Tree-based representation of a String.

Ropes are a data structure introduced in a 1995 paper from Hans J. Boehm, Russ Atkinson and Michael Plass.


Ropes: an Alternative to Strings, Software - Practice and Experience, Vol. 25(12), 1315-1330 (December 1995).

The implementation developed here provides an automatic change of data structure depending on the length of the leaves.

The length from which a Rope is built from a flat string if defined at top-level (see maxlen) and can be redefined by clients depending on their needs (e.g. if you need to bench the speed of the creation of concat nodes, lower the size of maxlen).

A Rope as defined in the original paper is a Tree made of concatenation nodes and containing Flat (that is Array-based) strings as Leaves.

Example :

              /        \
        Concat          Concat
       /      \        /      \
    "My"     " Name"  " is"   " Simon."

Note that the above example is not representative of the actual implementation of Ropes, since short leaves are merged to keep the rope at an acceptable height (hence, this rope here might actually be a FlatString !).

Redefined classes

redef abstract class FlatString

core :: ropes $ FlatString

Immutable strings of characters.
redef class Sys

core :: ropes $ Sys

The main class of the program.

All class definitions

redef abstract class FlatString

core :: ropes $ FlatString

Immutable strings of characters.
redef class Sys

core :: ropes $ Sys

The main class of the program.
package_diagram core::ropes ropes core::flat flat core::ropes->core::flat core::abstract_text abstract_text core::flat->core::abstract_text ...core::abstract_text ... ...core::abstract_text->core::abstract_text core::text text core::text->core::ropes core::error error core::error->core::text core::codec_base codec_base core::codec_base->core::text core::numeric numeric core::numeric->core::text core::error... ... core::error...->core::error core::codec_base... ... core::codec_base...->core::codec_base core::numeric... ... core::numeric...->core::numeric


module abstract_collection

core :: abstract_collection

Abstract collection classes and services.
module abstract_text

core :: abstract_text

Abstract class for manipulation of sequences of characters
module array

core :: array

This module introduces the standard array structure.
module circular_array

core :: circular_array

Efficient data structure to access both end of the sequence.
module collection

core :: collection

This module define several collection classes.
module fixed_ints

core :: fixed_ints

Basic integers of fixed-precision
module hash_collection

core :: hash_collection

Introduce HashMap and HashSet.
module kernel

core :: kernel

Most basic classes and methods.
module list

core :: list

This module handle double linked lists
module math

core :: math

Mathematical operations
module native

core :: native

Native structures for text and bytes
module range

core :: range

Module for range of discrete objects.
module sorter

core :: sorter

This module contains classes used to compare things and sorts arrays.
module union_find

core :: union_find

union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure


module flat

core :: flat

All the array-based text representations


module text

core :: text

All the classes and methods related to the manipulation of text entities


module a_star

a_star :: a_star

A* pathfinding in graphs
module a_star-m


module abstract_tree

trees :: abstract_tree

Introduce tree structures abstraction
module activities

android :: activities

Android Activities wrapper
module actors

actors :: actors

Abstraction of the actors concepts
module agent_simulation

actors :: agent_simulation

a "Framework" to make Multi-Agent Simulations in Nit
module ai

ai :: ai

Simple toolkit for artificial intelligence.
module all

sdl2 :: all

Unites the main sdl2 module and its sister library sdl2::image
module android

android :: android

Android services and implementation of app.nit
module android19

gamnit :: android19

Variation using features from Android API 19
module angles

geometry :: angles

Angle related service using Float to represent an angle in radians
module api

github :: api

Nit object oriented interface to Github api.
module app

ios :: app

Basic structure for Nit apps on iOS
module app

app :: app

app.nit is a framework to create cross-platform applications
module app_base

app :: app_base

Base of the app.nit framework, defines App
module app_kit

cocoa :: app_kit

The Application Kit provides services to create GUI
module array_debug

array_debug :: array_debug

Exposes functions to help profile or debug Arrays.
module assets

app :: assets

Portable services to load resources from the assets folder
module assets

android :: assets

Implementation of app::assets
module assets

ios :: assets

Implementation of app::assets
module assets_and_resources

android :: assets_and_resources

Android Assets and Resources Management
module at_boot

android :: at_boot

Import this module to launch Service at device boot
module attributes

sax :: attributes

Interface for a list of XML attributes.
module attributes_impl

sax :: attributes_impl

Default implementation of the Attributes interface.
module audio

ios :: audio

iOS implementation of app::audio using AVAudioPlayer
module audio

app :: audio

Services to load and play Sound and Music from the assets folder
module audio

linux :: audio

app::audio implementation for GNU/Linux using SDL2 mixer
module audio

android :: audio

Android audio services, wraps a part of android audio API
module aware

android :: aware

Android compatibility module
module backtrack

ai :: backtrack

Basic framework for active backtrack solver
module base64

base64 :: base64

Offers the base 64 encoding and decoding algorithms
module basic_ciphers

crypto :: basic_ciphers

Basic cryptographic ciphers and utilities.
module bcm2835

bcm2835 :: bcm2835

Services to control the bcm2835 chipset used in the Raspberry Pi
module binary

binary :: binary

Read and write binary data with any Reader and Writer
module bintree

trees :: bintree

Binary Tree data-structure
module bitmap

bitmap :: bitmap

The Bitmap class represents a 24-bit bitmap image. An instance can be constructed
module bktree

trees :: bktree

Implementation of BKTree
module bmfont

gamnit :: bmfont

Parse Angel Code BMFont format and draw text
module bootstrap

html :: bootstrap

HTML templates for Bootstrap components.
module boxes

geometry :: boxes

Provides interfaces and classes to represent basic geometry needs.
module bucketed_game

bucketed_game :: bucketed_game

Game framework with an emphasis on efficient event coordination
module bundle

android :: bundle

A mapping class of String to various value types used by the
module bytes

crypto :: bytes

Mix of utilities and services related to bytes
module c

c :: c

Structures and services for compatibility with the C language
module cache

github :: cache

Enable caching on Github API accesses.
module caching

serialization :: caching

Services for caching serialization engines
module camera_control

gamnit :: camera_control

Simple camera control for user, as the method accept_scroll_and_zoom
module camera_control_android

gamnit :: camera_control_android

Two fingers camera manipulation, pinch to zoom and slide to scroll
module camera_control_linux

gamnit :: camera_control_linux

Mouse wheel and middle mouse button to control camera
module cameras

gamnit :: cameras

Camera services producing Model-View-Projection matrices
module cameras_cache

gamnit :: cameras_cache

Cache the Matrix produced by Camera::mvp_matrix
module cardboard

gamnit :: cardboard

Update the orientation of world_camera at each frame using the head position given by android::cardboard
module cardboard

android :: cardboard

Services from the Google Cardboard SDK for virtual reality on Android
module cartesian

cartesian :: cartesian

Memory-efficient Cartesian products on heterogeneous collections.
module chameneosredux

actors :: chameneosredux

Example implemented from "The computer Language Benchmarks Game" - Chameneos-Redux
module checker

dom :: checker

Simple XML validity checker using the dom module
module client

gamnit :: client

Client-side network services for games and such
module clusters

dot :: clusters

Example from
module cocoa

cocoa :: cocoa

Cocoa API, the development layer of OS X
module cocoa_extern_types

cocoa :: cocoa_extern_types

Test extern classes from the Cocoa framework and extern factories
module cocoa_message_box

cocoa :: cocoa_message_box

Simple message box using the Cocoa framework
module codec_base

core :: codec_base

Base for codecs to use with streams
module codecs

core :: codecs

Group module for all codec-related manipulations
module collections

java :: collections

Basic Java collections
module combinations

combinations :: combinations

Memory-efficient Cartesian products, combinations and permutation on collections.
module common

gamnit :: common

Services common to the client and server modules
module commonmark_gen

markdown2 :: commonmark_gen

Generate Nitunit tests from commonmark specification.
module concurrent_array_and_barrier

pthreads :: concurrent_array_and_barrier

A basic usage example of the modules pthreads and pthreads::cocurrent_collections
module concurrent_collections

pthreads :: concurrent_collections

Introduces thread-safe concurrent collections
module config

config :: config

Configuration options for nit tools and apps
module console

console :: console

Defines some ANSI Terminal Control Escape Sequences.
module content_handler

sax :: content_handler

Receives notification of the logical content of a document.
module core

core :: core

Standard classes and methods used by default by Nit programs and libraries.
module counter

counter :: counter

Simple numerical statistical analysis and presentation
module cpp

cpp :: cpp

Services for compatibility with C++ code and libraries
module crapto

crapto :: crapto

Cryptographic attacks and utilities.
module crypto

crypto :: crypto

Mix of all things cryptography-related
module csv

csv :: csv

CSV document handling.
module curl

curl :: curl

Data transfer powered by the native curl library
module curl_http

curl :: curl_http

Example use of the Curl module
module curl_json

neo4j :: curl_json

cURL requests compatible with the JSON REST APIs.
module curl_rest

curl :: curl_rest

module curses

curses :: curses

Curses for Nit
module custom_serialization

serialization :: custom_serialization

Example of an ad hoc serializer that is tailored to transform business specific objects into customized representation.
module dalvik

android :: dalvik

Java related services specific to Android and its Dalvik VM
module data_store

app :: data_store

Key/value storage services
module data_store

linux :: data_store

app::data_store implementation on GNU/Linux
module data_store

ios :: data_store

Implements app::data_store using NSUserDefaults
module data_store

android :: data_store

Implements app::data_store using shared_preferences
module date

date :: date

Services to manipulate Date, Time and DateTime
module decl_handler

sax :: decl_handler

SAX2 extension handler for DTD declaration events.
module decorators

markdown :: decorators

Decorators for markdown parsing.
module depth

gamnit :: depth

Framework for 3D games in Nit
module depth_core

gamnit :: depth_core

Base entities of the depth 3D game framework
module deriving

deriving :: deriving

Automatic derivable implementations of standard basic methods.
module digraph

graph :: digraph

Implementation of directed graphs, also called digraphs.
module display

gamnit :: display

Abstract display services
module display_android

gamnit :: display_android

Gamnit display implementation for Android
module display_ios

gamnit :: display_ios

Gamnit display implementation for iOS
module display_linux

gamnit :: display_linux

Gamnit display implementation for GNU/Linux using egl, sdl and x11
module dom

dom :: dom

Easy XML DOM parser
module dot

dot :: dot

Dot rendering library
module drop_privileges

privileges :: drop_privileges

Example using the privileges module to drop privileges from root
module dtd_handler

sax :: dtd_handler

Receives notification of basic DTD-related events.
module dynamic

json :: dynamic

Dynamic interface to read values from JSON strings
module dynamic_resolution

gamnit :: dynamic_resolution

Virtual screen with a resolution independent from the real screen
module egl

gamnit :: egl

Use of EGL to implement Gamnit on GNU/Linux and Android
module egl

egl :: egl

Interface between rendering APIs (OpenGL, OpenGL ES, etc.) and the native windowing system.
module emscripten

emscripten :: emscripten

Platform for the emscripten framework
module engine_tools

serialization :: engine_tools

Advanced services for serialization engines
module english_utils

crapto :: english_utils

English language utilities for cryptographic purposes.
module entity_resolver

sax :: entity_resolver

Basic interface for resolving entities.
module environ

core :: environ

Access to the environment variables of the process
module error

json :: error

Intro JsonParseError which is exposed by all JSON reading APIs
module error

core :: error

Standard error-management infrastructure.
module error

neo4j :: error

Errors thrown by the neo4j library.
module error_handler

sax :: error_handler

Basic interface for SAX error handlers.
module event_queue

event_queue :: event_queue

Register, update and discard events in a timeline.
module events

sdl2 :: events

SDL 2 events and related services
module events

github :: events

Events are emitted by Github Hooks.
module example_angular

popcorn :: example_angular

This is an example of how to use angular.js with popcorn
module example_vsm

vsm :: example_vsm

Example using a FileIndex
module exec

core :: exec

Invocation and management of operating system sub-processes.
module ext

posix :: ext

Services not defined in POSIX but provided by most implementations
module ext

msgpack :: ext

Application specific MessagePack extension MsgPackExt
module ext

sax :: ext

Interfaces to optional SAX2 handlers.
module extra

pthreads :: extra

Offers some POSIX threads services that are not available on all platforms
module extra

curl :: extra

Shortcut services for scripts: http_get and http_download
module fannkuchredux

actors :: fannkuchredux

Example implemented from "The computer Language Benchmarks Game" - Fannkuch-Redux
module fca

fca :: fca

Formal Concept Analysis
module ffi_support

java :: ffi_support

Core supporting services for the FFI with Java
module file

core :: file

File manipulations (create, read, write, etc.)
module file_server

nitcorn :: file_server

Provides the FileServer action, which is a standard and minimal file server
module flat

gamnit :: flat

Simple API for 2D games, built around Sprite and App::update
module flat_core

gamnit :: flat_core

Core services for the flat API for 2D games
module font

gamnit :: font

Abstract font drawing services, implemented by bmfont and tileset
module for_abuse

for_abuse :: for_abuse

Service management through the for control structure.
module foundation

cocoa :: foundation

The Foundation Kit provides basic Objective-C classes and structures
module functional

functional :: functional

Functional types and functional API for Iterator
module functional_gen

functional :: functional_gen

This module is only used to generate functional_types.nit
module functional_types

functional :: functional_types

This module provides functional type to represents various function forms.
module game

android :: game

Android services and implementation of app.nit for gamnit and mnit
module gamepad

android :: gamepad

Support for gamepad events (over Bluetooth or USB)
module gamnit

gamnit :: gamnit

Game and multimedia framework for Nit
module gamnit_android

gamnit :: gamnit_android

Support services for Gamnit on Android
module gamnit_ios

gamnit :: gamnit_ios

Support services for gamnit on iOS
module gamnit_linux

gamnit :: gamnit_linux

Support services for Gamnit on GNU/Linux
module gdk

gtk :: gdk

Services from GDK
module gdk_enums

gtk :: gdk_enums

module gen_nit

gen_nit :: gen_nit

Support to generate and otherwise manipulate Nit code
module geometry

geometry :: geometry

Provides interfaces and classes to represent basic geometry needs.
module gettext

gettext :: gettext

Internationalization of Strings using gettext library
module github

github :: github

Nit wrapper for Github API
module glesv2

glesv2 :: glesv2

OpenGL graphics rendering library for embedded systems, version 2.0
module glkit

ios :: glkit

GLKit services to create an OpenGL ES context on iOS
module gmp

gmp :: gmp

Multi precision integer and rational number using gmp lib
module graph

neo4j :: graph

Provides an interface for services on a Neo4j graphs.
module gtk

gtk :: gtk

GTK+ widgets and services
module gtk_core

gtk :: gtk_core

Classes and services to use libGTK widgets
module gtk_enums

gtk :: gtk_enums

module hash_debug

hash_debug :: hash_debug

Inject behavior analysis to hash-collections (HashMap, HashSet, etc.)
module hello

dot :: hello

Example from
module hello_cocoa

cocoa :: hello_cocoa

Hello world using the Cocoa framework
module hello_ios

ios :: hello_ios

Simple iOS app with a single label
module helpers

sax :: helpers

Contains "helper" classes, including support for bootstrapping SAX-based applications.
module hooks

github :: hooks

Github hook event listening with nitcorn.
module htcpcp_server

nitcorn :: htcpcp_server

A server that implements HTCPCP. At the moment there are no additions.
module html

html :: html

HTML output facilities
module html_page

html :: html_page

module http_errors

nitcorn :: http_errors

Offers ErrorTemplate to display error pages
module http_request

ios :: http_request

Implementation of app::http_request for iOS
module http_request

nitcorn :: http_request

Provides the HttpRequest class and services to create it
module http_request

android :: http_request

Android implementation of app:http_request
module http_request

app :: http_request

HTTP request services: AsyncHttpRequest and Text::http_get
module http_request

linux :: http_request

Implementation of app::http_request using GDK and Curl
module http_request_buffer

nitcorn :: http_request_buffer

Http request parsing for buffered inputs.
module http_request_example

app :: http_request_example

Example for the app::http_request main service AsyncHttpRequest
module http_response

nitcorn :: http_response

Provides the HttpResponse class and http_status_codes
module image

sdl2 :: image

Services of the SDL_image 2.0 library
module ini

ini :: ini

Read and write INI configuration files
module input

bcm2835 :: input

module input

mnit :: input

Defines abstract classes for user and general inputs to the application.
module input_events

android :: input_events

Pointer and hardware key events
module input_ios

gamnit :: input_ios

Gamnit event support for iOS
module input_source

sax :: input_source

A single input source for an XML entity.
module inspect

serialization :: inspect

Refine Serializable::inspect to show more useful information
module intent

android :: intent

Services allowing to launch activities and start/stop services using
module intent_api10

android :: intent_api10

Services allowing to launch activities and start/stop services using
module intent_api11

android :: intent_api11

Refines intent module to add API 11 services
module intent_api12

android :: intent_api12

Refines intent module to add API 12 services
module intent_api14

android :: intent_api14

Refines intent module to add API 14 services
module intent_api15

android :: intent_api15

Refines intent module to add API 15 services
module intent_api16

android :: intent_api16

Refines intent module to add API 16 services
module intent_api17

android :: intent_api17

Refines intent module to add API 17 services
module intent_api18

android :: intent_api18

Refines intent module to add API 18 services
module intent_api19

android :: intent_api19

Refines intent module to add API 19 services
module io

java :: io

Services from the package
module ios

ios :: ios

iOS platform support
module iso8859_1

core :: iso8859_1

Codec for ISO8859-1 I/O
module iter_extras

functional :: iter_extras

This modules provides a new functional interface for Iterator.
module java

java :: java

Supporting services for the FFI with Java and to access Java libraries
module jointask_example

pthreads :: jointask_example

Simple example of joinable task using threadpool
module json

json :: json

Read and write JSON formatted text using the standard serialization services
module json_graph_store

neo4j :: json_graph_store

Provides JSON as a mean to store graphs.
module jvm

jvm :: jvm

Java Virtual Machine invocation API and others services from the JNI C API
module keys

gamnit :: keys

Simple service keeping track of which keys are currently pressed
module landscape

gamnit :: landscape

Lock the application in the landscape orientation
module landscape

android :: landscape

Lock the application in the landscape orientation
module langannot

gettext :: langannot

Sample module showing the use of the i18n annotation
module lexer

saxophonit :: lexer

SAXophoNit’s lexer
module lexical_handler

sax :: lexical_handler

SAX2 extension handler for lexical events.
module lexpr

logic :: lexpr

Logical expression.
module libevent

libevent :: libevent

Low-level wrapper around the libevent library to manage events on file descriptors
module libevent_example

libevent :: libevent_example

Minimal usage example of libevent
module limit_fps

gamnit :: limit_fps

Frame-rate control for applications
module linux

linux :: linux

Implementation of app.nit for the Linux platform
module load_image

android :: load_image

Low-level services to load pixel data from the assets
module loader

github :: loader

module log

nitcorn :: log

Services inserting a timestamp in all prints and to log each requests
module log

android :: log

Advanced Android logging services
module logger

logger :: logger

A simple logger for Nit
module logic

logic :: logic

First-order logic data structure and algorithm.
module macro

template :: macro

String templating using macros.
module man

markdown :: man

Simple groff decorator restricted for manpages.
module mandelbrot

actors :: mandelbrot

Example implemented from "The computer Language Benchmarks Game" - Mandelbrot
module markdown

markdown :: markdown

Markdown parsing.
module markdown_ast

markdown2 :: markdown_ast

Markdown AST representation
module markdown_block_parsing

markdown2 :: markdown_block_parsing

Markdown blocks parsing
module markdown_github

markdown2 :: markdown_github

Markdown Github mode
module markdown_html_rendering

markdown2 :: markdown_html_rendering

HTML rendering of Markdown documents
module markdown_inline_parsing

markdown2 :: markdown_inline_parsing

Parser for inline markdown
module markdown_latex_rendering

markdown2 :: markdown_latex_rendering

LaTeX rendering of Markdown documents
module markdown_man_rendering

markdown2 :: markdown_man_rendering

Manpages rendering of Markdown documents
module markdown_md_rendering

markdown2 :: markdown_md_rendering

Markdown rendering of Markdown documents
module markdown_rendering

markdown2 :: markdown_rendering

Markdown document rendering
module matrix

matrix :: matrix

Services for matrices of Float values
module md5

md5 :: md5

Native MD5 digest implementation as Text::md5
module media_types

nitcorn :: media_types

Services to identify Internet media types (or MIME types, Content-types)
module meta

meta :: meta

Simple user-defined meta-level to manipulate types of instances as object.
module minimal

sdl2 :: minimal

An example to test and demonstrate the sdl2 lib with image and events
module mixer

sdl2 :: mixer

SDL2 mixer with sample/sounds and music
module model_dimensions

gamnit :: model_dimensions

Dimensions related services for Model and Mesh
module model_parser_base

gamnit :: model_parser_base

Services to parse models from a text description
module mongodb

mongodb :: mongodb

MongoDB Nit Driver.
module more_collections

more_collections :: more_collections

Highly specific, but useful, collections-related classes.
module more_lights

gamnit :: more_lights

More implementations of Light
module more_materials

gamnit :: more_materials

Various material implementations
module more_meshes

gamnit :: more_meshes

More simple geometric meshes
module more_models

gamnit :: more_models

Services to load models from the assets folder
module mpd

mpd :: mpd

Music Player Daemon client library
module mpi

mpi :: mpi

Implementation of the Message Passing Interface protocol by wrapping OpenMPI
module msgpack

msgpack :: msgpack

MessagePack, an efficient binary serialization format
module msgpack_to_json

msgpack :: msgpack_to_json

Convert MessagePack format to JSON
module mtl

gamnit :: mtl

Services to parse .mtl material files
module namespace_support

sax :: namespace_support

Encapsulates Namespace logic for use by applications using SAX, or internally by SAX drivers.
module native_app_glue

android :: native_app_glue

Wrapper of the Android native_app_glue framework to implement app.nit
module native_curl

curl :: native_curl

Binding of C libCurl which allow us to interact with network.
module native_gmp

gmp :: native_gmp

Low-level GMP features
module native_mongodb

mongodb :: native_mongodb

Native wrapper for the MongoDB C Driver
module native_notification

android :: native_notification

Native Java classes for notifications
module native_postgres

postgresql :: native_postgres

A native wrapper ove the postgres c api
module native_sqlite3

sqlite3 :: native_sqlite3

Low-level Sqlite3 features
module native_ui

android :: native_ui

Native services from the android.view and android.widget namespaces
module neo4j

neo4j :: neo4j

Neo4j connector through its JSON REST API using curl.
module network

gamnit :: network

Easy client/server logic for games and simple distributed applications
module nit_activity

android :: nit_activity

Core implementation of app.nit on Android using a custom Java entry point
module nitcc_runtime

nitcc_runtime :: nitcc_runtime

Runtime library required by parsers and lexers generated by nitcc
module nitcorn

nitcorn :: nitcorn

The nitcorn Web server framework creates server-side Web apps in Nit
module nitcorn_hello_world

nitcorn :: nitcorn_hello_world

Hello World Web server example
module nitcorn_reverse_proxy

nitcorn :: nitcorn_reverse_proxy

Minimal example using a ProxyAction
module niti_runtime

niti_runtime :: niti_runtime

Runtime library to loop around the main program for each line in file-name arguments
module nitmd

markdown2 :: nitmd

A Markdown parser for Nit.
module nitmd

markdown :: nitmd

A Markdown parser for Nit.
module nlp

nlp :: nlp

Natural Language Processor based on the StanfordNLP core.
module nlp_index

nlp :: nlp_index

Example showing how to use a NLPFileIndex.
module noise

noise :: noise

Noise generators PerlinNoise and InterpolatedNoise
module notification

android :: notification

Services to show notification in the Android status bar
module numeric

core :: numeric

Advanced services for Numeric types
module obj

gamnit :: obj

Services to parse .obj geometry files
module opengles2_hello_triangle

glesv2 :: opengles2_hello_triangle

Basic example of OpenGL ES 2.0 usage using SDL 2
module opts

opts :: opts

Management of options on the command line
module ordered_tree

ordered_tree :: ordered_tree

Manipulation and presentation of ordered trees.
module pagerank

graph :: pagerank

Add PageRank computation for vertices in Digraph.
module parser

dom :: parser

XML DOM-parsing facilities
module parser_base

parser_base :: parser_base

Simple base for hand-made parsers of all kinds
module particles

gamnit :: particles

Particle effects
module perfect_hashing

perfect_hashing :: perfect_hashing

Perfect hashing and perfect numbering
module performance_analysis

performance_analysis :: performance_analysis

Services to gather information on the performance of events by categories
module pipeline

pipeline :: pipeline

Pipelined filters and operations on iterators.
module platform

ios :: platform

Triggers compilation for the iOS platform
module platform

android :: platform

Triggers compilation for the android platform
module points_and_lines

geometry :: points_and_lines

Interfaces and classes to represent basic geometry needs.
module polygon

geometry :: polygon

Convex Polygons manipulations
module pop_auth

popcorn :: pop_auth

Authentification handlers.
module pop_config

popcorn :: pop_config

Configuration file and options for Popcorn apps
module pop_handlers

popcorn :: pop_handlers

Route handlers.
module pop_json

popcorn :: pop_json

Introduce useful services for JSON REST API handlers.
module pop_repos

popcorn :: pop_repos

Repositories for data management.
module pop_routes

popcorn :: pop_routes

Internal routes representation.
module pop_sessions

popcorn :: pop_sessions

Session handlers
module pop_tasks

popcorn :: pop_tasks

Popcorn threaded tasks
module pop_templates

popcorn :: pop_templates

Template rendering for popcorn
module pop_tests

popcorn :: pop_tests

Popcorn testing services
module pop_validation

popcorn :: pop_validation

Quick and easy validation framework for Json inputs
module popcorn

popcorn :: popcorn

Application server abstraction on top of nitcorn.
module portrait

gamnit :: portrait

Lock the application in the portrait orientation
module portrait

android :: portrait

Config to set the portrait orientation
module poset

poset :: poset

Pre order sets and partial order set (ie hierarchies)
module posix

posix :: posix

Services conforming to POSIX
module postgres

postgresql :: postgres

Services to manipulate a Postgres database
module privileges

privileges :: privileges

Process privileges management utilities
module programs

gamnit :: programs

Services for graphical programs with shaders, attributes and uniforms
module progression

progression :: progression

Event-based interface to track the progression of an operation.
module projection

matrix :: projection

Services on Matrix to transform and project 3D coordinates
module prompt

prompt :: prompt

Basic services to display a prompt
module protocol

core :: protocol

module proxy

nitcorn :: proxy

Provides the ProxyAction action, which redirects requests to another interface
module pthreads

pthreads :: pthreads

Main POSIX threads support and intro the classes Thread, Mutex and Barrier
module pthreads

nitcorn :: pthreads

Activate the use of pthreads with nitcorn
module puzzle

ai :: puzzle

The N-puzzle problem, modeled naively as a SearchProblem.
module quadtree

geometry :: quadtree

QuadTree API mostly used for 2 dimensional collision detection
module queens

ai :: queens

Example of the famous eight-queens problem solved with the ai::backtrack module.
module queries

mongodb :: queries

Mongo queries framework
module rbtree

trees :: rbtree

A red–black tree is a data structure which is a type of self-balancing binary search tree.
module re

core :: re

Regular expression support for all services based on Pattern
module reactor

nitcorn :: reactor

Core of the nitcorn project, provides HttpFactory and Action
module read

msgpack :: read

Low-level read MessagePack format from Reader streams
module reader_model

saxophonit :: reader_model

Reader’s model.
module readline

readline :: readline

GNU readline library wrapper
module realtime

realtime :: realtime

Services to keep time of the wall clock time
module redef_collections

pthreads :: redef_collections

Redef some basic collections to be thread-safe
module restful

nitcorn :: restful

Support module for the nitrestful tool and the restful annotation
module restful_annot

nitcorn :: restful_annot

Example for the restful annotation documented at lib/nitcorn/restful.nit
module ropes_debug

ropes_debug :: ropes_debug

Exposes methods for debugging ropes when needed.
module rubix

rubix :: rubix

Rubix-cube modelization library
module safe

serialization :: safe

Services for safer deserialization engines
module sax

sax :: sax

Core SAX APIs.
module sax_locator

sax :: sax_locator

Interface for associating a SAX event with a document location.
module sax_locator_impl

sax :: sax_locator_impl

Provides an optional convenience implementation of Locator.
module sax_parse_exception

sax :: sax_parse_exception

Encapsulates an XML parse error or warning.
module saxophonit

saxophonit :: saxophonit

A SAX 2 parser in Nit.
module scene2d

scene2d :: scene2d

Framework for 2D management of game elements
module sdl2

sdl2 :: sdl2

Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) 2.0 services for easy window creation and 2D drawing
module sdl2_base

sdl2 :: sdl2_base

Basic SDL 2 features
module search

ai :: search

Basic framework for search problems and solver.
module selection

gamnit :: selection

Select Actor from a screen coordinate
module sendmail

sendmail :: sendmail

Send emails using the sendmail program
module sensors

android :: sensors

Access Android sensors
module sequential_id

neo4j :: sequential_id

Provides a sequential identification scheme for Neo4j nodes.
module serialization

serialization :: serialization

General serialization services
module serialization_common

msgpack :: serialization_common

Serialization services for serialization_write and serialization_read
module serialization_core

serialization :: serialization_core

Abstract services to serialize Nit objects to different formats
module serialization_read

json :: serialization_read

Services to read JSON: deserialize_json and JsonDeserializer
module serialization_read

msgpack :: serialization_read

Deserialize full Nit objects from MessagePack format
module serialization_write

json :: serialization_write

Services to write Nit objects to JSON strings: serialize_to_json and JsonSerializer
module serialization_write

msgpack :: serialization_write

Serialize full Nit objects to MessagePack format
module server

gamnit :: server

Server-side network services for games and such
module server_config

nitcorn :: server_config

Classes and services to configure the server
module service

android :: service

Android service support for app.nit centered around the class Service
module sessions

nitcorn :: sessions

Automated session management
module sexp

sexp :: sexp

S-Expression parsing facilities
module sha1

sha1 :: sha1

Provides methods to compute the SHA1 hash of a String
module shadow

gamnit :: shadow

Shadow mapping using a depth texture
module shared_preferences

android :: shared_preferences

Services allowing to save and load datas to internal android device
module shared_preferences_api10

android :: shared_preferences_api10

Services to save/load data using android.content.SharedPreferences for the android platform
module shared_preferences_api11

android :: shared_preferences_api11

Refines shared_preferences module to add API 11 services
module show_basedir

xdg_basedir :: show_basedir

Prints the local base directories as per the XDG Base Directory specification
module signal_handler

nitcorn :: signal_handler

Handle SIGINT and SIGTERM to close the server after all active events
module signals

signals :: signals

ANSI C signal handling
module simple

actors :: simple

A very simple example of the actor model
module simple_file_server

nitcorn :: simple_file_server

Basic file server on port 80 by default, may require root to execute
module simple_simulation

actors :: simple_simulation

Using agent_simulation by refining the Agent class to make
module socket

socket :: socket

Socket services
module socket_c

socket :: socket_c

Low-level socket functionalities
module socket_client

socket :: socket_client

Client sample using the Socket module which connect to the server sample.
module socket_server

socket :: socket_server

Server sample using the Socket module which allow client to connect
module socket_simple_server

socket :: socket_simple_server

Simple server example using a non-blocking TCPServer
module sqlite3

sqlite3 :: sqlite3

Services to manipulate a Sqlite3 database
module standard

standard :: standard

Old module implicitly imported by the old compiler.
module stanford

nlp :: stanford

Natural Language Processor based on the StanfordNLP core.
module static

json :: static

Static interface to read Nit objects from JSON strings
module stereoscopic_view

gamnit :: stereoscopic_view

Refine EulerCamera and App::frame_core_draw to get a stereoscopic view
module store

json :: store

Store and load json data.
module stream

core :: stream

Input and output streams of characters
module symbol

symbol :: symbol

Library for simple interning of strings
module syswm

sdl2 :: syswm

Window manager related SDL 2 services
module template

template :: template

Basic template system
module test_markdown

markdown2 :: test_markdown

Test suites for module markdown
module testing

saxophonit :: testing

Various utilities to help testing SAXophoNit (and SAX parsers in general).
module text_stat

text_stat :: text_stat

Injects stat-calculating functionalities to Text and its variants
module texture_atlas_parser

gamnit :: texture_atlas_parser

Tool to parse XML texture atlas and generated Nit code to access subtextures
module textures

gamnit :: textures

Load textures, create subtextures and manage their life-cycle
module thread_ring

actors :: thread_ring

Example implemented from "The computer Language Benchmarks Game" - Thread-Ring
module threaded_example

pthreads :: threaded_example

test for threaded annotation
module threadpool

pthreads :: threadpool

Introduces a minimal ThreadPool implementation using Tasks
module threadpool_example

pthreads :: threadpool_example

Simple example using threadpool
module tileset

gamnit :: tileset

Support for TileSet, TileSetFont and drawing text with TextSprites
module time

core :: time

Management of time and dates
module toast

android :: toast

Services to display a toast, a small popup on Android
module token

nitcorn :: token

Simple generate_token service, independent of the rest of the nitcorn framework
module trees

trees :: trees

General module for tree data structures
module trie

trees :: trie

A trie (or prefix tree) is a datastructure used to perform prefix searches.
module u16_string

core :: u16_string

Wrapper of ICU's UTF-16 encoded strings and conversion
module ui

app :: ui

Portable UI controls for mobiles apps
module ui

linux :: ui

Implementation of the app.nit UI module for GNU/Linux
module ui

ios :: ui

Implementation of app::ui for iOS
module ui

android :: ui

Views and services to use the Android native user interface
module ui_example

app :: ui_example

User interface example using app::ui
module ui_test

android :: ui_test

Test for app.nit's UI services
module uikit

ios :: uikit

File generated by objcwrapper
module undirected_clusters

dot :: undirected_clusters

Example from
module utf8

core :: utf8

Codec for UTF-8 I/O
module v3_10

gtk :: v3_10

GTK+ services added at version 3.10
module v3_4

gtk :: v3_4

module v3_6

gtk :: v3_6

GTK+ services added at version 3.6
module v3_8

gtk :: v3_8

GTK+ services added at version 3.8
module vararg_routes

nitcorn :: vararg_routes

Routes with parameters.
module vibration

android :: vibration

Vibration services for Android
module virtual_gamepad

gamnit :: virtual_gamepad

Virtual gamepad mapped to keyboard keys for quick and dirty mobile support
module vr

gamnit :: vr

VR support for gamnit depth, for Android only
module vsm

vsm :: vsm

Vector Space Model
module wallet

github :: wallet

Github OAuth tokens management
module websocket

websocket :: websocket

Adds support for a websocket connection in Nit
module websocket_server

websocket :: websocket_server

Sample module for a minimal chat server using Websockets on port 8088
module wifi

android :: wifi

Simple wrapper of the Android WiFi services
module write

msgpack :: write

Low-level write in MessagePack format to Writer streams
module x11

x11 :: x11

Services from the X11 library
module xdg_basedir

xdg_basedir :: xdg_basedir

Services for using the XDG Base Directory specification
module xml_entities

dom :: xml_entities

Basic blocks for DOM-XML representation
module xml_filter

sax :: xml_filter

Interface for an XML filter.
module xml_filter_impl

sax :: xml_filter_impl

Base class for deriving an XML filter.
module xml_reader

sax :: xml_reader

Interface for reading an XML document using callbacks.
module xor

crapto :: xor

Cryptographic attacks and utilities for XOR-based algorithms.
module xor_ciphers

crypto :: xor_ciphers

XOR oriented cryptographic ciphers and utilities.
# Tree-based representation of a String.
# Ropes are a data structure introduced in a 1995 paper from
# Hans J. Boehm, Russ Atkinson and Michael Plass.
# See:
# > Ropes: an Alternative to Strings,
# > *Software - Practice and Experience*,
# > Vol. 25(12), 1315-1330 (December 1995).
# The implementation developed here provides an automatic change
# of data structure depending on the length of the leaves.
# The length from which a `Rope` is built from a `flat` string
# if defined at top-level (see `maxlen`) and can be redefined by clients
# depending on their needs (e.g. if you need to bench the speed of
# the creation of concat nodes, lower the size of maxlen).
# A Rope as defined in the original paper is a Tree made of concatenation
# nodes and containing `Flat` (that is Array-based) strings as Leaves.
# Example :
# ~~~raw
#	            Concat
#	          /        \
#	    Concat          Concat
#	   /      \        /      \
#	"My"     " Name"  " is"   " Simon."
# ~~~
# Note that the above example is not representative of the actual implementation
# of `Ropes`, since short leaves are merged to keep the rope at an acceptable
# height (hence, this rope here might actually be a `FlatString` !).
module ropes

intrude import flat

# Maxlen is the maximum length of a Leaf node
# When concatenating two leaves, if `new_length` > `maxlen`,
# A `Concat` node is created instead
# Its purpose is to limit the depth of the `Rope` (this
# improves performance when accessing/iterating).
fun maxlen: Int do return 512

# String using a tree-based representation with leaves as `FlatStrings`
private abstract class Rope
	super Text

# Node that represents a concatenation between two `String`
private class Concat
	super Rope
	super String

	redef fun chars do return new RopeChars(self)

	redef fun bytes do return new RopeBytes(self)

	redef var length is noinit

	redef var byte_length is noinit

	redef fun substrings do return new RopeSubstrings.from(self, 0)

	redef fun empty do return ""

	# Cache for the latest accessed FlatString in `self`
	var flat_cache: FlatString is noinit

	# Position of the beginning of `flat_cache` in `self`
	var flat_last_pos_start: Int is noinit

	redef fun to_cstring do
		var len = _byte_length
		var ns = new CString(len + 1)
		ns[len] = 0
		var off = 0
		for i in substrings do
			var ilen = i._byte_length, ilen,, off)
			off += ilen
		return ns

	# Left child of the node
	var left: String
	# Right child of the node
	var right: String

	init do
		var l = _left
		var r = _right
		_length = l.length + r.length
		_byte_length = l.byte_length + r.byte_length
		_flat_last_pos_start = _length

	redef fun is_empty do return _byte_length == 0

	redef fun output do

	redef fun iterator do return new RopeCharIterator.from(self, 0)

	redef fun *(i) do
		var x: String = self
		for j in [1 .. i[ do x += self
		return x

	redef fun [](i) do
		assert i >= 0 and i < _length
		var flps = _flat_last_pos_start
		if i >= flps then
			var fc = _flat_cache
			if i < flps + fc._length then return fc.fetch_char_at(i - flps)
		var lf = get_leaf_at(i)
		return lf.fetch_char_at(i - _flat_last_pos_start)

	fun get_leaf_at(pos: Int): FlatString do
		var flps = _flat_last_pos_start
		if pos >= flps then
			var fc = _flat_cache
			if pos < flps + fc._length then return fc
		var s: String = self
		var st = pos
			if s isa FlatString then break
			s =
			var lft = s._left
			var llen = lft.length
			if pos >= llen then
				s = s._right
				pos -= llen
				s = lft
		_flat_last_pos_start = st - pos
		_flat_cache = s
		return s

	redef fun substring(from, count) do
		if from < 0 then
			count += from
			if count < 0 then return ""
			from = 0

		var ln = _length
		if (count + from) > ln then count = ln - from
		if count <= 0 then return ""
		var end_index = from + count - 1

		var flps = _flat_last_pos_start
		if from >= flps then
			var fc = _flat_cache
			if end_index < flps + fc._length then
				return fc.substring_impl(from - flps, count, end_index - flps)

		var lft = _left
		var llen = lft.length
		if from < llen then
			if from + count < llen then return lft.substring(from, count)
			var lsublen = llen - from
			return lft.substring_from(from) + _right.substring(0, count - lsublen)
			return _right.substring(from - llen, count)

	redef fun reversed do return new Concat(_right.reversed, _left.reversed)

	redef fun insert_at(s, pos) do
		var lft = _left
		if pos > lft.length then
			return lft + _right.insert_at(s, pos - lft.length)
		return lft.insert_at(s, pos) + _right

	redef fun to_upper do return new Concat(_left.to_upper, _right.to_upper)

	redef fun to_lower do return new Concat(_left.to_lower, _right.to_lower)

	redef fun +(o) do
		var s = o.to_s
		var slen = s.byte_length
		if s isa Concat then
			return new Concat(self, s)
			var r = _right
			var rlen = r.byte_length
			if rlen + slen > maxlen then return new Concat(self, s)
			return new Concat(_left, r + s)

	redef fun copy_to_native(dest, n, src_offset, dest_offset) do
		var l = _left
		if src_offset < l.byte_length then
			var lcopy = l.byte_length - src_offset
			lcopy = if lcopy > n then n else lcopy
			l.copy_to_native(dest, lcopy, src_offset, dest_offset)
			dest_offset += lcopy
			n -= lcopy
			src_offset = 0
		_right.copy_to_native(dest, n, src_offset, dest_offset)

	# Returns a balanced version of `self`
	fun balance: String do
		var children = new Array[String]
		var rnod: String
		var iter: nullable RopeCharIteratorPiece = new RopeCharIteratorPiece(self, false, false, null)
			if iter == null then break
			rnod = iter.node
			if not rnod isa Concat then
				children.push rnod
				iter = iter.prev
			if not iter.ldone then
				iter.ldone = true
				iter = new RopeCharIteratorPiece(rnod._left, false, false, iter)
			else if not iter.rdone then
				iter.rdone = true
				iter = new RopeCharIteratorPiece(rnod._right, false, false, iter)
				iter = iter.prev

		return recurse_balance(children, children.length)

	fun recurse_balance(nodes: Array[String], len: Int): String do
		var finpos = 0
		var stpos = 0
		while stpos < len do
			if len - stpos > 1 then
				nodes[finpos] = new Concat(nodes[stpos], nodes[stpos + 1])
				stpos += 2
				nodes[finpos] = nodes[stpos]
				stpos += 1
			finpos += 1
		if finpos == 1 then return nodes[0]
		return recurse_balance(nodes, finpos)

redef class FlatString

	redef fun insert_at(s, pos) do
		var l = substring(0, pos)
		var r = substring_from(pos)
		return l + s + r

	redef fun +(o) do
		var s = o.to_s
		var slen = s.byte_length
		var mlen = _byte_length
		if slen == 0 then return self
		if mlen == 0 then return s
		var nlen = slen + mlen
		if s isa FlatString then
			if nlen > maxlen then return new Concat(self, s)
			var mits = _items
			var sifrom = s._first_byte
			var mifrom = _first_byte
			var sits = s._items
			var ns = new CString(nlen + 1)
			mits.copy_to(ns, mlen, mifrom, 0)
			sits.copy_to(ns, slen, sifrom, mlen)
			return new FlatString.full(ns, nlen, 0, length + s.length)
		else if s isa Concat then
			var sl = s._left
			var sllen = sl.byte_length
			if sllen + mlen > maxlen then return new Concat(self, s)
			return new Concat(self + sl, s._right)

# A simple linked list for use with iterators
private class RopeCharIteratorPiece
	# The encapsulated node of the `Rope`
	var node: String
	# Was its _left child (if any) visited ?
	var ldone: Bool
	# Was its _right child (if any) visited ?
	var rdone: Bool
	# The previous node in the list.
	var prev: nullable RopeCharIteratorPiece

# A reverse iterator capable of working with `Rope` objects
private class RopeByteReverseIterator
	super IndexedIterator[Int]

	# Current CString
	var ns: CString is noautoinit
	# Current position in CString
	var pns: Int is noautoinit
	# Position in the Rope (0-indexed)
	var pos: Int is noautoinit
	# Iterator on the substrings, does the Postfix part of
	# the Rope traversal.
	var subs: IndexedIterator[FlatString] is noautoinit

	init from(root: Concat, pos: Int) do
		self.pos = pos
		subs = new ReverseRopeSubstrings.from(root, pos)
		var s = subs.item
		ns = s._items
		pns = pos - subs.index

	redef fun index do return pos

	redef fun is_ok do return pos >= 0

	redef fun item do return ns[pns]

	redef fun next do
		pns -= 1
		pos -= 1
		if pns >= 0 then return
		if not subs.is_ok then return
		if not subs.is_ok then return
		var s = subs.item
		ns = s._items
		pns = s.last_byte

# Forward iterator on the bytes of a `Rope`
private class RopeByteIterator
	super IndexedIterator[Int]

	# Position in current `String`
	var pns: Int is noautoinit
	# Current `String` being iterated on
	var ns: CString is noautoinit
	# Substrings of the Rope
	var subs: IndexedIterator[FlatString] is noautoinit
	# Maximum position to iterate on (e.g. Rope.byte_length)
	var max: Int is noautoinit
	# Position (char) in the Rope (0-indexed)
	var pos: Int is noautoinit

	init from(root: Concat, pos: Int) do
		subs = new RopeSubstrings.from(root, pos)
		pns = pos - subs.index
		self.pos = pos
		ns = subs.item._items
		max = root.byte_length - 1

	redef fun item do return ns[pns]

	redef fun is_ok do return pos <= max

	redef fun index do return pos

	redef fun next do
		pns += 1
		pos += 1
		if pns < subs.item._byte_length then return
		if not subs.is_ok then return
		if not subs.is_ok then return
		ns = subs.item._items
		pns = 0

# A reverse iterator capable of working with `Rope` objects
private class RopeCharReverseIterator
	super IndexedIterator[Char]

	# Current CString
	var ns: String is noautoinit
	# Current position in CString
	var pns: Int is noautoinit
	# Position in the Rope (0-indexed)
	var pos: Int is noautoinit
	# Iterator on the substrings, does the Postfix part of
	# the Rope traversal.
	var subs: IndexedIterator[String] is noautoinit

	init from(root: Concat, pos: Int) do
		self.pos = pos
		subs = new ReverseRopeSubstrings.from(root, pos)
		ns = subs.item
		pns = pos - subs.index

	redef fun index do return pos

	redef fun is_ok do return pos >= 0

	redef fun item do return ns[pns]

	redef fun next do
		pns -= 1
		pos -= 1
		if pns >= 0 then return
		if not subs.is_ok then return
		if not subs.is_ok then return
		ns = subs.item
		pns = ns.length - 1

# Forward iterator on the chars of a `Rope`
private class RopeCharIterator
	super IndexedIterator[Char]

	# Position in current `String`
	var pns: Int is noautoinit
	# Current `String` being iterated on
	var str: String is noautoinit
	# Substrings of the Rope
	var subs: IndexedIterator[String] is noautoinit
	# Maximum position to iterate on (e.g. Rope.length)
	var max: Int is noautoinit
	# Position (char) in the Rope (0-indexed)
	var pos: Int is noautoinit

	init from(root: Concat, pos: Int) do
		subs = new RopeSubstrings.from(root, pos)
		pns = pos - subs.index
		self.pos = pos
		str = subs.item
		max = root.length - 1

	redef fun item do return str[pns]

	redef fun is_ok do return pos <= max

	redef fun index do return pos

	redef fun next do
		pns += 1
		pos += 1
		if pns < subs.item.length then return
		if not subs.is_ok then return
		if not subs.is_ok then return
		str = subs.item
		pns = 0

# Substrings of a Rope (i.e. Reverse postfix iterator on leaves)
private class ReverseRopeSubstrings
	super IndexedIterator[FlatString]

	# Visit Stack
	var iter: RopeCharIteratorPiece is noinit
	# Position in `Rope`
	var pos: Int is noinit

	# Current leaf
	var str: FlatString is noinit

	init from(root: Concat, pos: Int) do
		var r = new RopeCharIteratorPiece(root, false, true, null)
		var rnod: String = root
		var off = pos
			if rnod isa Concat then
				if off >= rnod._left.length then
					off -= rnod._left.length
					rnod = rnod._right
					r = new RopeCharIteratorPiece(rnod, false, true, r)
					r.ldone = true
					rnod = rnod._left
					r = new RopeCharIteratorPiece(rnod, false, true, r)
				str =
				r.ldone = true
				iter = r
				self.pos = pos - off

	redef fun item do return str

	redef fun index do return pos

	redef fun is_ok do return pos >= 0

	redef fun next do
		if pos < 0 then return
		var curr = iter.prev
		var currit = null).node
		while curr != null do
			currit = curr.node
			if not currit isa Concat then
				str =
				pos -= str.length
				iter = curr
			if not curr.rdone then
				curr.rdone = true
				curr = new RopeCharIteratorPiece(currit._right, false, false, curr)
			if not curr.ldone then
				curr.ldone = true
				curr = new RopeCharIteratorPiece(currit._left, false, false, curr)
			curr = curr.prev
		pos = -1

# Substrings of a Rope (i.e. Postfix iterator on leaves)
private class RopeSubstrings
	super IndexedIterator[FlatString]

	# Visit Stack
	var iter: RopeCharIteratorPiece is noinit
	# Position in `Rope`
	var pos: Int is noinit
	# Maximum position in `Rope` (i.e. length - 1)
	var max: Int is noinit

	# Current leaf
	var str: FlatString is noinit

	init from(root: Concat, pos: Int) do
		var r = new RopeCharIteratorPiece(root, true, false, null)
		max = root.length - 1
		var rnod: String = root
		var off = pos
			if rnod isa Concat then
				if off >= rnod._left.length then
					r.rdone = true
					off -= rnod._left.length
					rnod = rnod._right
					r = new RopeCharIteratorPiece(rnod, true, false, r)
					rnod = rnod._left
					r = new RopeCharIteratorPiece(rnod, true, false, r)
				str =
				r.rdone = true
				iter = r
				self.pos = pos - off

	redef fun item do return str

	redef fun is_ok do return pos <= max

	redef fun index do return pos

	redef fun next do
		pos += str.length
		if pos > max then return
		var it = null)
		var rnod = it.node
			if not rnod isa Concat then
				it.ldone = true
				it.rdone = true
				str =
				iter = it
			if not it.ldone then
				rnod = rnod._left
				it.ldone = true
				it = new RopeCharIteratorPiece(rnod, false, false, it)
			else if not it.rdone then
				it.rdone = true
				rnod = rnod._right
				it = new RopeCharIteratorPiece(rnod, false, false, it)
				it = null)
				rnod = it.node

# Implementation of a `StringCharView` for `Concat` objects
private class RopeChars
	super StringCharView

	redef type SELFTYPE: Concat

	redef fun [](i) do
		return target[i]

	redef fun iterator_from(i) do return new RopeCharIterator.from(target, i)

	redef fun reverse_iterator_from(i) do return new RopeCharReverseIterator.from(target, i)


# Implementation of a `StringCharView` for `Concat` objects
private class RopeBytes
	super StringByteView

	redef type SELFTYPE: Concat

	var cache: FlatString is noinit

	var cache_start: Int = -1

	var cache_end: Int = -1

	redef fun [](i) do
		assert i >= 0 and i < target._byte_length
		var flps = _cache_start
		if i >= flps and i <= _cache_end then
			return _cache.bytes[i - flps]
		var lf = get_leaf_at(i)
		return lf.bytes[i - _cache_start]

	fun get_leaf_at(pos: Int): FlatString do
		var flps = _cache_start
		if pos >= flps and pos <= _cache_end then
			return _cache
		var s: String = target
		var st = pos
			if s isa FlatString then break
			s =
			var lft = s._left
			var llen = lft.byte_length
			if pos >= llen then
				s = s._right
				pos -= llen
				s = lft
		_cache_start = st - pos
		_cache_end = st - pos + s.byte_length - 1
		_cache = s
		return s

	redef fun iterator_from(i) do return new RopeByteIterator.from(target, i)

	redef fun reverse_iterator_from(i) do return new RopeByteReverseIterator.from(target, i)
