Property definitions

glesv2 $ GLProgram :: defaultinit
# OpenGL ES program to which we attach shaders
extern class GLProgram `{GLuint`}
	# Create a new program
	# The newly created instance should be checked using `is_ok`.
	new `{ return glCreateProgram(); `}

	# Set the location for the attribute by `name`
	fun bind_attrib_location(index: Int, name: String) import String.to_cstring `{
		GLchar *c_name = String_to_cstring(name);
		glBindAttribLocation(self, index, c_name);

	# Get the location of the attribute by `name`
	# Returns `-1` if there is no active attribute named `name`.
	fun attrib_location(name: String): Int import String.to_cstring `{
		GLchar *c_name = String_to_cstring(name);
		return glGetAttribLocation(self, c_name);

	# Get the location of the uniform by `name`
	# Returns `-1` if there is no active uniform named `name`.
	fun uniform_location(name: String): Int import String.to_cstring `{
		GLchar *c_name = String_to_cstring(name);
		return glGetUniformLocation(self, c_name);

	# Is this program linked?
	fun is_linked: Bool do return glGetProgramiv(self, gl_LINK_STATUS) != 0

	# Has this program been deleted?
	fun is_deleted: Bool do return glGetProgramiv(self, gl_DELETE_STATUS) != 0

	# Boolean result of `validate`, must be called after `validate`
	fun is_validated: Bool do return glGetProgramiv(self, gl_VALIDATE_STATUS) != 0

	# Number of active uniform in this program
	# This should be the number of uniforms declared in all shader, except
	# unused uniforms which may have been optimized out.
	fun n_active_uniforms: Int do return glGetProgramiv(self, gl_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS)

	# Length of the longest uniform name in this program, including the null byte
	fun active_uniform_max_length: Int do return glGetProgramiv(self, gl_ACTIVE_UNIFORM_MAX_LENGTH)

	# Number of active attributes in this program
	# This should be the number of uniforms declared in all shader, except
	# unused uniforms which may have been optimized out.
	fun n_active_attributes: Int do return glGetProgramiv(self, gl_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES)

	# Length of the longest attribute name in this program, including the null byte
	fun active_attribute_max_length: Int do return glGetProgramiv(self, gl_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_LENGTH)

	# Number of shaders attached to this program
	fun n_attached_shaders: Int do return glGetProgramiv(self, gl_ATTACHED_SHADERS)

	# Name of the active attribute at `index`
	fun active_attrib_name(index: Int): String
		var max_size = active_attribute_max_length
		var cname = new CString(max_size)
		active_attrib_name_native(index, max_size, cname)
		return cname.to_s

	private fun active_attrib_name_native(index, max_size: Int, name: CString) `{
		// We get more values than we need, for compatibility. At least the
		// NVidia driver tries to fill them even if NULL.

		int size;
		GLenum type;
		glGetActiveAttrib(self, index, max_size, NULL, &size, &type, name);

	# Size of the active attribute at `index`
	fun active_attrib_size(index: Int): Int `{
		int size;
		GLenum type;
		glGetActiveAttrib(self, index, 0, NULL, &size, &type, NULL);
		return size;

	# Type of the active attribute at `index`
	# May only be float related data types (single float, vectors and matrix).
	fun active_attrib_type(index: Int): GLDataType `{
		int size;
		GLenum type;
		glGetActiveAttrib(self, index, 0, NULL, &size, &type, NULL);
		return type;

	# Name of the active uniform at `index`
	fun active_uniform_name(index: Int): String
		var max_size = active_uniform_max_length
		var cname = new CString(max_size)
		active_uniform_name_native(index, max_size, cname)
		return cname.to_s

	private fun active_uniform_name_native(index, max_size: Int, name: CString) `{
		int size;
		GLenum type;
		glGetActiveUniform(self, index, max_size, NULL, &size, &type, name);

	# Size of the active uniform at `index`
	fun active_uniform_size(index: Int): Int `{
		int size;
		GLenum type;
		glGetActiveUniform(self, index, 0, NULL, &size, &type, NULL);
		return size;

	# Type of the active uniform at `index`
	# May be any data type supported by OpenGL ES 2.0 shaders.
	fun active_uniform_type(index: Int): GLDataType `{
		int size;
		GLenum type = 0;
		glGetActiveUniform(self, index, 0, NULL, &size, &type, NULL);
		return type;