Entities can have two states:
If the entity is initialized unlinked from neo4j:
var andres = new NeoNode
andres["name"] = "Andres"
# At this point, the node is not linked
assert not andres.is_linked
Then we can link the entity to the base:
var client = new Neo4jClient("http://neo4j:7474")
# The node is now linked
assert andres.is_linked
Entities can also be loaded from Neo4j:
var url = andres.url.to_s
var node = client.load_node(url)
assert node.is_linked
When working in connected mode, all reading operations are executed lazily on the base:
assert node["name"] == "Andres"
neo4j :: NeoEntity :: append_json_for
Append the JSON representation of the entity to the specified buffer.neo4j :: NeoEntity :: defaultinit
neo4j :: NeoEntity :: properties
In Neo4j, both nodes and relationships can contain properties.neo4j :: NeoEntity :: append_json_for
Append the JSON representation of the entity to the specified buffer.core :: Object :: class_factory
Implementation used byget_class
to create the specific class.
neo4j :: NeoEntity :: defaultinit
core :: Object :: defaultinit
core :: Object :: is_same_instance
Return true ifself
and other
are the same instance (i.e. same identity).
core :: Object :: is_same_serialized
the same as other
in a serialization context?
core :: Object :: is_same_type
Return true ifself
and other
have the same dynamic type.
core :: Object :: output_class_name
Display class name on stdout (debug only).neo4j :: NeoEntity :: properties
In Neo4j, both nodes and relationships can contain properties.
# The fundamental units that form a graph are nodes and relationships.
# Entities can have two states:
# * linked: the NeoEntity references an existing node or edge in Neo4j
# * unlinked: the NeoEntity is not yet created in Neo4j
# If the entity is initialized unlinked from neo4j:
# # Create a disconnected node
# var andres = new NeoNode
# andres["name"] = "Andres"
# # At this point, the node is not linked
# assert not andres.is_linked
# Then we can link the entity to the base:
# # Init client
# var client = new Neo4jClient("http://neo4j:7474")
# client.save_node(andres)
# # The node is now linked
# assert andres.is_linked
# Entities can also be loaded from Neo4j:
# # Get a node from Neo4j
# var url = andres.url.to_s
# var node = client.load_node(url)
# assert node.is_linked
# When working in connected mode, all reading operations are executed lazily on the base:
# # Get the node `name` property
# assert node["name"] == "Andres" # loaded lazily from base
abstract class NeoEntity
# Neo4j client connector
private var neo: Neo4jClient is noinit
# Entity unique URL in Neo4j REST API
var url: nullable String = null
# Temp id used in batch mode to update the entity
private var batch_id: nullable Int = null
# Load the entity from base
private init from_neo(neo: Neo4jClient, url: String) is nosuper do
self.neo = neo
self.url = url
# Init entity from JSON representation
private init from_json(neo: Neo4jClient, obj: JsonObject) is nosuper do
self.neo = neo
self.url = obj["self"].to_s
self.internal_properties = obj["data"].as(JsonObject)
# Create a empty (and not-connected) entity
init do
self.internal_properties = new JsonObject
# Is the entity linked to a Neo4j database?
fun is_linked: Bool do return url != null
# In Neo4j, both nodes and relationships can contain properties.
# Properties are key-value pairs where the key is a string.
# Property values are JSON formatted.
# Properties are loaded lazily
fun properties: JsonObject do return internal_properties or else load_properties
private var internal_properties: nullable JsonObject = null
private fun load_properties: JsonObject do
var obj = neo.get(url.to_s / "properties").as(JsonObject)
internal_properties = obj
return obj
# Get the entity `id` if connected to base
fun id: nullable Int do
if url == null then return null
return url.split("/").last.to_i
# Get the entity property at `key`
fun [](key: String): nullable Serializable do
if not properties.has_key(key) then return null
return properties[key]
# Set the entity property `value` at `key`
fun []=(key: String, value: nullable Serializable) do properties[key] = value
# Is the property `key` set?
fun has_key(key: String): Bool do return properties.has_key(key)
redef class NeoEntity
# Append the JSON representation of the entity to the specified buffer.
fun append_json_for(graph: NeoGraph, v: JsonSerializer) is abstract