Batches are used to perform multiple operations on the REST API in one cURL request.

This can significantly improve performance for large insert and update operations.


This service is transactional. If any of the operations performed fails (returns a non-2xx HTTP status code), the transaction will be rolled back and all changes will be undone.


var client = new Neo4jClient("http://neo4j:7474")

var node1 = new NeoNode
var node2 = new NeoNode
var edge = new NeoEdge(node1, "TO", node2)

var batch = new NeoBatch(client)

assert node1.is_linked
assert node2.is_linked
assert edge.is_linked

Introduced properties

fun client: Neo4jClient

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: client

Neo4j client connector
protected fun client=(client: Neo4jClient)

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: client=

Neo4j client connector
fun execute: List[NeoError]

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: execute

Execute the batch and update local nodes
fun jobs: HashMap[Int, NeoJob]

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: jobs

Jobs to perform in this batch
protected fun jobs=(jobs: HashMap[Int, NeoJob])

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: jobs=

Jobs to perform in this batch
fun load_node(node: NeoNode)

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: load_node

Load a node in batch mode also load labels, data and edges
fun load_node_edges(node: NeoNode)

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: load_node_edges

Load in and out edges into node
fun new_job(nentity: NeoEntity): NeoJob

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: new_job

Append a new job to the batch in JSON Format
fun save_edge(edge: NeoEdge)

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: save_edge

Create an edge
fun save_edges(edges: Collection[NeoEdge])

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: save_edges

Create multiple edges
fun save_entity(nentity: NeoEntity)

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: save_entity

Create a NeoNode or a NeoEdge in batch mode.
fun save_node(node: NeoNode)

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: save_node

Create a node in batch mode also create labels and edges
fun save_nodes(nodes: Collection[NeoNode])

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: save_nodes

Create multiple nodes

Redefined properties

redef type SELF: NeoBatch

neo4j $ NeoBatch :: SELF

Type of this instance, automatically specialized in every class

All properties

fun !=(other: nullable Object): Bool

core :: Object :: !=

Have self and other different values?
fun ==(other: nullable Object): Bool

core :: Object :: ==

Have self and other the same value?
type CLASS: Class[SELF]

core :: Object :: CLASS

The type of the class of self.
type SELF: Object

core :: Object :: SELF

Type of this instance, automatically specialized in every class
protected fun class_factory(name: String): CLASS

core :: Object :: class_factory

Implementation used by get_class to create the specific class.
fun class_name: String

core :: Object :: class_name

The class name of the object.
fun client: Neo4jClient

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: client

Neo4j client connector
protected fun client=(client: Neo4jClient)

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: client=

Neo4j client connector
fun execute: List[NeoError]

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: execute

Execute the batch and update local nodes
fun get_class: CLASS

core :: Object :: get_class

The meta-object representing the dynamic type of self.
fun hash: Int

core :: Object :: hash

The hash code of the object.
init init

core :: Object :: init

fun inspect: String

core :: Object :: inspect

Developer readable representation of self.
protected fun inspect_head: String

core :: Object :: inspect_head

intern fun is_same_instance(other: nullable Object): Bool

core :: Object :: is_same_instance

Return true if self and other are the same instance (i.e. same identity).
fun is_same_serialized(other: nullable Object): Bool

core :: Object :: is_same_serialized

Is self the same as other in a serialization context?
intern fun is_same_type(other: Object): Bool

core :: Object :: is_same_type

Return true if self and other have the same dynamic type.
fun jobs: HashMap[Int, NeoJob]

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: jobs

Jobs to perform in this batch
protected fun jobs=(jobs: HashMap[Int, NeoJob])

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: jobs=

Jobs to perform in this batch
fun load_node(node: NeoNode)

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: load_node

Load a node in batch mode also load labels, data and edges
fun load_node_edges(node: NeoNode)

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: load_node_edges

Load in and out edges into node
fun new_job(nentity: NeoEntity): NeoJob

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: new_job

Append a new job to the batch in JSON Format
intern fun object_id: Int

core :: Object :: object_id

An internal hash code for the object based on its identity.
fun output

core :: Object :: output

Display self on stdout (debug only).
intern fun output_class_name

core :: Object :: output_class_name

Display class name on stdout (debug only).
fun save_edge(edge: NeoEdge)

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: save_edge

Create an edge
fun save_edges(edges: Collection[NeoEdge])

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: save_edges

Create multiple edges
fun save_entity(nentity: NeoEntity)

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: save_entity

Create a NeoNode or a NeoEdge in batch mode.
fun save_node(node: NeoNode)

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: save_node

Create a node in batch mode also create labels and edges
fun save_nodes(nodes: Collection[NeoNode])

neo4j :: NeoBatch :: save_nodes

Create multiple nodes
fun serialization_hash: Int

core :: Object :: serialization_hash

Hash value use for serialization
intern fun sys: Sys

core :: Object :: sys

Return the global sys object, the only instance of the Sys class.
abstract fun to_jvalue(env: JniEnv): JValue

core :: Object :: to_jvalue

fun to_s: String

core :: Object :: to_s

User readable representation of self.
package_diagram neo4j::NeoBatch NeoBatch core::Object Object neo4j::NeoBatch->core::Object


interface Object

core :: Object

The root of the class hierarchy.

Class definitions

neo4j $ NeoBatch
# Batches are used to perform multiple operations on the REST API in one cURL request.
# This can significantly improve performance for large insert and update operations.
# see:
# This service is transactional.
# If any of the operations performed fails (returns a non-2xx HTTP status code),
# the transaction will be rolled back and all changes will be undone.
# Example:
#     var client = new Neo4jClient("http://neo4j:7474")
#     var node1 = new NeoNode
#     var node2 = new NeoNode
#     var edge = new NeoEdge(node1, "TO", node2)
#     var batch = new NeoBatch(client)
#     batch.save_node(node1)
#     batch.save_node(node2)
#     batch.save_edge(edge)
#     batch.execute
#     assert node1.is_linked
#     assert node2.is_linked
#     assert edge.is_linked
class NeoBatch

	# Neo4j client connector
	var client: Neo4jClient

	# Jobs to perform in this batch
	# The batch service expects an array of job descriptions as input,
	# each job description describing an action to be performed via the normal server API.
	var jobs = new HashMap[Int, NeoJob]

	# Append a new job to the batch in JSON Format
	# see `NeoJob`
	fun new_job(nentity: NeoEntity): NeoJob do
		var id = jobs.length
		var job = new NeoJob(id, nentity)
		jobs[id] = job
		return job

	# Load a node in batch mode also load labels, data and edges
	fun load_node(node: NeoNode) do
		var job = new_job(node)
		job.action = load_node_data_action
		job.method = "GET"
		if != null then = "/node/{}"
		else = "\{{node.batch_id.to_s}\}"
		job = new_job(node)
		job.action = load_node_labels_action
		job.method = "GET"
		if != null then = "/node/{}/labels"
		else = "\{{node.batch_id.to_s}\}/labels"

	# Load in and out edges into node
	fun load_node_edges(node: NeoNode) do
		var job = new_job(node)
		job.action = load_node_in_edges_action
		job.method = "GET"
		if != null then = "/node/{}/relationships/in"
		else = "\{{node.batch_id.to_s}\}/relationships/in"
		job = new_job(node)
		job.action = load_node_out_edges_action
		job.method = "GET"
		if != null then = "/node/{}/relationships/out"
		else = "\{{node.batch_id.to_s}\}/relationships/out"

	# Create a `NeoNode` or a `NeoEdge` in batch mode.
	fun save_entity(nentity: NeoEntity) do
		if nentity isa NeoNode then
		else if nentity isa NeoEdge then
		else abort

	# Create a node in batch mode also create labels and edges
	fun save_node(node: NeoNode) do
		if != null or node.batch_id != null then return
		# create node
		var job = new_job(node)
		node.batch_id =
		job.action = create_node_action
		job.method = "POST" = "/node"
		job.body =
		# add labels
		job = new_job(node)
		job.method = "POST" = "\{{node.batch_id.to_s}\}/labels"
		job.body = new JsonArray.from(node.labels)
		# add edges

	# Create multiple nodes
	# also create labels and edges
	fun save_nodes(nodes: Collection[NeoNode]) do for node in nodes do save_node(node)

	# Create an edge
	# nodes `edge.from` and `` will be created if not in base
	fun save_edge(edge: NeoEdge) do
		if != null or edge.batch_id != null then return
		# create nodes
		# create edge
		var job = new_job(edge)
		edge.batch_id =
		job.action = create_edge_action
		job.method = "POST"
		if != null then = "/node/{}/relationships"
		else = "\{{edge.from.batch_id.to_s}\}/relationships"
		job.body = edge.to_rest

	# Create multiple edges
	fun save_edges(edges: Collection[NeoEdge]) do for edge in edges do save_edge(edge)

	# Execute the batch and update local nodes
	fun execute: List[NeoError] do
		var request = new JsonPOST(client.batch_url)
		# request.headers["X-Stream"] = "true"
		var json_jobs = new JsonArray
		for job in jobs.values do json_jobs.add job.to_rest
		request.json_data = json_jobs
		var response = request.execute
		var res = client.parse_response(response)
		return finalize_batch(res)

	# Associate data from response in original nodes and edges
	private fun finalize_batch(response: Serializable): List[NeoError] do
		var errors = new List[NeoError]
		if not response isa JsonArray then
			errors.add(new NeoError("Unexpected batch response format.", "Neo4jError"))
			return errors
		# print " {res.length} jobs executed"
		for res in response do
			if not res isa JsonObject then
				errors.add(new NeoError("Unexpected job format in batch response.", "Neo4jError"))
			var id = res["id"].as(Int)
			var job = jobs[id]
			if job.action == create_node_action then
				var node =
				node.batch_id = null
				node.url = res["location"].to_s
			else if job.action == create_edge_action then
				var edge =
				edge.batch_id = null
				edge.url = res["location"].to_s
			else if job.action == load_node_data_action then
				var node =
				node.internal_properties = res["body"].as(JsonObject)["data"].as(JsonObject)
			else if job.action == load_node_labels_action then
				var node =
				var labels = new Array[String]
				for l in res["body"].as(JsonArray) do labels.add l.to_s
				node.internal_labels = labels
			else if job.action == load_node_in_edges_action then
				var node =
				var edges = res["body"].as(JsonArray)
				node.internal_in_edges = new List[NeoEdge]
				for edge in edges do
					node.internal_in_edges.add client.load_edge(["self"].to_s)
			else if job.action == load_node_out_edges_action then
				var node =
				var edges = res["body"].as(JsonArray)
				node.internal_out_edges = new List[NeoEdge]
				for edge in edges do
					node.internal_out_edges.add client.load_edge(["self"].to_s)
		return errors

	# JobActions
	# TODO replace with enum

	private fun create_node_action: Int do return 1
	private fun create_edge_action: Int do return 2
	private fun load_node_data_action: Int do return 3
	private fun load_node_labels_action: Int do return 4
	private fun load_node_in_edges_action: Int do return 5
	private fun load_node_out_edges_action: Int do return 6