For Android, the texture is automatically added to the APK when this
module is imported. However, due to a limitation of the app.nit
framework on desktop OS, the texture must be copied manually to the assets
folder at assets/images
, the texture is available at, from the repo root,
The texture was created by and modified by Alexis Laferrière. It is published under CC0 and can be used and modified without attribution.
redef class App
redef fun create_scene
# Create the virtual gamepad
var gamepad = new VirtualGamepad
# Configure it as needed
gamepad.add_button("x", gamepad_spritesheet.x)
# Assign it as the active gamepad
self.gamepad = gamepad
fun setup_play_ui
# Show the virtual gamepad
var gamepad = self.gamepad
if gamepad != null then gamepad.visible = true
to show more useful information
more_collections :: more_collections
Highly specific, but useful, collections-related classes.performance_analysis :: performance_analysis
Services to gather information on the performance of events by categoriesserialization :: serialization_core
Abstract services to serialize Nit objects to different formatscore :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
# Virtual gamepad mapped to keyboard keys for quick and dirty mobile support
# For Android, the texture is automatically added to the APK when this
# module is imported. However, due to a limitation of the _app.nit_
# framework on desktop OS, the texture must be copied manually to the assets
# folder at `assets/images`, the texture is available at, from the repo root,
# `lib/gamnit/virtual_gamepad/assets/images`.
# The texture was created by and modified by Alexis Laferrière.
# It is published under CC0 and can be used and modified without attribution.
# ~~~
# redef class App
# redef fun create_scene
# do
# super
# # Create the virtual gamepad
# var gamepad = new VirtualGamepad
# # Configure it as needed
# gamepad.add_dpad(["w","a","s","d"])
# gamepad.add_button("x", gamepad_spritesheet.x)
# gamepad.add_button("space",
# # Assign it as the active gamepad
# self.gamepad = gamepad
# end
# fun setup_play_ui
# do
# # Show the virtual gamepad
# var gamepad = self.gamepad
# if gamepad != null then gamepad.visible = true
# end
# end
# ~~~
module virtual_gamepad is app_files
import flat
private import keys
import virtual_gamepad_spritesheet
redef class App
# Current touch gamepad, still may be invisible
var gamepad: nullable VirtualGamepad = null is writable
# Textures used for `DPad` and available to clients
var gamepad_spritesheet = new VirtualGamepadSpritesheet
redef fun accept_event(event)
# Priority to the gamepad
var gamepad = gamepad
if gamepad != null and gamepad.accept_event(event) then return true
return super
# Gamepad on touch screen bound to keyboard keys
# Fires `VirtualGamepadEvent` which implement `KeyEvent` so it behaves like a keyboard.
class VirtualGamepad
private var sprites = new Array[Sprite]
# Controls composing this gamepad
# Controls can be added directly to this array or using `add_dpad`
# and `add_button`.
var controls = new Array[RoundControl]
# Add and return a directional pad (`DPad`) to a default location
# The 4 buttons fire events with the corresponding name in `names`.
# Items in `names` should be in order of top, left, down and right.
# If `null`, defaults to WASD.
# If this method is called, it should be before `add_button` to
# avoid overlapping controls.
# A maximum of 2 `DPad` may be added using this method.
# The first `DPad` is placed on the left of the screen.
# The second `DPad` is on the right and replaces some buttons
# added by `add_button`.
# Require: `names == null or names.length == 4`
fun add_dpad(names: nullable Array[String]): nullable DPad
if names == null then names = ["w","a","s","d"]
assert names.length == 4
if n_dpads == 0 then
var dpad = new DPad(app.ui_camera.bottom_left.offset(200.0, 100.0, 0.0), names)
controls.add dpad
return dpad
else if n_dpads == 1 then
var dpad = new DPad(app.ui_camera.bottom_right.offset(-200.0, 100.0, 0.0), names)
controls.add dpad
return dpad
print_error "Too many DPad ({n_dpads}) in {self}"
return null
# Number of `DPad` in `controls`
private fun n_dpads: Int
var n_dpads = 0
for c in controls do if c isa DPad then n_dpads += 1
return n_dpads
# Button positions for `add_button`, offsets from the bottom right
private var button_positions = new Array[Point[Float]].with_items(
new Point[Float](-150.0, 150.0),
new Point[Float](-150.0, 350.0),
new Point[Float](-150.0, 550.0),
new Point[Float](-350.0, 150.0),
new Point[Float](-350.0, 350.0),
new Point[Float](-350.0, 550.0))
# Add and return a round button to a default location
# Fired events use `name`, it should usually correspond to a
# keyboard key like "space" or "a".
# `texture` is displayed at the button position, it also sets the
# touchable surface of the button.
# If this method is called, it should be after `add_dpad` to
# avoid overlapping controls.
# A maximum of 6 buttons may be added using this method when
# there is less than 2 `DPad`. Otherwise, only 2 buttons can be added.
fun add_button(name: String, texture: Texture): nullable RoundButton
if n_dpads == 2 and button_positions.length == 6 then
# Drop the bottom 4 buttons
button_positions.remove_at 4
button_positions.remove_at 3
button_positions.remove_at 1
button_positions.remove_at 0
assert button_positions.not_empty else print_error "Too many buttons in {self}"
var pos = button_positions.shift
var but = new RoundButton(
app.ui_camera.bottom_right.offset(pos.x, pos.y, 0.0), name, texture)
controls.add but
return but
private fun prepare
var display = app.display
assert display != null
for control in controls do
var sprites = control.sprites
app.ui_sprites.add_all sprites
# Is this control visible?
var visible = false is private writable(visible_direct=)
# Set this control to visible or not
fun visible=(value: Bool)
visible_direct = value
if value then show else hide
private fun show
if sprites.is_empty then prepare
app.ui_sprites.add_all sprites
private fun hide do for s in sprites do app.ui_sprites.remove_all s
private var control_under_pointer = new Map[Int, RoundControl]
private fun accept_event(event: InputEvent): Bool
if not visible then return false
var display = app.display
if display == null then return false
if event isa PointerEvent then
var ui_pos = app.ui_camera.camera_to_ui(event.x, event.y)
for control in controls do
if control.accept_event(event, ui_pos) then
var prev_control = control_under_pointer.get_or_null(event.pointer_id)
if prev_control != null and prev_control != control then
control_under_pointer[event.pointer_id] = control
return true
var prev_control = control_under_pointer.get_or_null(event.pointer_id)
if prev_control != null then prev_control.depressed_down
control_under_pointer.keys.remove event.pointer_id
return false
# Event fired by a `VirtualGamepad`
class VirtualGamepadEvent
super KeyEvent
redef var name
redef var is_down is noautoinit
# Control composing a `VirtualGamepad`
abstract class RoundControl
# Center position on the UI
var center: Point3d[Float]
# Radius in UI units/pixels of the part of this control
fun radius: Float is abstract
private fun sprites: Array[Sprite] do return new Array[Sprite]
private fun accept_event(event: InputEvent, ui_pos: Point[Float]): Bool
if event isa PointerEvent and contains(ui_pos) then
return hit(event, ui_pos)
return false
# Does `self` contain a pointer at `ui_pos`?
private fun contains(ui_pos: Point[Float]): Bool
var dx = center.x - ui_pos.x
var dy = center.y - ui_pos.y
return dx*dx + dy*dy < radius*radius
private fun hit(event: PointerEvent, ui_pos: Point[Float]): Bool
do return false
# Keys currently down, to be depressed if the pointer moves away
private var down_names = new Set[String]
# Depress/release keys kept down, listed by `down_names`
private fun depressed_down
for name in down_names do
var e = new VirtualGamepadEvent(name)
e.is_down = false
app.accept_event e
# Simple action button
class RoundButton
super RoundControl
# Event name, should usually correspond to a keyboard key like "a" or "left"
var name: String
# Texture drawn for this button, may be from `app.gamepad_spritesheet`
var texture: Texture
redef fun radius do return 0.5*texture.height
redef fun hit(event, ui_pos)
if not event.is_move then
var e = new VirtualGamepadEvent(name.to_s)
e.is_down = event.pressed
app.accept_event e
if event.pressed then
down_names.add name
else down_names.clear
return true
redef var sprites = [new Sprite(texture, center)] is lazy
# Directional pad with up to 4 buttons
# Assumes that each pad is manipulated by at max a single pointer.
class DPad
super RoundControl
# Event names for the keys, in order of top, left, down and right
var names: Array[String]
# Show the up button
var show_up = true is writable
# Show the down button
var show_down = true is writable
# Show the left button
var show_left = true is writable
# Show the right button
var show_right = true is writable
redef fun radius do return 200.0
redef fun contains(ui_pos)
if show_down then return super(new Point[Float](ui_pos.x+0.0, ui_pos.y-100.0))
return super
redef fun hit(event, ui_pos)
var display = app.display
if display == null then return false
var dx = ui_pos.x - center.x
var dy = ui_pos.y - center.y
if show_down then dy -= 100.0
# Angle (with 0.0 on the right) to index in WASD (0 -> W/up)
var indexes = new Set[Int]
var ao = atan2(dy, dx)
ao -= pi/4.0
# Look for 2 angles so 2 buttons can be pressed at the same time
for da in once [-pi/8.0, pi/8.0] do
var a = ao+da
while a < 0.0 do a += pi*2.0
while a > 2.0*pi do a -= pi*2.0
var index = (a * 2.0 / pi).floor.to_i
if index < 0 then index += 4
indexes.add index
var shows = [show_up, show_left, show_down, show_right]
var new_down_names = new Set[String]
for index in indexes do
# Don't trigger events for hidden buttons/directions
if not shows[index] then continue
var name = names[index]
# Simulate event
var e = new VirtualGamepadEvent(name)
e.is_down = event.pressed
app.accept_event e
if event.pressed then new_down_names.add name
# Depress released directions
for name in down_names do
if not new_down_names.has(name) then
var e = new VirtualGamepadEvent(name)
e.is_down = false
app.accept_event e
down_names = new_down_names
return true
redef fun sprites
var dy = 0.0
if show_down then dy = 100.0
var sprites = new Array[Sprite]
# Interactive buttons
if show_up then sprites.add new Sprite(app.gamepad_spritesheet.dpad_up,
center.offset( 0.0, 100.0+dy, 0.0))
if show_left then sprites.add new Sprite(app.gamepad_spritesheet.dpad_left,
center.offset(-100.0, 0.0+dy, 0.0))
if show_right then sprites.add new Sprite(app.gamepad_spritesheet.dpad_right,
center.offset( 100.0, 0.0+dy, 0.0))
if show_down then sprites.add new Sprite(app.gamepad_spritesheet.dpad_down,
center.offset( 0.0,-100.0+dy, 0.0))
# Non-interactive joystick background
var back = new Sprite(app.gamepad_spritesheet.joystick_back,
center.offset(0.0, 0.0+dy, -1.0)) # In the back
back.draw_order = -1
sprites.add back
# Non-interactive handle in the bottom
if not show_down then sprites.add new Sprite(app.gamepad_spritesheet.joystick_down,
center.offset(0.0, -100.0+dy, 0.0))
return sprites