Java Virtual Machine invocation API and others services from the JNI C API

Users of this module and the Java FFI, on desktop computers, must define three environment variables:

  • JAVA_HOME points to the installation folder of the target Java VM. This folder should contain the JNI header file include/jni.h. e.g. /usr/lib/jvm/default-java on Debian Jessie.
  • JNI_LIB_PATH points to the folder with e.g. /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/jre/lib/amd64/server/ on Debian Jessie.
  • LD_LIBRARY_PATH has the path to the folder with It's the same value as JNI_LIB_PATH but LD_LIBRARY_PATH is a colon separated list which may contain other paths.


Introduced classes

extern class JClass

jvm :: JClass

Represents a jni jclass
extern class JFieldID

jvm :: JFieldID

Represents a jni jfieldID
extern class JMethodID

jvm :: JMethodID

Represents a jni jmethodID
extern class JNINativeMethod

jvm :: JNINativeMethod

Represents a jni JNINNativeMethod
extern class JValue

jvm :: JValue

Reprents a jni jvalue
extern class JavaObject

jvm :: JavaObject

Represens a jni jobject
extern class JavaVM

jvm :: JavaVM

Represents a jni JavaVM
class JavaVMBuilder

jvm :: JavaVMBuilder

Utility to select options to create the VM using create_jvm
extern class JniEnv

jvm :: JniEnv

Represents a jni JNIEnv, which is a thread in a JavaVM

Redefined classes

redef enum Bool

jvm :: jvm $ Bool

Native Booleans.
redef extern class CString

jvm :: jvm $ CString

C string char *
redef enum Float

jvm :: jvm $ Float

Native floating point numbers.
redef enum Int

jvm :: jvm $ Int

Native integer numbers.
redef interface Object

jvm :: jvm $ Object

The root of the class hierarchy.
redef abstract class String

jvm :: jvm $ String

Immutable sequence of characters.

All class definitions

redef enum Bool

jvm :: jvm $ Bool

Native Booleans.
redef extern class CString

jvm :: jvm $ CString

C string char *
redef enum Float

jvm :: jvm $ Float

Native floating point numbers.
redef enum Int

jvm :: jvm $ Int

Native integer numbers.
extern class JClass

jvm $ JClass

Represents a jni jclass
extern class JFieldID

jvm $ JFieldID

Represents a jni jfieldID
extern class JMethodID

jvm $ JMethodID

Represents a jni jmethodID
extern class JNINativeMethod

jvm $ JNINativeMethod

Represents a jni JNINNativeMethod
extern class JValue

jvm $ JValue

Reprents a jni jvalue
extern class JavaObject

jvm $ JavaObject

Represens a jni jobject
extern class JavaVM

jvm $ JavaVM

Represents a jni JavaVM
class JavaVMBuilder

jvm $ JavaVMBuilder

Utility to select options to create the VM using create_jvm
extern class JniEnv

jvm $ JniEnv

Represents a jni JNIEnv, which is a thread in a JavaVM
redef interface Object

jvm :: jvm $ Object

The root of the class hierarchy.
redef abstract class String

jvm :: jvm $ String

Immutable sequence of characters.
package_diagram jvm::jvm jvm core core jvm::jvm->core java::ffi_support ffi_support java::ffi_support->jvm::jvm java::collections collections java::collections->java::ffi_support java::io io java::io->java::ffi_support java::collections... ... java::collections...->java::collections java::io... ... java::io...->java::io


module abstract_collection

core :: abstract_collection

Abstract collection classes and services.
module abstract_text

core :: abstract_text

Abstract class for manipulation of sequences of characters
module array

core :: array

This module introduces the standard array structure.
module bitset

core :: bitset

Services to handle BitSet
module bytes

core :: bytes

Services for byte streams and arrays
module circular_array

core :: circular_array

Efficient data structure to access both end of the sequence.
module codec_base

core :: codec_base

Base for codecs to use with streams
module codecs

core :: codecs

Group module for all codec-related manipulations
module collection

core :: collection

This module define several collection classes.
module environ

core :: environ

Access to the environment variables of the process
module error

core :: error

Standard error-management infrastructure.
module exec

core :: exec

Invocation and management of operating system sub-processes.
module file

core :: file

File manipulations (create, read, write, etc.)
module fixed_ints

core :: fixed_ints

Basic integers of fixed-precision
module fixed_ints_text

core :: fixed_ints_text

Text services to complement fixed_ints
module flat

core :: flat

All the array-based text representations
module gc

core :: gc

Access to the Nit internal garbage collection mechanism
module hash_collection

core :: hash_collection

Introduce HashMap and HashSet.
module iso8859_1

core :: iso8859_1

Codec for ISO8859-1 I/O
module kernel

core :: kernel

Most basic classes and methods.
module list

core :: list

This module handle double linked lists
module math

core :: math

Mathematical operations
module native

core :: native

Native structures for text and bytes
module numeric

core :: numeric

Advanced services for Numeric types
module protocol

core :: protocol

module queue

core :: queue

Queuing data structures and wrappers
module range

core :: range

Module for range of discrete objects.
module re

core :: re

Regular expression support for all services based on Pattern
module ropes

core :: ropes

Tree-based representation of a String.
module sorter

core :: sorter

This module contains classes used to compare things and sorts arrays.
module stream

core :: stream

Input and output streams of characters
module text

core :: text

All the classes and methods related to the manipulation of text entities
module time

core :: time

Management of time and dates
module union_find

core :: union_find

union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
module utf8

core :: utf8

Codec for UTF-8 I/O


module core

core :: core

Standard classes and methods used by default by Nit programs and libraries.


module ffi_support

java :: ffi_support

Core supporting services for the FFI with Java


module a_star-m


module activities

android :: activities

Android Activities wrapper
module android

android :: android

Android services and implementation of app.nit
module android19

gamnit :: android19

Variation using features from Android API 19
module assets

android :: assets

Implementation of app::assets
module assets_and_resources

android :: assets_and_resources

Android Assets and Resources Management
module at_boot

android :: at_boot

Import this module to launch Service at device boot
module audio

android :: audio

Android audio services, wraps a part of android audio API
module bundle

android :: bundle

A mapping class of String to various value types used by the
module camera_control_android

gamnit :: camera_control_android

Two fingers camera manipulation, pinch to zoom and slide to scroll
module cardboard

gamnit :: cardboard

Update the orientation of world_camera at each frame using the head position given by android::cardboard
module cardboard

android :: cardboard

Services from the Google Cardboard SDK for virtual reality on Android
module collections

java :: collections

Basic Java collections
module dalvik

android :: dalvik

Java related services specific to Android and its Dalvik VM
module data_store

android :: data_store

Implements app::data_store using shared_preferences
module display_android

gamnit :: display_android

Gamnit display implementation for Android
module game

android :: game

Android services and implementation of app.nit for gamnit and mnit
module gamepad

android :: gamepad

Support for gamepad events (over Bluetooth or USB)
module gamnit_android

gamnit :: gamnit_android

Support services for Gamnit on Android
module http_request

android :: http_request

Android implementation of app:http_request
module input_events

android :: input_events

Pointer and hardware key events
module intent

android :: intent

Services allowing to launch activities and start/stop services using
module intent_api10

android :: intent_api10

Services allowing to launch activities and start/stop services using
module intent_api11

android :: intent_api11

Refines intent module to add API 11 services
module intent_api12

android :: intent_api12

Refines intent module to add API 12 services
module intent_api14

android :: intent_api14

Refines intent module to add API 14 services
module intent_api15

android :: intent_api15

Refines intent module to add API 15 services
module intent_api16

android :: intent_api16

Refines intent module to add API 16 services
module intent_api17

android :: intent_api17

Refines intent module to add API 17 services
module intent_api18

android :: intent_api18

Refines intent module to add API 18 services
module intent_api19

android :: intent_api19

Refines intent module to add API 19 services
module io

java :: io

Services from the package
module java

java :: java

Supporting services for the FFI with Java and to access Java libraries
module landscape

android :: landscape

Lock the application in the landscape orientation
module load_image

android :: load_image

Low-level services to load pixel data from the assets
module log

android :: log

Advanced Android logging services
module native_app_glue

android :: native_app_glue

Wrapper of the Android native_app_glue framework to implement app.nit
module native_notification

android :: native_notification

Native Java classes for notifications
module native_ui

android :: native_ui

Native services from the android.view and android.widget namespaces
module nit_activity

android :: nit_activity

Core implementation of app.nit on Android using a custom Java entry point
module notification

android :: notification

Services to show notification in the Android status bar
module platform

android :: platform

Triggers compilation for the android platform
module portrait

android :: portrait

Config to set the portrait orientation
module sensors

android :: sensors

Access Android sensors
module service

android :: service

Android service support for app.nit centered around the class Service
module shared_preferences

android :: shared_preferences

Services allowing to save and load datas to internal android device
module shared_preferences_api10

android :: shared_preferences_api10

Services to save/load data using android.content.SharedPreferences for the android platform
module shared_preferences_api11

android :: shared_preferences_api11

Refines shared_preferences module to add API 11 services
module toast

android :: toast

Services to display a toast, a small popup on Android
module ui

android :: ui

Views and services to use the Android native user interface
module ui_test

android :: ui_test

Test for app.nit's UI services
module vibration

android :: vibration

Vibration services for Android
module vr

gamnit :: vr

VR support for gamnit depth, for Android only
module wifi

android :: wifi

Simple wrapper of the Android WiFi services
# Java Virtual Machine invocation API and others services from the JNI C API
# Users of this module and the Java FFI, on desktop computers, must define three environment variables:
# * `JAVA_HOME` points to the installation folder of the target Java VM.
#   This folder should contain the JNI header file `include/jni.h`.
#   e.g. `/usr/lib/jvm/default-java` on Debian Jessie.
# * `JNI_LIB_PATH` points to the folder with ``.
#   e.g. `/usr/lib/jvm/default-java/jre/lib/amd64/server/` on Debian Jessie.
# * `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` has the path to the folder with ``.
#   It's the same value as `JNI_LIB_PATH` but `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` is a colon separated list
#   which may contain other paths.
# See:
module jvm is
	cflags "-I $(JAVA_HOME)/include/ -I $(JAVA_HOME)/include/linux/"
	ldflags "-L $(JNI_LIB_PATH) -ljvm"

in "C Header" `{
	#include <jni.h>

# Utility to select options to create the VM using `create_jvm`
# Usage example:
# ~~~~nitish
# var builder = new JavaVMBuilder
# builder.options.add "-Djava.class.path=."
# var jvm = builder.create_jvm
# var env = builder.jni_env
# ~~~~
class JavaVMBuilder

	# Version code of the JVM requested by `create_jvm`
	# Default at 0x00010002 for `JNI_VERSION_1_2`.
	var version = 0x00010002 is writable

	# Additional option strings
	var options = new Array[String]

	# Create a JVM instance, or return `null` on error
	fun create_jvm: nullable JavaVM
		var args = new JavaVMInitArgs
		args.version = version
		args.n_options = options.length

		var c_options = new JavaVMOptionArray(options.length)
		for o in options.length.times do
			var option = options[o]
			var c_option = c_options[o]
			c_option.string = option

		args.options = c_options

		var jvm = new JavaVM(args)

		if jvm.address_is_null then return null
		return jvm

private extern class JavaVMInitArgs `{ JavaVMInitArgs* `}
	new `{ return (JavaVMInitArgs*)malloc(sizeof(JavaVMInitArgs)); `}

	# Set the defaut config for a VM
	# Can be called after setting the version
	# Unavailable on Android, where you cannot instanciate a new JVM.
	fun set_default `{
	#ifndef ANDROID

	fun version: Int `{ return self->version; `}
	fun version=(v: Int) `{ self->version = v; `}

	fun options: JavaVMOptionArray `{ return self->options; `}
	fun options=(v: JavaVMOptionArray) `{ self->options = v; `}

	fun n_options: Int `{ return self->nOptions; `}
	fun n_options=(v: Int) `{ self->nOptions = v; `}

private extern class JavaVMOption `{ JavaVMOption* `}
	fun string: String import CString.to_s `{
		return CString_to_s((char*)self->optionString);
	fun string=(v: String) import String.to_cstring `{
		self->optionString = String_to_cstring(v);

	fun extra_info: String import CString.to_s `{
		return CString_to_s((char*)self->extraInfo);
	fun extra_info=(v: String) import String.to_cstring `{
		self->extraInfo = String_to_cstring(v);

private extern class JavaVMOptionArray `{ JavaVMOption* `}
	new(size: Int) `{ return (JavaVMOption*)malloc(sizeof(JavaVMOption)*size); `}

	fun [](i: Int): JavaVMOption `{ return self+i; `}

# Represents a jni JavaVM
extern class JavaVM `{JavaVM *`}
	# Create the JVM
	# The corresponding `JniEnv` can be obtained by calling `env`.
	# Unavailable on some platforms, including Android where you cannot instanciate a new JVM.
	private new(args: JavaVMInitArgs) import jni_error `{

	#ifdef ANDROID
		JavaVM_jni_error(NULL, "JVM creation not supported on Android", 0);
		return NULL;

		JavaVM *jvm;
		JNIEnv *env;
		jint res;

		res = JNI_CreateJavaVM(&jvm, (void**)&env, args);

		if (res != JNI_OK) {
			JavaVM_jni_error(NULL, "Could not create Java VM", res);
			return NULL;

		return jvm;

	private fun jni_error(msg: CString, v: Int)
		print "JNI Error: {msg} ({v})"

	# Unload the Java VM when the calling thread is the only remaining non-daemon attached user thread
	fun destroy `{

	# `JniEnv` attached to the calling thread
	# A null pointer is returned if the calling thread is not attached to the JVM.
	fun env: JniEnv import jni_error `{
		JNIEnv *env;
		int res = (*self)->GetEnv(self, (void **)&env, JNI_VERSION_1_6);
		if (res == JNI_EDETACHED) {
			JavaVM_jni_error(NULL, "Requesting JNIEnv from an unattached thread", res);
			return NULL;
		else if (res != JNI_OK) {
			JavaVM_jni_error(NULL, "Could not get JNIEnv from Java VM", res);
			return NULL;
		return env;

	# Attach the calling thread to the JVM and return its `JniEnv`
	fun attach_current_thread: JniEnv import jni_error `{
		JNIEnv *env;
	#ifdef ANDROID
		// the signature is different (better actually) on Android
		int res = (*self)->AttachCurrentThread(self, &env, NULL);
		int res = (*self)->AttachCurrentThread(self, (void**)&env, NULL);
		if (res != JNI_OK) {
			JavaVM_jni_error(NULL, "Could not attach current thread to Java VM", res);
			return NULL;
		return env;

	# Detach the calling thread from this JVM
	fun detach_current_thread import jni_error `{
		int res = (*self)->DetachCurrentThread(self);
		if (res != JNI_OK) {
			JavaVM_jni_error(NULL, "Could not detach current thread to Java VM", res);

# Represents a jni JNIEnv, which is a thread in a JavaVM
extern class JniEnv `{JNIEnv *`}

	# Get a class object from its fully-qualified name or null if the class cannot be found
	fun find_class(class_name : String): JClass import String.to_cstring `{
		return (*self)->FindClass(self,String_to_cstring(class_name));

	# Return the method id for an instance of a class or interface
	# The method is determined by its name and signature
	# To obtain the method ID of a constructor, supply "<init>" as the method name and "void(V)" as the return type
	fun get_method_id(clazz : JClass, name : String, signature : String): JMethodID import String.to_cstring `{
		return (*self)->GetMethodID(self, clazz, String_to_cstring(name), String_to_cstring(signature));

	# Construct a new Java object from the `clazz`, using the constructor ̀ method_id`
	fun new_object(clazz: JClass, method_id: JMethodID): JavaObject `{
		return (*self)->NewObject(self, clazz, method_id);

	# Return the JClass of `obj`
	fun get_object_class(obj: JavaObject): JClass `{
		return (*self)->GetObjectClass(self, obj);

	# Registers native methods with the class specified by the `clazz` argument
	fun register_natives(clazz: JClass, method: JNINativeMethod, n_method : Int): Int `{
		return (*self)->RegisterNatives(self, clazz, method, n_method);

	# Call a method on `obj` designed by `method_id` with an array `args` of arguments
	fun call_void_method(obj: JavaObject, method_id: JMethodID, args: nullable Array[nullable Object]) import convert_args_to_jni `{
		jvalue * args_tab = JniEnv_convert_args_to_jni(self, args);
		(*self)->CallVoidMethodA(self, obj, method_id, args_tab);

	# Call a method on `obj` designed by `method_id` with an array `args` of argument returning a JavaObject
	fun call_object_method(obj: JavaObject, method_id: JMethodID, args: nullable Array[nullable Object]): JavaObject import convert_args_to_jni `{
		jvalue * args_tab = JniEnv_convert_args_to_jni(self, args);
		jobject res = (*self)->CallObjectMethod(self, obj, method_id, args_tab);
		return res;

	# Call a method on `obj` designed by `method_id` with an array `args` of arguments returning a Bool
	fun call_boolean_method(obj: JavaObject, method_id: JMethodID, args: nullable Array[nullable Object]): Bool import convert_args_to_jni `{
		jvalue * args_tab = JniEnv_convert_args_to_jni(self, args);
		jboolean res = (*self)->CallBooleanMethod(self, obj, method_id, args_tab);
		return res;

	# Call a method on `obj` designed by `method_id` with an array `args` of arguments returning a Char
	fun call_char_method(obj: JavaObject, method_id: JMethodID, args: nullable Array[nullable Object]): Char import convert_args_to_jni `{
		jvalue * args_tab = JniEnv_convert_args_to_jni(self, args);
		jchar res = (*self)->CallCharMethod(self, obj, method_id, args_tab);
		return res;

	# Call a method on `obj` designed by `method_id` with an array `args` of arguments returning an Int
	fun call_int_method(obj: JavaObject, method_id: JMethodID, args: nullable Array[nullable Object]): Int import convert_args_to_jni `{
		jvalue * args_tab = JniEnv_convert_args_to_jni(self, args);
		jint res = (*self)->CallIntMethod(self, obj, method_id, args_tab);
		return res;

	# Call a method on `obj` designed by `method_id` with an array `args` of arguments returning a Float
	fun call_float_method(obj: JavaObject, method_id: JMethodID, args: nullable Array[nullable Object]): Float import convert_args_to_jni `{
		jvalue * args_tab = JniEnv_convert_args_to_jni(self, args);
		jfloat res = (*self)->CallFloatMethod(self, obj, method_id, args_tab);
		return res;

	# Call a method on `obj` designed by `method_id` with an array `args` of arguments returning a CString
	fun call_string_method(obj: JavaObject, method_id: JMethodID, args: nullable Array[nullable Object]): CString import convert_args_to_jni `{
		jvalue * args_tab = JniEnv_convert_args_to_jni(self, args);
		jobject jobj = (*self)->CallObjectMethod(self, obj, method_id, args_tab);
		return (char*)(*self)->GetStringUTFChars(self, (jstring)jobj, NULL);

	private fun convert_args_to_jni(args: nullable Array[nullable Object]): Pointer import Array[nullable Object].as not nullable, Array[nullable Object].[], Array[nullable Object].length, nullable, nullable, nullable, nullable, nullable, nullable, String.to_cstring, String.length `{
			return NULL;
		Array_of_nullable_Object nit_array = nullable_Array_of_nullable_Object_as_Array_of_nullable_Object(args);
		int nit_array_length = Array_of_nullable_Object_length(nit_array);
		int i;
		jvalue *c_array = malloc(sizeof(jvalue)*(nit_array_length));
		for (i = 0; i < nit_array_length; i ++) {
			nullable_Object nullable_obj = Array_of_nullable_Object__index(nit_array, i);
			if(nullable_Object_is_a_Int(nullable_obj)) {
				int val = nullable_Object_as_Int(nullable_obj);
				c_array[i].i = val;
			} else if (nullable_Object_is_a_Char(nullable_obj)){
				char val = nullable_Object_as_Char(nullable_obj);
				c_array[i].c = val;
			} else if (nullable_Object_is_a_Bool(nullable_obj)){
				int val = nullable_Object_as_Bool(nullable_obj);
				c_array[i].z = val;
			} else if(nullable_Object_is_a_Float(nullable_obj)){
				float val = nullable_Object_as_Float(nullable_obj);
				c_array[i].f = val;
			} else if(nullable_Object_is_a_JavaObject(nullable_obj)){
				jobject val = nullable_Object_as_JavaObject(nullable_obj);
				c_array[i].l = val;
			} else if(nullable_Object_is_a_String(nullable_obj)){
				String val = nullable_Object_as_String(nullable_obj);
				char* c = String_to_cstring(val);
				jstring js = (*self)->NewStringUTF(self, c);
				c_array[i].l = js;
			} else {
				fprintf(stderr, "NOT YET SUPPORTED: nit objects are not supported\n");
		return c_array;

	# Returns the field ID for an instance field of a class. The field is specified by its name and signature
	fun get_field_id(clazz: JClass, name: String, sign: String): JFieldID import String.to_cstring `{
		return (*self)->GetFieldID(self, clazz, String_to_cstring(name), String_to_cstring(sign));

	# returns the value of an instance (nonstatic) field of an object. The field to access is specified by a field ID obtained by calling get_field_id()
	fun get_object_field(obj: JavaObject, fieldID: JFieldID): JavaObject `{
		return (*self)->GetObjectField(self, obj, fieldID);

	fun get_boolean_field(obj: JavaObject, fieldID: JFieldID): Bool `{
		return (*self)->GetBooleanField(self, obj, fieldID);

	fun get_char_field(obj: JavaObject, fieldID: JFieldID): Char `{
		return (*self)->GetCharField(self, obj, fieldID);

	fun get_int_field(obj: JavaObject, fieldID: JFieldID): Int `{
		return (*self)->GetIntField(self, obj, fieldID);

	fun get_float_field(obj: JavaObject, fieldID: JFieldID): Float `{
		return (*self)->GetFloatField(self, obj, fieldID);

	fun set_object_field(obj: JavaObject, fieldID: JFieldID, value: JavaObject) `{
		(*self)->SetObjectField(self, obj, fieldID, value);

	fun set_boolean_field(obj: JavaObject, fieldID: JFieldID, value: Bool) `{
		(*self)->SetBooleanField(self, obj, fieldID, value);

	fun set_char_field(obj: JavaObject, fieldID: JFieldID, value: Char) `{
		(*self)->SetCharField(self, obj, fieldID, value);

	fun set_int_field(obj: JavaObject, fieldID: JFieldID, value: Int) `{
		(*self)->SetIntField(self, obj, fieldID, value);

	fun set_float_field(obj: JavaObject, fieldID: JFieldID, value: Float) `{
		(*self)->SetFloatField(self, obj, fieldID, value);

	# Check for pending exception without creating a local reference to the exception object
	fun exception_check: Bool `{
		return (*self)->ExceptionCheck(self);

	# Construct an exception object from the specified class with the message specified by `message` and causes that exception to be thrown
	fun throw_new(clazz: JClass, message: String): Int import String.to_cstring `{
		return (*self)->ThrowNew(self, clazz, String_to_cstring(message));

	# return the exception if there is one in the process of being thrown, or NULL if no exception is currently being thrown
	fun exception_occurred: JavaObject `{
		return (*self)->ExceptionOccurred(self);

	# prints an exception and backtrace to error channel
	fun exception_describe `{
		return (*self)->ExceptionDescribe(self);

	# clears any exception currently being thrown, has no effect if there is no exception
	fun exception_clear `{
		return (*self)->ExceptionClear(self);

	# Raise a fatal error
	fun fatal_error(msg: String) import String.to_cstring `{
		(*self)->FatalError(self, String_to_cstring(msg));

	# Transform a NIT String into a JavaObject
	fun string_to_jobject(string: String): JavaObject `{
		return (*self)->NewStringUTF(self, String_to_cstring(string));

	# Pushes a local reference frame on the JNI stack
	fun push_local_frame(capacity: Int): Bool `{
		return (*self)->PushLocalFrame(self, capacity);

	# Pops the current local reference frame on the JNI stack
	# Similiar to `JavaObject::pop_from_local_frame` which returns a value.
	fun pop_local_frame `{
		(*self)->PopLocalFrame(self, NULL);

# Represents a jni jclass
extern class JClass `{jclass`}

# Represents a jni jmethodID
extern class JMethodID `{jmethodID`}

# Represens a jni jobject
extern class JavaObject in "Java" `{ java.lang.Object `}

# Represents a jni JNINNativeMethod
extern class JNINativeMethod `{ JNINativeMethod* `}
	fun name: String import CString.to_s `{
		return CString_to_s((void*)self->name);

	fun name=(name: String) import String.to_cstring `{
		self->name = String_to_cstring(name);

	fun signature: String import CString.to_s `{
		return CString_to_s((void*)self->signature);

	fun signature=(signature: String) import String.to_cstring `{
		self->signature = String_to_cstring(signature);

# Represents a jni jfieldID
extern class JFieldID `{jfieldID`}

# Reprents a jni jvalue
extern class JValue `{jvalue`}

	fun set_boolean(b: Bool) `{
		self.z = b;

	fun get_boolean:Bool `{
		return self.z;

	fun set_char(c: Char)`{
		self.c = c;

	fun get_char: Char `{
		return self.c;

	fun set_int(i: Int) `{
		self.i = i;

	fun get_int: Int `{
		return self.i;

	fun set_float(f: Float) `{
		self.f = f;

	fun get_float: Float `{
		return self.f;

	fun set_jobject(obj: JavaObject) `{
		self.l = obj;

	fun get_jobject: JavaObject `{
		return self.l;

redef class Int
	redef fun to_jvalue(env): JValue `{
		jvalue value;
		value.i = self;
		return value;

redef class Float
	redef fun to_jvalue(env): JValue `{
		jvalue value;
		value.f = self;
		return value;

redef class Bool
	redef fun to_jvalue(env): JValue `{
		jvalue value;
		value.z = self;
		return value;

redef class CString
	redef fun to_jvalue(env)`{
		jvalue value;
		value.l = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, self);
		return value;

redef class String
	redef fun to_jvalue(env) do
		return self.to_cstring.to_jvalue(env)

redef class Object
	fun to_jvalue(env: JniEnv): JValue is abstract