Property definitions

android $ NdkNativeActivity :: defaultinit
# An Android activity implemented in C. This is the C part of `NativeActivity`
# which is the Java part.
# The callbacks at this level are synchronous on the UI thread. Thus app.nit
# do not use them, and instead rely on `NativeAppGlue`.
extern class NdkNativeActivity `{ ANativeActivity * `}

	# Callbacks on the main thread
	# FIXME This would not yet be usable, to implement when Nit has threads
	#fun set_callbacks_handler(handler: App) or callbacks= ...

	# Java VM associated to `self`
	fun vm: JavaVM `{ return self->vm; `}

	# JNI environmnet associated to `self`
	fun env: JniEnv `{ return self->env; `}

	# The `NativeActivity`, as in the Java object, associated to `self`
	fun java_native_activity: NativeActivity `{ return self->clazz; `}

	# Path to this application's internal data directory.
	fun internal_data_path: CString `{ return (char*)self->internalDataPath; `}

	# Path to this application's external (removable/mountable) data directory.
	fun external_data_path: CString `{ return (char*)self->externalDataPath; `}

	# The platform's SDK version code.
	fun sdk_version: Int `{ return self->sdkVersion; `}

	# This is the native instance of the application.  It is not used by
	# the framework, but can be set by the application to its own instance
	# state.
	fun instance: Pointer `{ return self->instance; `}

	# Pointer to the Asset Manager instance for the application.  The application
	# uses this to access binary assets bundled inside its own .apk file.
	# TODO activate in a future `asset_manager` module if it cannot be done in Java
	#fun asset_manager: AssetManager `{ return self->assetManager; `}

	# Available starting with Honeycomb: path to the directory containing
	# the application's OBB files (if any).  If the app doesn't have any
	# OBB files, this directory may not exist.
	# api?
	# TODO activate in a future module at API 11
	#fun obb_path: CString `{ return (char*)self->obbPath; `}