core :: math $ AbstractArray
Resizable one dimension array of objects.core :: math $ Collection
The root of the collection hierarchy.core :: math $ Comparable
The ancestor of class where objects are in a total order.core :: math $ SequenceRead
Sequences are indexed collections.core :: math $ AbstractArray
Resizable one dimension array of objects.core :: math $ Collection
The root of the collection hierarchy.core :: math $ Comparable
The ancestor of class where objects are in a total order.core :: math $ SequenceRead
Sequences are indexed collections.core :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structurebucketed_game :: bucketed_game
Game framework with an emphasis on efficient event coordinationaccept_scroll_and_zoom
gamnit :: camera_control_android
Two fingers camera manipulation, pinch to zoom and slide to scrollgamnit :: camera_control_linux
Mouse wheel and middle mouse button to control camerapthreads :: concurrent_array_and_barrier
A basic usage example of the modulespthreads
and pthreads::cocurrent_collections
pthreads :: concurrent_collections
Introduces thread-safe concurrent collectionsserialization :: custom_serialization
Example of an ad hoc serializer that is tailored to transform business specific objects into customized representation.egl
, sdl
and x11
action, which is a standard and minimal file server
cocoa :: foundation
The Foundation Kit provides basic Objective-C classes and structuresfunctional_types.nit
functional :: functional_types
This module provides functional type to represents various function forms.gtk :: gtk_assistant
gtk :: gtk_dialogs
class and services to create it
main service AsyncHttpRequest
to show more useful information
actors :: mandelbrot
Example implemented from "The computer Language Benchmarks Game" - Mandelbrotmarkdown2 :: markdown_html_rendering
HTML rendering of Markdown documentsmarkdown2 :: markdown_latex_rendering
LaTeX rendering of Markdown documentsmarkdown2 :: markdown_man_rendering
Manpages rendering of Markdown documentsmarkdown2 :: markdown_md_rendering
Markdown rendering of Markdown documentsmore_collections :: more_collections
Highly specific, but useful, collections-related classes.mpi :: mpi_simple
curl :: native_curl
Binding of C libCurl which allow us to interact with
on Android using a custom Java entry point
nitcc_runtime :: nitcc_runtime
Runtime library required by parsers and lexers generated by nitccnlp :: nlp_server
glesv2 :: opengles2_hello_triangle
Basic example of OpenGL ES 2.0 usage using SDL 2performance_analysis :: performance_analysis
Services to gather information on the performance of events by categoriesrestful
annotation documented at lib/nitcorn/restful.nit
sax :: sax_locator
Interface for associating a SAX event with a document location.Locator
msgpack :: serialization_common
Serialization services forserialization_write
and serialization_read
serialization :: serialization_core
Abstract services to serialize Nit objects to different formatsdeserialize_json
and JsonDeserializer
msgpack :: serialization_write
Serialize full Nit objects to MessagePack formatserialize_to_json
and JsonSerializer
to execute
by refining the Agent class to make
socket :: socket_simple_server
Simple server example using a non-blockingTCPServer
and App::frame_core_draw
to get a stereoscopic view
gamnit :: texture_atlas_parser
Tool to parse XML texture atlas and generated Nit code to access subtextures
# Mathematical operations
module math is ldflags "-lm"
import kernel
import collection
in "C header" `{
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
in "C" `{
/* Is rand shortcut? */
static int nit_rand_seeded;
/* Current rand seed if seeded */
static unsigned int nit_rand_seed;
#define NIT_RAND_MAX 0x7fffffff
/* This algorithm is mentioned in the ISO C standard, here extended
for 32 bits. */
static int
nit_rand(void) {
unsigned int next = nit_rand_seed;
int result;
next *= 1103515245;
next += 12345;
result = (unsigned int) (next / 65536) % 2048;
next *= 1103515245;
next += 12345;
result <<= 10;
result ^= (unsigned int) (next / 65536) % 1024;
next *= 1103515245;
next += 12345;
result <<= 10;
result ^= (unsigned int) (next / 65536) % 1024;
nit_rand_seed = next;
return result;
redef class Int
# Returns a random `Int` in `[0 .. self[`.
fun rand: Int `{
if (nit_rand_seeded) return (long)(((double)self)*nit_rand()/(NIT_RAND_MAX+1.0));
return (long)(((double)self)*rand()/(RAND_MAX+1.0));
# Returns the result of a binary AND operation on `self` and `i`
# assert 0x10 & 0x01 == 0
fun &(i: Int): Int is intern `{ return self & i; `}
# Returns the result of a binary OR operation on `self` and `i`
# assert 0x10 | 0x01 == 0x11
fun |(i: Int): Int is intern `{ return self | i; `}
# Returns the result of a binary XOR operation on `self` and `i`
# assert 0x101 ^ 0x110 == 0x11
fun ^(i: Int): Int `{ return self ^ i; `}
# Returns the 1's complement of `self`
# assert ~0x2F == -48
fun ~: Int `{ return ~self; `}
# Returns the square root of `self`
# assert 16.sqrt == 4
fun sqrt: Int `{ return sqrt(self); `}
# Returns the greatest common divisor of `self` and `o`
# assert 54.gcd(24) == 6
# assert -54.gcd(-24) == 6
# assert 54.gcd(-24) == -6
# assert -54.gcd(24) == -6
# assert 12.gcd(6) == 6
fun gcd(o: Int): Int
if self < 0 then return -(-self).gcd(o)
if o < 0 then return -(self.gcd(-o))
if self == 0 or o == self then return o
if o == 0 then return self
if self & 1 == 0 then
if o & 1 == 1 then
return (self >> 1).gcd(o)
return (self >> 1).gcd(o >> 1) << 1
if o & 1 == 0 then return self.gcd(o >> 1)
if self > o then return ((self - o) >> 1).gcd(o)
return ((o - self) >> 1).gcd(self)
# Is `self` even ?
# assert 12.is_even
fun is_even: Bool do return self % 2 == 0
# Is `self` odd ?
# assert not 13.is_even
fun is_odd: Bool do return not is_even
# Is self a prime number ?
# assert 3.is_prime
# assert not 1.is_prime
# assert not 15.is_prime
fun is_prime: Bool
if self == 2 then
return true
else if self <= 1 or self.is_even then
return false
for i in [3..self.sqrt] do
if self % i == 0 then return false
return true
# Returns the `self` raised to the power of `e`.
# assert 2 ** 3 == 8
fun **(e: Int): Int
return self.to_f.pow(e.to_f).to_i
# The factorial of `self` (aka `self!`)
# Returns `1 * 2 * 3 * ... * self-1 * self`
# assert 0.factorial == 1 # by convention for an empty product
# assert 1.factorial == 1
# assert 4.factorial == 24
# assert 9.factorial == 362880
fun factorial: Int
assert self >= 0
var res = 1
var n = self
while n > 0 do
res = res * n
n -= 1
return res
# Is `self` a power of two ?
# ~~~nit
# assert not 3.is_pow2
# assert 2.is_pow2
# assert 1.is_pow2
# assert not 0.is_pow2
# ~~~
fun is_pow2: Bool do return self != 0 and (self & self - 1) == 0
redef class Byte
# Returns the result of a binary AND operation on `self` and `i`
# assert 0x10u8 & 0x01u8 == 0u8
fun &(i: Byte): Byte is intern `{ return self & i; `}
# Returns the result of a binary OR operation on `self` and `i`
# assert 0x10u8 | 0x01u8 == 0x11u8
fun |(i: Byte): Byte `{ return self | i; `}
# Returns the result of a binary XOR operation on `self` and `i`
# assert 0x101u8 ^ 0x110u8 == 0x11u8
fun ^(i: Byte): Byte `{ return self ^ i; `}
# Returns the 1's complement of `self`
# assert ~0x2Fu8 == 0xD0u8
fun ~: Byte `{ return ~self; `}
redef class Float
# Returns the non-negative square root of `self`.
# assert 9.0.sqrt == 3.0
# #assert 3.0.sqrt == 1.732
# assert 1.0.sqrt == 1.0
# assert 0.0.sqrt == 0.0
fun sqrt: Float `{ return sqrt(self); `}
# Computes the cosine of `self` (expressed in radians).
# #assert pi.cos == -1.0
fun cos: Float `{ return cos(self); `}
# Computes the sine of `self` (expressed in radians).
# #assert pi.sin == 0.0
fun sin: Float `{ return sin(self); `}
# Computes the cosine of x (expressed in radians).
# #assert 0.0.tan == 0.0
fun tan: Float `{ return tan(self); `}
# Computes the arc cosine of `self`.
# #assert 0.0.acos == pi / 2.0
fun acos: Float `{ return acos(self); `}
# Computes the arc sine of `self`.
# #assert 1.0.asin == pi / 2.0
fun asin: Float `{ return asin(self); `}
# Computes the arc tangent of `self`.
# #assert 0.0.tan == 0.0
fun atan: Float `{ return atan(self); `}
# Returns the absolute value of `self`.
# assert 12.0.abs == 12.0
# assert (-34.56).abs == 34.56
# assert -34.56.abs == -34.56
fun abs: Float `{ return fabs(self); `}
# Returns `self` raised at `e` power.
# assert 2.0.pow(0.0) == 1.0
# assert 2.0.pow(3.0) == 8.0
# assert 0.0.pow(9.0) == 0.0
fun pow(e: Float): Float `{ return pow(self, e); `}
# Natural logarithm of `self`.
# assert 0.0.log.is_inf == -1
# assert 1.0.log == 0.0
fun log: Float `{ return log(self); `}
# Logarithm of `self` to base `base`.
# assert 100.0.log_base(10.0) == 2.0
# assert 256.0.log_base(2.0) == 8.0
fun log_base(base: Float): Float do return log/base.log
# Returns *e* raised to `self`.
fun exp: Float `{ return exp(self); `}
# assert 1.1.ceil == 2.0
# assert 1.9.ceil == 2.0
# assert 2.0.ceil == 2.0
# assert (-1.5).ceil == -1.0
fun ceil: Float `{ return ceil(self); `}
# assert 1.1.floor == 1.0
# assert 1.9.floor == 1.0
# assert 2.0.floor == 2.0
# assert (-1.5).floor == -2.0
fun floor: Float `{ return floor(self); `}
# Rounds the value of a float to its nearest integer value
# assert 1.67.round == 2.0
# assert 1.34.round == 1.0
# assert -1.34.round == -1.0
# assert -1.67.round == -2.0
fun round: Float `{ return round(self); `}
# Returns a random `Float` in `[0.0 .. self[`.
fun rand: Float `{
if (nit_rand_seeded) return ((self)*nit_rand())/(NIT_RAND_MAX+1.0);
return ((self)*rand())/(RAND_MAX+1.0);
# Returns the euclidean distance from `b`.
fun hypot_with(b: Float): Float `{ return hypotf(self, b); `}
# Returns true is self is not a number.
# As `nan != nan`, `is_nan` should be used to test if a float is the special *not a number* value.
# ~~~
# assert nan != nan # By IEEE 754
# assert nan.is_nan
# assert not 10.0.is_nan
# ~~~
fun is_nan: Bool `{ return isnan(self); `}
# Is the float an infinite value
# this function returns:
# * 1 if self is positive infinity
# * -1 if self is negative infinity
# * 0 otherwise
# ~~~
# assert 10.0.is_inf == 0
# assert inf.is_inf == 1
# assert (-inf).is_inf == -1
# ~~~
fun is_inf: Int do
if native_is_inf then
if self < 0.0 then return -1
return 1
return 0
private fun native_is_inf: Bool `{ return isinf(self); `}
# Linear interpolation between `a` and `b` using `self` as weight
# ~~~
# assert 0.0.lerp(0.0, 128.0) == 0.0
# assert 0.5.lerp(0.0, 128.0) == 64.0
# assert 1.0.lerp(0.0, 128.0) == 128.0
# assert -0.5.lerp(0.0, 128.0) == -64.0
# ~~~
fun lerp(a, b: Float): Float do return (1.0 - self) * a + self * b
# Quadratic Bézier interpolation between `a` and `b` with an `handle` using `self` as weight
# ~~~
# assert 0.00.qerp(0.0, 32.0, 128.0) == 0.0
# assert 0.25.qerp(0.0, 32.0, 128.0) == 20.0
# assert 0.50.qerp(0.0, 32.0, 128.0) == 48.0
# assert 0.75.qerp(0.0, 32.0, 128.0) == 84.0
# assert 1.00.qerp(0.0, 32.0, 128.0) == 128.0
# ~~~
fun qerp(a, handle, b: Float): Float do
var p = self
var i = 1.0 - p
var r = i*i * a +
2.0*i*p * handle +
p*p * b
return r
# Cubic Bézier interpolation between `a` and `b` with two handles using `self` as weight
# The Cubic Bézier interpolation is the most common one and use two control points.
# ~~~
# assert 0.00.cerp(0.0, 32.0, 128.0, 64.0) == 0.0
# assert 0.25.cerp(0.0, 32.0, 128.0, 64.0) == 32.5
# assert 0.50.cerp(0.0, 32.0, 128.0, 64.0) == 68.0
# assert 0.75.cerp(0.0, 32.0, 128.0, 64.0) == 85.5
# assert 1.00.cerp(0.0, 32.0, 128.0, 64.0) == 64.0
# ~~~
fun cerp(a, a_handle, b_handle, b: Float): Float do
var p = self
var i = 1.0 - p
var r = i*i*i * a +
3.0*i*i*p * a_handle +
3.0*i*p*p * b_handle +
p*p*p * b
return r
# Positive float infinite (IEEE 754)
# assert inf > 10.0
# assert inf.is_inf == 1
# `inf` follows the arithmetic of infinites
# assert (inf - 1.0) == inf
# assert (inf - inf).is_nan
# The negative infinite can be used as `-inf`.
# assert -inf < -10.0
# assert (-inf).is_inf == -1
fun inf: Float do return 1.0 / 0.0
# Not a Number, representation of an undefined or unrepresentable float (IEEE 754).
# `nan` is not comparable with itself, you should use `Float::is_nan` to test it.
# ~~~
# assert nan.is_nan
# assert nan != nan # By IEEE 754
# ~~~
# `nan` is the quiet result of some undefined operations.
# ~~~
# assert (1.0 + nan).is_nan
# assert (0.0 / 0.0).is_nan
# assert (inf - inf).is_nan
# assert (inf / inf).is_nan
# assert (-1.0).sqrt.is_nan
# ~~~
fun nan: Float do return 0.0 / 0.0
redef class Comparable
# Constraint `self` within `[min..max]`
# assert 1.clamp(5, 10) == 5
# assert 7.clamp(5, 10) == 7
# assert 15.clamp(5, 10) == 10
# assert 1.5.clamp(1.0, 2.0) == 1.5
# assert "a".clamp("b", "c") == "b"
fun clamp(min, max: OTHER): OTHER do return self.max(min).min(max)
redef class Collection[ E ]
# Return a random element form the collection
# There must be at least one element in the collection
# ~~~
# var x = [1,2,3].rand
# assert x == 1 or x == 2 or x == 3
# ~~~
fun rand: E
if is_empty then abort
var rand_index = length.rand
for e in self do
if rand_index == 0 then return e
rand_index -= 1
# Return a new array made of elements in a random order.
# ~~~
# var a = [1,2,1].to_shuffle
# assert a == [1,1,2] or a == [1,2,1] or a == [2,1,1]
# ~~~
fun to_shuffle: Array[E]
var res = self.to_a
return res
# Return a new array made of (at most) `length` elements randomly chosen.
# ~~~
# var a = [1,2,1].sample(2)
# assert a == [1,1] or a == [1,2] or a == [2,1]
# ~~~
# If there is not enough elements, then the result only contains them in a random order.
# See `to_shuffle`.
# ENSURE `result.length == self.length.min(length)`
# Note: the default implementation uses the Reservoir Algorithm
fun sample(length: Int): Array[E]
if length >= self.length then return to_shuffle
var res = new Array[E].with_capacity(length)
var it = iterator
for i in [0..length[ do
res[i] = it.item
for i in [length+1..self.length] do
var j = i.rand
if j < length then
res[j] = it.item
return res
redef class SequenceRead[E]
# Optimized for large collections using `[]`
redef fun rand
assert not is_empty
return self[length.rand]
redef class AbstractArray[E]
# Reorder randomly the elements in self.
# ~~~
# var a = new Array[Int]
# a.shuffle
# assert a.is_empty
# a.add 1
# a.shuffle
# assert a == [1]
# a.add 2
# a.shuffle
# assert a == [1,2] or a == [2,1]
# ~~~
# ENSURE self.shuffle.has_exactly(old(self))
fun shuffle
for i in [0..length[ do
var j = i + (length-i).rand
var tmp = self[i]
self[i] = self[j]
self[j] = tmp
redef class Sys
# Computes the arc tangent given `y` and `x`.
# assert atan2(-0.0, 1.0) == -0.0
# assert atan2(0.0, 1.0) == 0.0
fun atan2(y: Float, x: Float): Float `{ return atan2(y, x); `}
# Approximate value of **pi**.
fun pi: Float do return 3.14159265
# Initialize the pseudo-random generator with the given seed.
# The pseudo-random generator is used by the method `rand` and other to generate sequence of numbers.
# These sequences are repeatable by calling `srand_from` with a same seed value.
# ~~~~
# srand_from(0)
# var a = 10.rand
# var b = 100.rand
# srand_from(0)
# assert 10.rand == a
# assert 100.rand == b
# ~~~~
fun srand_from(x: Int) `{ nit_rand_seeded = 1; nit_rand_seed = (unsigned int)x; `}
# Reinitialize the pseudo-random generator used by the method `rand` and other.
# This method is automatically invoked at the begin of the program, so usually, there is no need to manually invoke it.
# The only exception is in conjunction with `srand_from` to reset the pseudo-random generator.
fun srand `{ nit_rand_seeded = 0; srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); `}