23 maintained packages

package core   lib
Nit common library of core classes and methods
package ai   ai, algo, lib
Simple library for basic artificial intelligence algorithms
package template   lib
Basic template system
package more_collections   algo, lib
Highly specific, but useful, collections-related classes.
package poset   algo, lib
Pre order sets and partial order set (ie hierarchies)
package pipeline   algo, lib
Pipelined filters and operations on iterators.
package opts   cli, lib
Management of options on the command line
package event_queue   lib
Register, update and discard events in a timeline.
package counter   algo, lib
Simple numerical statistical analysis and presentation
package nitcc_runtime   lib
Runtime library required by parsers and lexers generated by nitcc
package meta   lib
Simple user-defined meta-level to manipulate types of instances as object.
package logic   algo, lib
First-order logic data structure and algorithm.
package combinations   algo, lib
Memory-efficient Cartesian products, combinations and permutation on collections.
package for_abuse   algo, lib
Service management through the for control structure.
package cartesian   algo, lib
Memory-efficient Cartesian products on heterogeneous collections.
package hash_debug   debug, lib
Inject behavior analysis to hash-collections (HashMap, HashSet, etc.)
package scene2d   game, lib
Framework for 2D management of game elements
package ordered_tree   algo, lib
Manipulation and presentation of ordered trees.
package deriving   lib
Automatic derivable implementations of standard basic methods.
package curses   ui, terminal, wrapper, lib
Curses for Nit
package symbol   lib
Library for simple interning of strings
package niti_runtime   lib
Runtime library to loop around the main program for each line in file-name arguments
package standard   lib
Old module implicitly imported by the old compiler.

115 contributed packages

package core   lib
Nit common library of core classes and methods
package nitcorn   network, lib
Lightweight framework for Web applications development
package gamnit   game, lib
Portable game and multimedia framework for Nit
package android   platform, lib
Android platform support and APIs
package serialization   lib
Abstract serialization services
package github   web, lib
Nit wrapper for Github API
package app   lib, mobile
app.nit, a framework for portable applications
package json   format, lib
read and write JSON formatted text
package ios   wrapper, lib
iOS support for app.nit
package glesv2   graphics, wrapper, lib
OpenGL graphics rendering library for embedded systems, version 2.0
package msgpack   format, lib
MessagePack, an efficient binary serialization format
package pthreads   parallelism, wrapper, lib
POSIX Threads support
package sax   xml, format, lib
Core SAX APIs.
package markdown   format, lib
A markdown parser for Nit.
package geometry   algo, lib
Basic geometry data structures and services.
package functional   functional, types
Nit functional types and Iterator API
package gtk   ui, wrapper, lib
GTK+ widgets and services
package curl   network, wrapper, lib
Data transfer powered by the native curl library
package neo4j   database, lib
Neo4j connector through its JSON REST API using curl.
package sdl2   graphics, wrapper, lib
This is a low-level wrapper of the SDL 2.0 library (as sdl2) and SDL_image 2.0 (as sdl2::image).
package mongodb   database, lib
MongoDB Nit Driver.
package linux   lib
Implementation of app.nit for the Linux platform
package nlp   nlp, lib
Nit wrapper for Stanford CoreNLP
package actors   parallelism, lib
Nit Actor Model
package vsm   nlp, vsm, lib
Vector Space Model
package socket   network, lib
Socket services
package java   java, wrapper, lib
Supporting services for the FFI with Java and to access Java libraries
package ai   ai, algo, lib
Simple library for basic artificial intelligence algorithms
package egl   graphics, wrapper, lib
Interface between rendering APIs (OpenGL, OpenGL ES, etc.) and the native windowing system.
package dom   xml, lib
Easy XML DOM parser
package config   config, options, ini, lib
Configuration options for nit tools and apps
package a_star   algo, lib
A* pathfinding in graphs
package template   lib
Basic template system
package ini   format, lib
ini - Read and write INI configuration files
package mpi   parallelism, lib
Implementation of the Message Passing Interface protocol by wrapping OpenMPI
package saxophonit   xml, format, lib
A SAX 2 parser in Nit.
package more_collections   algo, lib
Highly specific, but useful, collections-related classes.
package libevent   network, wrapper, lib
Low-level wrapper around the libevent library to manage events on file descriptors
package jvm   java, wrapper, lib
Java Virtual Machine invocation API and others services from the JNI C API
package sqlite3   database, lib
Services to manipulate a Sqlite3 database
package console   terminal, lib
Defines some ANSI Terminal Control Escape Sequences.
package poset   algo, lib
Pre order sets and partial order set (ie hierarchies)
package logger   logging, lib
A simple logger for Nit
package cocoa   wrapper, lib
Cocoa API, the development layer of OS X
package pipeline   algo, lib
Pipelined filters and operations on iterators.
package gmp   maths, lib
Multi precision integer and rational number using gmp lib
package dot   dot, graphviz, visualization, graph
Dot rendering library
package html   format, lib
HTML output facilities
package trees   algo, lib
General module for tree data structures
package opts   cli, lib
Management of options on the command line
package binary   io, lib
Read and write binary data with any Reader and Writer
package bcm2835   embedded, lib
Services to control the bcm2835 chipset used in the Raspberry Pi
package c   language, wrapper, lib
Structures and services for compatibility with the C language
package crypto   crypto, algo, lib
Mix of all things cryptography-related
package parser_base   format, lib
Simple base for hand-made parsers of all kinds
package nitcc_runtime   lib
Runtime library required by parsers and lexers generated by nitcc
package performance_analysis   debug, lib
Services to gather information on the performance of events by categories
package text_stat   debug, lib
Injects stat-calculating functionalities to Text and its variants
package bucketed_game   game, lib
Game framework with an emphasis on efficient event coordination
package event_queue   lib
Register, update and discard events in a timeline.
package matrix   lib
Services for matrices of Float values
package counter   algo, lib
Simple numerical statistical analysis and presentation
package meta   lib
Simple user-defined meta-level to manipulate types of instances as object.
package logic   algo, lib
First-order logic data structure and algorithm.
package fca   fca, lib
Formal Concept Analysis
package websocket   network, lib
Adds support for a websocket connection in Nit
package xdg_basedir   wrapper, lib
Services for using the XDG Base Directory specification
package bitmap   lib
The Bitmap class represents a 24-bit bitmap image. An instance can be constructed
package signals   wrapper, lib
ANSI C signal handling
package combinations   algo, lib
Memory-efficient Cartesian products, combinations and permutation on collections.
package posix   wrapper, lib
Services conforming to POSIX
package base64   encoding, lib
Offers the base 64 encoding and decoding algorithms
package csv   format, lib
CSV document handling.
package for_abuse   algo, lib
Service management through the for control structure.
package cartesian   algo, lib
Memory-efficient Cartesian products on heterogeneous collections.
package noise   algo, lib
Noise generators PerlinNoise and InterpolatedNoise
package realtime   lib
Services to keep time of the wall clock time
package privileges   lib
Process privileges management utilities
package rubix   algo, lib
Rubix-cube modelization library
package date   lib
Services to manipulate Date, Time and DateTime
package hash_debug   debug, lib
Inject behavior analysis to hash-collections (HashMap, HashSet, etc.)
package sendmail   network, lib
Send emails using the sendmail program
package sexp   format, lib
S-Expression parsing facilities
package md5   encoding, lib
Native MD5 digest implementation as Text::md5
package crapto   crypto
Cryptographic attacks and utilities.
package scene2d   game, lib
Framework for 2D management of game elements
package gen_nit   devel
Support to generate and otherwise manipulate Nit code
package mpd   sound, lib
Music Player Daemon client library
package ordered_tree   algo, lib
Manipulation and presentation of ordered trees.
package gettext   i18n, lib
Internationalization of Strings using gettext library
package deriving   lib
Automatic derivable implementations of standard basic methods.
package array_debug   debug, lib
Exposes functions to help profile or debug Arrays.
package sha1   encoding, lib
Provides methods to compute the SHA1 hash of a String
package perfect_hashing   algo, lib
Perfect hashing and perfect numbering
package progression   lib
Event-based interface to track the progression of an operation.
package readline   lib
GNU readline library wrapper
package ropes_debug   debug, lib
Exposes methods for debugging ropes when needed.
package emscripten   platform, lib
Platform for the emscripten framework
package curses   ui, terminal, wrapper, lib
Curses for Nit
package niti_runtime   lib
Runtime library to loop around the main program for each line in file-name arguments
package symbol   lib
Library for simple interning of strings
package prompt   console, lib
Basic services to display a prompt
package cpp   language, wrapper, lib
Services for compatibility with C++ code and libraries
package x11   ui, lib
Services from the X11 library
package standard   lib
Old module implicitly imported by the old compiler.
package fonts_showcase   game, example
Simple application to display and test the behavior the different TextSprites settings.
package template   game, example
Template for a 2D gamnit game