Property definitions

gamnit $ VirtualGamepad :: defaultinit
# Gamepad on touch screen bound to keyboard keys
# Fires `VirtualGamepadEvent` which implement `KeyEvent` so it behaves like a keyboard.
class VirtualGamepad

	private var sprites = new Array[Sprite]

	# Controls composing this gamepad
	# Controls can be added directly to this array or using `add_dpad`
	# and `add_button`.
	var controls = new Array[RoundControl]

	# Add and return a directional pad (`DPad`) to a default location
	# The 4 buttons fire events with the corresponding name in `names`.
	# Items in `names` should be in order of top, left, down and right.
	# If `null`, defaults to WASD.
	# If this method is called, it should be before `add_button` to
	# avoid overlapping controls.
	# A maximum of 2 `DPad` may be added using this method.
	# The first `DPad` is placed on the left of the screen.
	# The second `DPad` is on the right and replaces some buttons
	# added by `add_button`.
	# Require: `names == null or names.length == 4`
	fun add_dpad(names: nullable Array[String]): nullable DPad
		if names == null then names = ["w","a","s","d"]
		assert names.length == 4

		if n_dpads == 0 then
			var dpad = new DPad(app.ui_camera.bottom_left.offset(200.0, 100.0, 0.0), names)
			controls.add dpad
			return dpad
		else if n_dpads == 1 then
			var dpad = new DPad(app.ui_camera.bottom_right.offset(-200.0, 100.0, 0.0), names)
			controls.add dpad
			return dpad
			print_error "Too many DPad ({n_dpads}) in {self}"
			return null

	# Number of `DPad` in `controls`
	private fun n_dpads: Int
		var n_dpads = 0
		for c in controls do if c isa DPad then n_dpads += 1
		return n_dpads

	# Button positions for `add_button`, offsets from the bottom right
	private var button_positions = new Array[Point[Float]].with_items(
		new Point[Float](-150.0, 150.0),
		new Point[Float](-150.0, 350.0),
		new Point[Float](-150.0, 550.0),
		new Point[Float](-350.0, 150.0),
		new Point[Float](-350.0, 350.0),
		new Point[Float](-350.0, 550.0))

	# Add and return a round button to a default location
	# Fired events use `name`, it should usually correspond to a
	# keyboard key like "space" or "a".
	# `texture` is displayed at the button position, it also sets the
	# touchable surface of the button.
	# If this method is called, it should be after `add_dpad` to
	# avoid overlapping controls.
	# A maximum of 6 buttons may be added using this method when
	# there is less than 2 `DPad`. Otherwise, only 2 buttons can be added.
	fun add_button(name: String, texture: Texture): nullable RoundButton
		if n_dpads == 2 and button_positions.length == 6 then
			# Drop the bottom 4 buttons
			button_positions.remove_at 4
			button_positions.remove_at 3
			button_positions.remove_at 1
			button_positions.remove_at 0

		assert button_positions.not_empty else print_error "Too many buttons in {self}"
		var pos = button_positions.shift
		var but = new RoundButton(
			app.ui_camera.bottom_right.offset(pos.x, pos.y, 0.0), name, texture)
		controls.add but
		return but

	private fun prepare
		var display = app.display
		assert display != null

		for control in controls do
			var sprites = control.sprites
			app.ui_sprites.add_all sprites

	# Is this control visible?
	var visible = false is private writable(visible_direct=)

	# Set this control to visible or not
	fun visible=(value: Bool)
		visible_direct = value
		if value then show else hide

	private fun show
		if sprites.is_empty then prepare
		app.ui_sprites.add_all sprites

	private fun hide do for s in sprites do app.ui_sprites.remove_all s

	private var control_under_pointer = new Map[Int, RoundControl]

	private fun accept_event(event: InputEvent): Bool
		if not visible then return false

		var display = app.display
		if display == null then return false

		if event isa PointerEvent then
			var ui_pos = app.ui_camera.camera_to_ui(event.x, event.y)

			for control in controls do
				if control.accept_event(event, ui_pos) then
					var prev_control = control_under_pointer.get_or_null(event.pointer_id)
					if prev_control != null and prev_control != control then
					control_under_pointer[event.pointer_id] = control
					return true

			var prev_control = control_under_pointer.get_or_null(event.pointer_id)
			if prev_control != null then prev_control.depressed_down
			control_under_pointer.keys.remove event.pointer_id

		return false