and other
the same value?assert 1 + 1 == 2
assert not 1 == "1"
assert 1.to_s == "1"
The exact meaning of same value is left to the subclasses.
Implicitly, the default implementation, is is_same_instance
The laws of ==
are the following:
a.is_same_instance(b) implies a == b
(a == b) == (b == a)
(a == b) and (b == c) implies (a == c)
might not be constant on some objects overtime because of their evolution.
var a = [1]
var b = [1]
var c = [1,2]
assert a == b and not a == c
a.add 2
assert not a == b and a == c
Lastly, ==
is highly linked with hash
and a specific redefinition of ==
usually be associated with a specific redefinition of hash
ENSURE result implies self.hash == other.hash
# Have `self` and `other` the same value?
# ~~~
# assert 1 + 1 == 2
# assert not 1 == "1"
# assert 1.to_s == "1"
# ~~~
# The exact meaning of *same value* is left to the subclasses.
# Implicitly, the default implementation, is `is_same_instance`.
# The laws of `==` are the following:
# * reflexivity `a.is_same_instance(b) implies a == b`
# * symmetry: `(a == b) == (b == a)`
# * transitivity: `(a == b) and (b == c) implies (a == c)`
# `==` might not be constant on some objects overtime because of their evolution.
# ~~~
# var a = [1]
# var b = [1]
# var c = [1,2]
# assert a == b and not a == c
# a.add 2
# assert not a == b and a == c
# ~~~
# Lastly, `==` is highly linked with `hash` and a specific redefinition of `==` should
# usually be associated with a specific redefinition of `hash`.
# ENSURE `result implies self.hash == other.hash`
fun ==(other: nullable Object): Bool do return self.is_same_instance(other)
# Does `self` and `other` have the same keys associated with the same values?
# ~~~
# var a = new HashMap[String, Int]
# var b = new ArrayMap[Object, Numeric]
# assert a == b
# a["one"] = 1
# assert a != b
# b["one"] = 1
# assert a == b
# b["one"] = 2
# assert a != b
# ~~~
redef fun ==(other)
if not other isa MapRead[nullable Object, nullable Object] then return false
if other.length != self.length then return false
for k, v in self do
if not other.has_key(k) then return false
if other[k] != v then return false
return true
# Untyped pair equality.
# ~~~
# var p1 = new Pair[Object, Object](1, 2)
# var p2 = new Pair[Int, Int](1, 2)
# var p3 = new Pair[Int, Int](1, 3)
# assert p1 == p2
# assert p2 != p3
# ~~~
# Untyped because we want that `p1 == p2` above.
# So the method just ignores the real types of `E` and `F`.
redef fun ==(o) do return o isa Pair[nullable Object, nullable Object] and e == o.e and f == o.f
# Checks if both objects are Rubix cubes and their content is equivalent
# NOTE: Rotationed versions are not yet considered equal
redef fun ==(o) do
if not o isa RubixCube then return false
for mf in faces, tf in o.faces do
for ml in mf, tl in tf do
for mc in ml, tc in tl do if mc != tc then return false
return true
# Two sequences are equals if they have the same items in the same order.
# var a = new List[Int]
# a.add(1)
# a.add(2)
# a.add(3)
# assert a == [1,2,3]
# assert a != [1,3,2]
redef fun ==(o)
if not o isa SequenceRead[nullable Object] then return false
var l = length
if o.length != l then return false
var i = 0
while i < l do
if self[i] != o[i] then return false
i += 1
return true
# Two ranges are equals if they have the same first and last elements.
# var a = new Range[Int](10, 15)
# var b = new Range[Int].without_last(10, 15)
# assert a == [10..15]
# assert a == [10..16[
# assert not a == [10..15[
# assert b == [10..15[
# assert b == [10..14]
# assert not b == [10..15]
redef fun ==(o) do
return o isa Range[E] and self.first == o.first and self.last == o.last
redef fun ==(other) do
if not other isa Derivable then return false
return derive_to_map == other.derive_to_map
# Two trees are equal if they have the same nodes in the same order
# ~~~
# var t1 = new OrderedTree[Int]
# t1.add_all(null, [1, 2])
# t1.add_all(1, [11, 12])
# var t2 = new OrderedTree[Int]
# t2.add_all(null, [1, 2])
# assert t1 != t2
# t2.add_all(1, [11, 12])
# assert t1 == t2
# ~~~
redef fun ==(other)
if not other isa OrderedTree[Object] then return false
return roots == other.roots and sub == other.sub
redef fun ==(o) is intern do return is_same_instance(o)
# Two posets are equal if they contain the same elements and edges.
# ~~~
# var pos1 = new POSet[String]
# pos1.add_chain(["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"])
# pos1.add_chain(["A", "X", "C", "Y", "E"])
# var pos2 = new POSet[Object]
# pos2.add_edge("Y", "E")
# pos2.add_chain(["A", "X", "C", "D", "E"])
# pos2.add_chain(["A", "B", "C", "Y"])
# assert pos1 == pos2
# pos1.add_edge("D", "Y")
# assert pos1 != pos2
# pos2.add_edge("D", "Y")
# assert pos1 == pos2
# pos1.add_node("Z")
# assert pos1 != pos2
# ~~~
redef fun ==(other) do
if not other isa POSet[nullable Object] then return false
if not self.elements.keys.has_exactly(other.elements.keys) then return false
for e, ee in elements do
if ee.direct_greaters != other[e].direct_greaters then return false
assert hash == other.hash
return true
# Equality of text
# Two pieces of text are equals if thez have the same characters in the same order.
# ~~~
# assert "hello" == "hello"
# assert "hello" != "HELLO"
# assert "hello" == "hel"+"lo"
# ~~~
# Things that are not Text are not equal.
# ~~~
# assert "9" != '9'
# assert "9" != ['9']
# assert "9" != 9
# assert "9".chars.first == '9' # equality of Char
# assert "9".chars == ['9'] # equality of Sequence
# assert "9".to_i == 9 # equality of Int
# ~~~
redef fun ==(o)
if o == null then return false
if not o isa Text then return false
if self.is_same_instance(o) then return true
if self.length != o.length then return false
return self.chars == o.chars
redef fun ==(o)
if not o isa Array[nullable Object] then return super
# Efficient implementation
var l = length
if l != o.length then return false
if l == 0 then return true
var i = 0
var it = null)
var oit = null)
while i < l do
if it[i] != oit[i] then return false
i += 1
return true
redef fun ==(other)
if not other isa FlatText then return super
if self.object_id == other.object_id then return true
var my_length = _byte_length
if other._byte_length != my_length then return false
var my_index = _first_byte
var its_index = other.first_byte
var last_iteration = my_index + my_length
var its_items = other._items
var my_items = self._items
while my_index < last_iteration do
if my_items[my_index] != its_items[its_index] then return false
my_index += 1
its_index += 1
return true