Property definitions

neo4j $ NeoGraph :: defaultinit
# A Neo4j graph with a local identification scheme for its nodes.
# An identification scheme can be defined by subclassing `NeoNodeCollection`.
# `GraphStore` can be subclassed to add ways to save or load a graph. The
# storing mechanisms may use `nodes.id_of` to identify the nodes in the graph
# while encoding the relationships.
class NeoGraph
	# All the nodes in the graph.
	var nodes: NeoNodeCollection

	# All the relationships in the graph.
	var edges: SimpleCollection[NeoEdge] = new Array[NeoEdge]

	# Add a new node to the graph and return it.
	# Set the local ID of the node before returning it.
	# SEE: `NeoNodeCollection.add`
	# SEE: `NeoNodeCollection.create_node`
	# SEE: `NeoNodeCollection.register`
	fun create_node: NeoNode do return nodes.create_node