core :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structurebucketed_game :: bucketed_game
Game framework with an emphasis on efficient event coordinationaccept_scroll_and_zoom
gamnit :: camera_control_android
Two fingers camera manipulation, pinch to zoom and slide to scrollgamnit :: camera_control_linux
Mouse wheel and middle mouse button to control camerapthreads :: concurrent_array_and_barrier
A basic usage example of the modulespthreads
and pthreads::cocurrent_collections
pthreads :: concurrent_collections
Introduces thread-safe concurrent collectionsserialization :: custom_serialization
Example of an ad hoc serializer that is tailored to transform business specific objects into customized representation.egl
, sdl
and x11
action, which is a standard and minimal file server
cocoa :: foundation
The Foundation Kit provides basic Objective-C classes and structuresfunctional_types.nit
functional :: functional_types
This module provides functional type to represents various function forms.gtk :: gtk_assistant
gtk :: gtk_dialogs
class and services to create it
main service AsyncHttpRequest
to show more useful information
actors :: mandelbrot
Example implemented from "The computer Language Benchmarks Game" - Mandelbrotmarkdown2 :: markdown_html_rendering
HTML rendering of Markdown documentsmarkdown2 :: markdown_latex_rendering
LaTeX rendering of Markdown documentsmarkdown2 :: markdown_man_rendering
Manpages rendering of Markdown documentsmarkdown2 :: markdown_md_rendering
Markdown rendering of Markdown documentsmore_collections :: more_collections
Highly specific, but useful, collections-related classes.mpi :: mpi_simple
curl :: native_curl
Binding of C libCurl which allow us to interact with
on Android using a custom Java entry point
nitcc_runtime :: nitcc_runtime
Runtime library required by parsers and lexers generated by nitccnlp :: nlp_server
glesv2 :: opengles2_hello_triangle
Basic example of OpenGL ES 2.0 usage using SDL 2performance_analysis :: performance_analysis
Services to gather information on the performance of events by categoriesrestful
annotation documented at lib/nitcorn/restful.nit
sax :: sax_locator
Interface for associating a SAX event with a document location.Locator
msgpack :: serialization_common
Serialization services forserialization_write
and serialization_read
serialization :: serialization_core
Abstract services to serialize Nit objects to different formatsdeserialize_json
and JsonDeserializer
and JsonSerializer
msgpack :: serialization_write
Serialize full Nit objects to MessagePack formatroot
to execute
by refining the Agent class to make
socket :: socket_simple_server
Simple server example using a non-blockingTCPServer
and App::frame_core_draw
to get a stereoscopic view
gamnit :: texture_atlas_parser
Tool to parse XML texture atlas and generated Nit code to access subtextures
# Input and output streams of characters
module stream
import error
intrude import bytes
import codecs
in "C" `{
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <signal.h>
# Any kind of error that could be produced by an operation on Streams
class IOError
super Error
# Any kind of stream to read/write/both to or from a source
abstract class Stream
# Codec used to transform raw data to text
# Note: defaults to UTF-8
var codec: Codec = utf8_codec is protected writable(set_codec)
# Lookahead buffer for codecs
# Since some codecs are multibyte, a lookahead may be required
# to store the next bytes and consume them only if a valid character
# is read.
protected var lookahead: CString is noinit
# Capacity of the lookahead
protected var lookahead_capacity = 0
# Current occupation of the lookahead
protected var lookahead_length = 0
# Buffer for writing data to a stream
protected var write_buffer: CString is noinit
init do
var lcap = codec.max_lookahead
lookahead = new CString(lcap)
write_buffer = new CString(lcap)
lookahead_length = 0
lookahead_capacity = lcap
# Change the codec for this stream.
fun codec=(c: Codec) do
if c.max_lookahead > lookahead_capacity then
var lcap = codec.max_lookahead
var lk = new CString(lcap)
var llen = lookahead_length
if llen > 0 then
lookahead.copy_to(lk, llen, 0, 0)
lookahead = lk
lookahead_capacity = lcap
write_buffer = new CString(lcap)
# Error produced by the file stream
# var ifs = new"donotmakethisfile.binx")
# ifs.read_all
# ifs.close
# assert ifs.last_error != null
var last_error: nullable IOError = null
# close the stream
fun close is abstract
# Pre-work hook.
# Used to inform `self` that operations will start.
# Specific streams can use this to prepare some resources.
# Is automatically invoked at the beginning of `with` structures.
# Do nothing by default.
fun start do end
# Post-work hook.
# Used to inform `self` that the operations are over.
# Specific streams can use this to free some resources.
# Is automatically invoked at the end of `with` structures.
# call `close` by default.
fun finish do close
# A `Stream` that can be read from
abstract class Reader
super Stream
# Read a byte directly from the underlying stream, without
# considering any eventual buffer
protected fun raw_read_byte: Int is abstract
# Read at most `max` bytes from the underlying stream into `buf`,
# without considering any eventual buffer
# Returns how many bytes were read
protected fun raw_read_bytes(buf: CString, max: Int): Int do
var rd = 0
for i in [0 .. max[ do
var b = raw_read_byte
if b < 0 then break
buf[i] = b
rd += 1
return rd
# Reads a character. Returns `null` on EOF or timeout
# Returns unicode replacement character '�' if an
# invalid byte sequence is read.
# `read_char` may block if:
# * No byte could be read from the current buffer
# * An incomplete char is partially read, and more bytes are
# required for full decoding.
fun read_char: nullable Char do
if eof then return null
var cod = codec
var codet_sz = cod.codet_size
var lk = lookahead
var llen = lookahead_length
if llen < codet_sz then
llen += raw_read_bytes(lk.fast_cstring(llen), codet_sz - llen)
if llen < codet_sz then
lookahead_length = 0
return 0xFFFD.code_point
var ret = cod.is_valid_char(lk, codet_sz)
var max_llen = cod.max_lookahead
while ret == 1 and llen < max_llen do
var rd = raw_read_bytes(lk.fast_cstring(llen), codet_sz)
if rd < codet_sz then
llen -= codet_sz
if llen > 0 then
lookahead.lshift(codet_sz, llen, codet_sz)
lookahead_length = llen.max(0)
return 0xFFFD.code_point
llen += codet_sz
ret = cod.is_valid_char(lk, llen)
if ret == 0 then
var c = cod.decode_char(lk)
var clen = c.u8char_len
llen -= clen
if llen > 0 then
lookahead.lshift(clen, llen, clen)
lookahead_length = llen
return c
if ret == 2 or ret == 1 then
llen -= codet_sz
if llen > 0 then
lookahead.lshift(codet_sz, llen, codet_sz)
lookahead_length = llen
return 0xFFFD.code_point
# Should not happen if the decoder works properly
var arr = new Array[Object]
arr.push "Decoder error: could not decode nor recover from byte sequence ["
for i in [0 .. llen[ do
arr.push lk[i]
arr.push ", "
arr.push "]"
var err = new IOError(arr.plain_to_s)
err.cause = last_error
last_error = err
return 0xFFFD.code_point
# Reads a byte. Returns a negative value on error
fun read_byte: Int do
var llen = lookahead_length
if llen == 0 then return raw_read_byte
var lk = lookahead
var b = lk[0].to_i
if llen == 1 then
lookahead_length = 0
lk.lshift(1, llen - 1, 1)
lookahead_length -= 1
return b
# Reads a String of at most `i` length
fun read(i: Int): String do
assert i >= 0
var cs = new CString(i)
var rd = read_bytes_to_cstring(cs, i)
if rd < 0 then return ""
return codec.decode_string(cs, rd)
# Reads up to `max` bytes from source
fun read_bytes(max: Int): Bytes do
assert max >= 0
var cs = new CString(max)
var rd = read_bytes_to_cstring(cs, max)
return new Bytes(cs, rd, max)
# Reads up to `max` bytes from source and stores them in `bytes`
fun read_bytes_to_cstring(bytes: CString, max: Int): Int do
var llen = lookahead_length
if llen == 0 then return raw_read_bytes(bytes, max)
var rd = max.min(llen)
var lk = lookahead
lk.copy_to(bytes, rd, 0, 0)
if rd < llen then
lk.lshift(rd, llen - rd, rd)
lookahead_length -= rd
lookahead_length = 0
return rd + raw_read_bytes(bytes.fast_cstring(rd), max - rd)
# Read a string until the end of the line.
# The line terminator '\n' and '\r\n', if any, is removed in each line.
# ~~~
# var txt = "Hello\n\nWorld\n"
# var i = new StringReader(txt)
# assert i.read_line == "Hello"
# assert i.read_line == ""
# assert i.read_line == "World"
# assert i.eof
# ~~~
# Only LINE FEED (`\n`), CARRIAGE RETURN & LINE FEED (`\r\n`), and
# the end or file (EOF) is considered to delimit the end of lines.
# CARRIAGE RETURN (`\r`) alone is not used for the end of line.
# ~~~
# var txt2 = "Hello\r\n\n\rWorld"
# var i2 = new StringReader(txt2)
# assert i2.read_line == "Hello"
# assert i2.read_line == ""
# assert i2.read_line == "\rWorld"
# assert i2.eof
# ~~~
# NOTE: Use `append_line_to` if the line terminator needs to be preserved.
fun read_line: String
if last_error != null then return ""
if eof then return ""
var s = new FlatBuffer
return s.to_s.chomp
# Read all the lines until the eof.
# The line terminator '\n' and `\r\n` is removed in each line,
# ~~~
# var txt = "Hello\n\nWorld\n"
# var i = new StringReader(txt)
# assert i.read_lines == ["Hello", "", "World"]
# ~~~
# This method is more efficient that splitting
# the result of `read_all`.
# NOTE: SEE `read_line` for details.
fun read_lines: Array[String]
var res = new Array[String]
while not eof do
res.add read_line
return res
# Return an iterator that read each line.
# The line terminator '\n' and `\r\n` is removed in each line,
# The line are read with `read_line`. See this method for details.
# ~~~
# var txt = "Hello\n\nWorld\n"
# var i = new StringReader(txt)
# assert i.each_line.to_a == ["Hello", "", "World"]
# ~~~
# Unlike `read_lines` that read all lines at the call, `each_line` is lazy.
# Therefore, the stream should no be closed until the end of the stream.
# ~~~
# i = new StringReader(txt)
# var el = i.each_line
# assert el.item == "Hello"
# assert el.item == ""
# i.close
# assert not el.is_ok
# # closed before "world" is read
# ~~~
fun each_line: LineIterator do return new LineIterator(self)
# Read all the stream until the eof.
# The content of the file is returned as a String.
# ~~~
# var txt = "Hello\n\nWorld\n"
# var i = new StringReader(txt)
# assert i.read_all == txt
# ~~~
fun read_all: String do
var s = read_all_bytes
var slen = s.length
if slen == 0 then return ""
return codec.decode_string(s.items, s.length)
# Read all the stream until the eof.
# The content of the file is returned verbatim.
fun read_all_bytes: Bytes
if last_error != null then return new Bytes.empty
var s = new Bytes.empty
var buf = new CString(4096)
while not eof do
var rd = read_bytes_to_cstring(buf, 4096)
s.append_ns(buf, rd)
return s
# Read a string until the end of the line and append it to `s`.
# Unlike `read_line` and other related methods,
# the line terminator '\n', if any, is preserved in each line.
# Use the method `Text::chomp` to safely remove it.
# ~~~
# var txt = "Hello\n\nWorld\n"
# var i = new StringReader(txt)
# var b = new FlatBuffer
# i.append_line_to(b)
# assert b == "Hello\n"
# i.append_line_to(b)
# assert b == "Hello\n\n"
# i.append_line_to(b)
# assert b == txt
# assert i.eof
# ~~~
# If `\n` is not present at the end of the result, it means that
# a non-eol terminated last line was returned.
# ~~~
# var i2 = new StringReader("hello")
# assert not i2.eof
# var b2 = new FlatBuffer
# i2.append_line_to(b2)
# assert b2 == "hello"
# assert i2.eof
# ~~~
# NOTE: The single character LINE FEED (`\n`) delimits the end of lines.
# Therefore CARRIAGE RETURN & LINE FEED (`\r\n`) is also recognized.
fun append_line_to(s: Buffer)
if last_error != null then return
var x = read_char
if x == null then
if eof then return
if x == '\n' then return
# Is there something to read.
# This function returns 'false' if there is something to read.
fun eof: Bool do
if lookahead_length > 0 then return false
lookahead_length = raw_read_bytes(lookahead, 1)
return lookahead_length <= 0
# Read the next sequence of non whitespace characters.
# Leading whitespace characters are skipped.
# The first whitespace character that follows the result is consumed.
# An empty string is returned if the end of the file or an error is encounter.
# ~~~
# var w = new StringReader(" Hello, \n\t World!")
# assert w.read_word == "Hello,"
# assert w.read_char == '\n'
# assert w.read_word == "World!"
# assert w.read_word == ""
# ~~~
# `Char::is_whitespace` determines what is a whitespace.
fun read_word: String
var buf = new FlatBuffer
var c = read_nonwhitespace
if c != null then
while not eof do
c = read_char
if c == null then break
if c.is_whitespace then break
var res = buf.to_s
return res
# Skip whitespace characters (if any) then return the following non-whitespace character.
# Returns the code point of the character.
# Returns `null` on end of file or error.
# In fact, this method works like `read_char` except it skips whitespace.
# ~~~
# var w = new StringReader(" \nab\tc")
# assert w.read_nonwhitespace == 'a'
# assert w.read_nonwhitespace == 'b'
# assert w.read_nonwhitespace == 'c'
# assert w.read_nonwhitespace == null
# ~~~
# `Char::is_whitespace` determines what is a whitespace.
fun read_nonwhitespace: nullable Char
var c: nullable Char = null
while not eof do
c = read_char
if c == null or not c.is_whitespace then break
return c
# Iterator returned by `Reader::each_line`.
# See the aforementioned method for details.
class LineIterator
super CachedIterator[String]
# The original stream
var stream: Reader
redef fun next_item
if stream.eof then
if close_on_finish then stream.close
return null
return stream.read_line
# Close the stream when the stream is at the EOF.
# Default is false.
var close_on_finish = false is writable
redef fun finish
if close_on_finish then stream.close
# `Reader` capable of declaring if readable without blocking
abstract class PollableReader
super Reader
# Is there something to read? (without blocking)
fun poll_in: Bool is abstract
# A `Stream` that can be written to
abstract class Writer
super Stream
# Write bytes from `s`
fun write_bytes(s: Bytes) do write_bytes_from_cstring(s.items, s.length)
# Write `len` bytes from `ns`
fun write_bytes_from_cstring(ns: CString, len: Int) is abstract
# Write a string
fun write(s: Text) is abstract
# Write a single byte
fun write_byte(value: Int) is abstract
# Write a single char
fun write_char(c: Char) do
var ln = codec.add_char_to(c, write_buffer)
write_bytes_from_cstring(write_buffer, ln)
# Can the stream be used to write
fun is_writable: Bool is abstract
# Things that can be efficienlty written to a `Writer`
# The point of this interface is to allow the instance to be efficiently
# written into a `Writer`.
# Ready-to-save documents usually provide this interface.
interface Writable
# Write itself to a `stream`
# The specific logic it let to the concrete subclasses
fun write_to(stream: Writer) is abstract
# Like `write_to` but return a new String (may be quite large).
# This functionality is anecdotal, since the point
# of a streamable object is to be efficiently written to a
# stream without having to allocate and concatenate strings.
fun write_to_string: String
var stream = new StringWriter
return stream.to_s
# Like `write_to` but return a new Bytes (may be quite large)
# This functionality is anecdotal, since the point
# of a streamable object is to be efficiently written to a
# stream without having to allocate and concatenate buffers.
# Nevertheless, you might need this method if you want to know
# the byte size of a writable object.
fun write_to_bytes: Bytes
var stream = new BytesWriter
return stream.bytes
redef class Bytes
super Writable
redef fun write_to(s) do s.write_bytes(self)
redef fun write_to_string do return to_s
redef class Text
super Writable
redef fun write_to(stream) do stream.write(self)
# A `Stream` that can be written to and read from
abstract class Duplex
super Reader
super Writer
# Write to `bytes` in memory
# ~~~
# var writer = new BytesWriter
# writer.write "Strings "
# writer.write_char '&'
# writer.write_byte 0x20
# writer.write_bytes "bytes".to_bytes
# assert writer.to_s == "\\x53\\x74\\x72\\x69\\x6E\\x67\\x73\\x20\\x26\\x20\\x62\\x79\\x74\\x65\\x73"
# assert writer.bytes.to_s == "Strings & bytes"
# ~~~
# As with any binary data, UTF-8 code points encoded on two bytes or more
# can be constructed byte by byte.
# ~~~
# writer = new BytesWriter
# # Write just the character first half
# writer.write_byte 0xC2
# assert writer.to_s == "\\xC2"
# assert writer.bytes.to_s == "�"
# # Complete the character
# writer.write_byte 0xA2
# assert writer.to_s == "\\xC2\\xA2"
# assert writer.bytes.to_s == "¢"
# ~~~
class BytesWriter
super Writer
# Written memory
var bytes = new Bytes.empty
redef fun to_s do return bytes.chexdigest
redef fun write(str)
if closed then return
str.append_to_bytes bytes
redef fun write_char(c)
if closed then return
bytes.add_char c
redef fun write_byte(value)
if closed then return
bytes.add value
redef fun write_bytes_from_cstring(ns, len) do
if closed then return
bytes.append_ns(ns, len)
# Is the stream closed?
protected var closed = false
redef fun close do closed = true
redef fun is_writable do return not closed
# `Stream` writing to a `String`
# This class has the same behavior as `BytesWriter`
# except for `to_s` which decodes `bytes` to a string.
# ~~~
# var writer = new StringWriter
# writer.write "Strings "
# writer.write_char '&'
# writer.write_byte 0x20
# writer.write_bytes "bytes".to_bytes
# assert writer.to_s == "Strings & bytes"
# ~~~
class StringWriter
super BytesWriter
redef fun to_s do return bytes.to_s
# Read from `bytes` in memory
# ~~~
# var reader = new BytesReader(b"a…b")
# assert reader.read_char == 'a'
# assert reader.read_byte == 0xE2 # 1st byte of '…'
# assert reader.read_byte == 0x80 # 2nd byte of '…'
# assert reader.read_char == '�' # Reads the last byte as an invalid char
# assert reader.read_all_bytes == b"b"
# ~~~
class BytesReader
super Reader
# Source data to read
var bytes: Bytes
# The current position in `bytes`
private var cursor = 0
redef fun raw_read_byte
if cursor >= bytes.length then return -1
var c = bytes[cursor]
cursor += 1
return c.to_i
redef fun close do bytes = new Bytes.empty
redef fun read_all_bytes
var res = bytes.slice_from(cursor)
cursor = bytes.length
return res
redef fun raw_read_bytes(ns, max) do
if cursor >= bytes.length then return 0
var copy = max.min(bytes.length - cursor)
bytes.items.copy_to(ns, copy, cursor, 0)
cursor += copy
return copy
redef fun eof do return cursor >= bytes.length
# `Stream` reading from a `String` source
# This class has the same behavior as `BytesReader`
# except for its constructor accepting a `String`.
# ~~~
# var reader = new StringReader("a…b")
# assert reader.read_char == 'a'
# assert reader.read_byte == 0xE2 # 1st byte of '…'
# assert reader.read_byte == 0x80 # 2nd byte of '…'
# assert reader.read_char == '�' # Reads the last byte as an invalid char
# assert reader.read_all == "b"
# ~~~
class StringReader
super BytesReader
autoinit source
# Source data to read
var source: String
init do bytes = source.to_bytes
redef fun close
source = ""