul><li></li></ul>"
	fun add_outer(parent: HTMLTag) do
		# copy self in new object
                var child = new HTMLTag(self.tag)
                child.attrs = self.attrs
                child.classes = self.classes
                child.css_props = self.css_props
                child.children = self.children
                # add copy in parent children elements
                # replace self by parent
                self.tag = parent.tag
                self.attrs = parent.attrs
                self.classes = parent.classes
                self.css_props = parent.css_props
                self.is_void = parent.is_void
                self.children = parent.children

	# Add a HTML 'child' to self
	#     var ul = new HTMLTag("ul")
	#     ul.add(new HTMLTag("li"))
	#     assert ul.write_to_string    == "<ul><li></li></ul>"
	# returns `self` for fluent programming
	fun add(child: HTMLTag): HTMLTag
		return self

	# Create a new HTMLTag child and return it
	#     var ul = new HTMLTag("ul")
	#     assert ul.write_to_string    == "<ul><li>12</li><li>34</li></ul>"
	fun open(tag: String): HTMLTag
		var res = new HTMLTag(tag)
		return res

	# List of children HTML elements
	var children: Array[HTMLTag] = new Array[HTMLTag] is lazy

	# Clear all child and set the text of element
	#     var p = new HTMLTag("p")
	#     p.text("Hello World!")
	#     assert p.write_to_string      ==  "<p>Hello World!</p>"
	# Text is escaped see: `core::String::html_escape`
	fun text(txt: String): HTMLTag do

		if isset _children then children.clear
		return self

	# Append text to element
	#     var p = new HTMLTag("p")
	#     p.append("Hello")
	#     p.add(new HTMLTag("br"))
	#     p.append("World!")
	#     assert p.write_to_string      ==  "<p>Hello<br/>World!</p>"
	# Text is escaped see: core::String::html_escape
	fun append(txt: String): HTMLTag do
		add(new HTMLRaw("", txt.html_escape))
		return self

	# Append raw HTML to element
	#     var p = new HTMLTag("p")
	#     p.append("Hello")
	#     p.add_raw_html("<bla/>foo")
	#     assert p.write_to_string   == "<p>Hello<bla/>foo</p>"
	# Note: the HTML in insered as it, no verification is done.
	fun add_raw_html(txt: String): HTMLTag do
		add(new HTMLRaw("", txt))
		return self

	redef fun write_to(stream) do
		stream.write "<"
		stream.write tag
		if is_void and (not isset _children or children.is_empty) then
			stream.write "/>"
			stream.write ">"
			if isset _children then for child in children do child.write_to(stream)
			stream.write "</"
			stream.write tag
			stream.write ">"

	private fun render_attrs_in(stream: Writer) do
		if not isset _attrs and not isset _classes and not isset _css_props then return
		if attrs.has_key("class") or not classes.is_empty then
			stream.write " class=\""
			var first = true
			for cls in classes do
				if not first then stream.write " " else first = false
				stream.write cls.html_escape
			if attrs.has_key("class") then
				if not first then stream.write " " else first = false
				stream.write attrs["class"].html_escape
			stream.write "\""

		if attrs.has_key("style") or not css_props.is_empty then
			stream.write " style=\""
			var first = true
			for k, v in css_props do
				if not first then stream.write "; " else first = false
				stream.write k.html_escape
				stream.write ": "
				stream.write v.html_escape
			if attrs.has_key("style") then
				if not first then stream.write "; " else first = false
			stream.write "\""

		if attrs.is_empty then return

		for key, value in attrs do
			if key == "class" or key == "style" then continue
			stream.write " "
			stream.write key.html_escape
			stream.write "=\""
			stream.write value.html_escape
			stream.write "\""