core :: queue $ SimpleCollection
Items can be added to these collections.core :: queue $ SimpleCollection
Items can be added to these collections.core :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structurebucketed_game :: bucketed_game
Game framework with an emphasis on efficient event coordinationaccept_scroll_and_zoom
gamnit :: camera_control_android
Two fingers camera manipulation, pinch to zoom and slide to scrollgamnit :: camera_control_linux
Mouse wheel and middle mouse button to control camerapthreads :: concurrent_array_and_barrier
A basic usage example of the modulespthreads
and pthreads::cocurrent_collections
pthreads :: concurrent_collections
Introduces thread-safe concurrent collectionsserialization :: custom_serialization
Example of an ad hoc serializer that is tailored to transform business specific objects into customized representation.egl
, sdl
and x11
action, which is a standard and minimal file server
cocoa :: foundation
The Foundation Kit provides basic Objective-C classes and structuresfunctional_types.nit
functional :: functional_types
This module provides functional type to represents various function forms.gtk :: gtk_assistant
gtk :: gtk_dialogs
class and services to create it
main service AsyncHttpRequest
to show more useful information
actors :: mandelbrot
Example implemented from "The computer Language Benchmarks Game" - Mandelbrotmarkdown2 :: markdown_html_rendering
HTML rendering of Markdown documentsmarkdown2 :: markdown_latex_rendering
LaTeX rendering of Markdown documentsmarkdown2 :: markdown_man_rendering
Manpages rendering of Markdown documentsmarkdown2 :: markdown_md_rendering
Markdown rendering of Markdown documentsmore_collections :: more_collections
Highly specific, but useful, collections-related classes.mpi :: mpi_simple
curl :: native_curl
Binding of C libCurl which allow us to interact with
on Android using a custom Java entry point
nitcc_runtime :: nitcc_runtime
Runtime library required by parsers and lexers generated by nitccnlp :: nlp_server
glesv2 :: opengles2_hello_triangle
Basic example of OpenGL ES 2.0 usage using SDL 2performance_analysis :: performance_analysis
Services to gather information on the performance of events by categoriesrestful
annotation documented at lib/nitcorn/restful.nit
sax :: sax_locator
Interface for associating a SAX event with a document location.Locator
msgpack :: serialization_common
Serialization services forserialization_write
and serialization_read
serialization :: serialization_core
Abstract services to serialize Nit objects to different formatsdeserialize_json
and JsonDeserializer
and JsonSerializer
msgpack :: serialization_write
Serialize full Nit objects to MessagePack formatroot
to execute
by refining the Agent class to make
socket :: socket_simple_server
Simple server example using a non-blockingTCPServer
and App::frame_core_draw
to get a stereoscopic view
gamnit :: texture_atlas_parser
Tool to parse XML texture atlas and generated Nit code to access subtextures
# Queuing data structures and wrappers
# Provides a queue abstraction for LIFO, FIFO (stack) and heaps.
# Topics:
# * `Queue`
# * `Sequence::as_lifo`
# * `Sequence::as_fifo`
# * `SimpleCollection::as_random`
# * `MinHeap`
module queue
import collection::array
import collection::sorter
import math
# Queues are collection that controls how elements are retrieved.
# This interface is used for data structures and algorithms that need
# some queuing but that let their users control how the queuing is done.
# Most concrete queues have an efficient implementation of the basic methods
# `is_empty`, `length`, `add`, `peek`, and `take`.
# However, the `remove` method is possibly inefficient.
# To workaround an inefficient implementation, one can instead mark the removed
# elements (with a flag or in a set), and ignore then when `take` returns one.
# Unless stated otherwise, the `iterator` method is unrelated with the queue
# logic and may visit the elements in a order dependent on implementation.
interface Queue[E]
super SimpleCollection[E]
# Take the next element (according to the specific queue)
# ~~~
# var a = (new Array[Int]).as_lifo
# a.add 1
# a.add 2
# assert a.take == 2
# assert a.take == 1
# var h = new MinHeap[Int].default
# h.add 2
# h.add 1
# h.add 10
# assert h.take == 1
# assert h.take == 2
# assert h.take == 10
# ~~~
# ensure `result == peek`
fun take: E is abstract
# Look at the next element but does not remove it
# ~~~
# var a = (new Array[Int]).as_lifo
# a.add 1
# assert a.peek == 1
# a.add 2
# assert a.peek == 2
# assert a.take == 2
# assert a.peek == 1
# ~~~
fun peek: E is abstract
# `first` is made an alias of `peek` to avoid bad surprises
redef fun first do return peek
# Take and return all elements until the queue is empty.
# Ensure:
# * `is_empty`
# * `result.length == old(length)`
# * `not old(is_empty) implies result.first == old(peek)`
# ~~~
# var a = (new Array[Int]).as_lifo
# a.add 1
# a.add 2
# a.add 3
# assert a.take_all == [3, 2, 1]
# assert a.is_empty
# ~~~
fun take_all: Array[E]
var res = new Array[E]
while not is_empty do res.add take
return res
redef class Sequence[E]
# Return a LIFO proxy queue (stack) where `result.take` is `pop`.
# The point of such a proxy is to let the user choose the underling data structure
# behind the LIFO.
# ~~~
# var a = [1, 2, 3]
# var q = a.as_lifo
# assert q.take == 3
# assert q.take == 2
# q.add(4)
# q.add(5)
# assert q.take == 5
# assert a == [1, 4]
# ~~~
fun as_lifo: Queue[E] do return new LifoQueue[E](self)
# Return a FIFO proxy queue where `result.take` is `shift`.
# The point of such a proxy is to let the user choose the underling data structure
# behind the FIFO.
# Note that some `Sequence`, like `Array`, have an inefficient `shift` implementation,
# thus are not the best candidates to serve as a FIFO.
# ~~~
# var a = new List[Int].from([1,2,3])
# var q = a.as_fifo
# assert q.take == 1
# q.add(4)
# q.add(5)
# assert q.take == 2
# assert a == [3, 4, 5]
# ~~~
fun as_fifo: Queue[E] do return new FifoQueue[E](self)
# Factorize common proxy implementation
private abstract class ProxyQueue[E]
super Queue[E]
var seq: Sequence[E]
redef fun add(e) do seq.add(e)
redef fun length do return seq.length
redef fun is_empty do return seq.is_empty
redef fun iterator do return seq.iterator
redef fun remove(e) do seq.remove(e)
private class LifoQueue[E]
super ProxyQueue[E]
redef fun take do return seq.pop
redef fun peek do return seq.last
private class FifoQueue[E]
super ProxyQueue[E]
redef fun take do return seq.shift
redef fun peek do return seq.first
redef class SimpleCollection[E]
# Return a random proxy queue where `result.take` is random.
# The point of such a proxy is to provide a randomized removal.
# ~~~
# var a = [1,2,3]
# var b = a.as_random.take
# assert b == 1 or b == 2 or b == 3 # Eh, it is random!
# ~~~
fun as_random: Queue[E] do return new RandQueue[E](self)
private class RandQueue[E]
super Queue[E]
var seq: SimpleCollection[E]
redef fun add(e)
# Reset the cache to give the new element a chance!
peek_cached = false
redef fun take
var res = peek
peek_cached = false
return res
redef fun peek do
if peek_cached then return peek_cache
var res = seq.rand
peek_cache = res
peek_cached = true
return res
var peek_cached = false
var peek_cache: E is noinit
redef fun length do return seq.length
redef fun is_empty do return seq.is_empty
redef fun iterator do return seq.iterator
redef fun remove(e) do seq.remove(e)
# A min-heap implemented over an array
# The order is given by the `comparator`.
# ~~~
# var a = [3,4,1,2]
# var h = new MinHeap[Int].default
# h.add_all(a)
# assert h.peek == 1
# var b = h.take_all
# assert b == [1, 2, 3, 4]
# ~~~
class MinHeap[E: Object]
super Queue[E]
private var items = new Array[E]
# The comparator used to order the Heap
var comparator: Comparator
# Use the `default_comparator` on Comparable elements
# Require self isa MinHeap[Comparable]
init default
assert self isa MinHeap[Comparable]
redef fun is_empty do return items.is_empty
redef fun length do return items.length
redef fun iterator do return items.iterator
redef fun clear do items.clear
redef fun peek do return items.first
redef fun add(e)
#assert assert_best else print "try to add {e}"
#var ol = length
var ei = items.length + 1
while ei > 1 do
var pi = ei/2
var p = items[pi-1]
if, e) <= 0 then break
# bubble-up
items[ei-1] = p
# next
ei = pi
items[ei-1] = e
#assert length == ol + 1
#assert assert_best else print "added {e}"
redef fun take do
#assert assert_best else print "tri to take"
#var ol = length
if length < 2 then return items.pop
var res = items.first
var ei = 1
var e = items.pop
var last = items.length
# Check first child
var ci = ei*2
if ci > last then break # no children
var c = items[ci-1]
var upc =, c) > 0
# Check second child
var c2i = ci + 1
if c2i <= last then do
var c2 = items[c2i-1]
# possibility to bubble-down to c2, or not?
if, c2) <= 0 then break label
# c2 is a better path, or not?
if upc and, c) > 0 then break label
# goes to c2 path
upc = true
c = c2
ci = c2i
end label
# bubble-down?
if not upc then break
items[ei-1] = c
ei = ci
items[ei-1] = e
#assert length == ol - 1 else print "is {length}, expected {ol - 1}"
#assert assert_best else print "dequed {res}"
return res
# Used internally do debug the Heap.
# Not removed because this can still be useful.
private fun assert_best: Bool
if is_empty then return true
var b = peek
for i in self do if, i) > 0 then
#print " peek is {b} but better found {i}"
for j in self do
#print " {j}"
return false
return true