bucketed_game :: bucketed_game
Game framework with an emphasis on efficient event coordinationaccept_scroll_and_zoom
gamnit :: camera_control_android
Two fingers camera manipulation, pinch to zoom and slide to scrollgamnit :: camera_control_linux
Mouse wheel and middle mouse button to control camerapthreads :: concurrent_array_and_barrier
A basic usage example of the modulespthreads
and pthreads::cocurrent_collections
pthreads :: concurrent_collections
Introduces thread-safe concurrent collectionsserialization :: custom_serialization
Example of an ad hoc serializer that is tailored to transform business specific objects into customized representation.egl
, sdl
and x11
action, which is a standard and minimal file server
cocoa :: foundation
The Foundation Kit provides basic Objective-C classes and structuresfunctional_types.nit
functional :: functional_types
This module provides functional type to represents various function forms.gtk :: gtk_assistant
gtk :: gtk_dialogs
class and services to create it
main service AsyncHttpRequest
to show more useful information
actors :: mandelbrot
Example implemented from "The computer Language Benchmarks Game" - Mandelbrotmarkdown2 :: markdown_html_rendering
HTML rendering of Markdown documentsmarkdown2 :: markdown_latex_rendering
LaTeX rendering of Markdown documentsmarkdown2 :: markdown_man_rendering
Manpages rendering of Markdown documentsmarkdown2 :: markdown_md_rendering
Markdown rendering of Markdown documentsmore_collections :: more_collections
Highly specific, but useful, collections-related classes.mpi :: mpi_simple
curl :: native_curl
Binding of C libCurl which allow us to interact with network.app.nit
on Android using a custom Java entry point
nitcc_runtime :: nitcc_runtime
Runtime library required by parsers and lexers generated by nitccnlp :: nlp_server
glesv2 :: opengles2_hello_triangle
Basic example of OpenGL ES 2.0 usage using SDL 2performance_analysis :: performance_analysis
Services to gather information on the performance of events by categoriesrestful
annotation documented at lib/nitcorn/restful.nit
sax :: sax_locator
Interface for associating a SAX event with a document location.Locator
msgpack :: serialization_common
Serialization services forserialization_write
and serialization_read
serialization :: serialization_core
Abstract services to serialize Nit objects to different formatsdeserialize_json
and JsonDeserializer
and JsonSerializer
msgpack :: serialization_write
Serialize full Nit objects to MessagePack formatroot
to execute
by refining the Agent class to make
socket :: socket_simple_server
Simple server example using a non-blockingTCPServer
and App::frame_core_draw
to get a stereoscopic view
gamnit :: texture_atlas_parser
Tool to parse XML texture atlas and generated Nit code to access subtextures
# Access to the Nit internal garbage collection mechanism
module gc
import kernel
redef class Sys
# Initiate a garbage collection
fun force_garbage_collection is intern
# An object needing finalization
# It is recommended to sub-class `Finalizable` only on
# simple objects directly managing a limited resource. This use case
# is common when wrapping an extern instance with a standard object.
class Finalizable
# Liberate any resources held by `self` before the memory holding `self` is freed
# This method is invoked by the GC during a garbage collection when `self`
# is no longer referenced. It can also be called by the user. Its implementation
# must be planned accordingly and ensure that it may be invoked more than once.
# The object are not finialized in a topological order, it is safe for this method
# to use attributes of this instances, unless theses attributes are finalizable as well
# because they may have been finalized already.
fun finalize do end
# An object to be finalized only once
# This is an utility sub-class to `Finalizable` which ensures that `finalized_once`
# is called only once per instance. User classes implementing `FinalizableOnce`
# shoud specialize `finalize_once` and _not_ `finalize`. When manipulating the user
# class, only `finalize` should be called as it protects `finalize_once`.
class FinalizableOnce
super Finalizable
# Has `self` been finalized? (either by the GC or an explicit call to `finalize`)
var finalized = false
redef fun finalize
if finalized then return
finalized = true
# Real finalization method of `FinalizableOnce`, will be called only once
# See: `Finalizable::finalize` for restrictions on finalizer methods.
protected fun finalize_once do end