This module provides a simple data structure for first order logic. Basic logical operators and algorithms are provided.
var a = new LVar("a")
var b = new LVar("b")
var c = new LVar("c")
assert a.to_s == "a"
assert (a|b).to_s == "(a | b)"
assert (~(a|b)).to_s == "~(a | b)"
Compute a negative normal form:
var ex = a | (b & c)
var nex = ~ex
assert ex.nnf.to_s == "(a | (b & c))"
assert nex.nnf.to_s == "(~a & (~b | ~c))"
Compute a conjunctive normal form:
assert ex.cnf.simplify.to_s == "(a|b) & (a|c)"
assert nex.cnf.simplify.to_s == "(~a) & (~b|~c)"
core :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
# Logical expression.
# This module provides a simple data structure for first order logic.
# Basic logical operators and algorithms are provided.
# ~~~
# var a = new LVar("a")
# var b = new LVar("b")
# var c = new LVar("c")
# assert a.to_s == "a"
# assert (a|b).to_s == "(a | b)"
# assert (~(a|b)).to_s == "~(a | b)"
# ~~~
# Compute a negative normal form:
# ~~~
# var ex = a | (b & c)
# var nex = ~ex
# assert ex.nnf.to_s == "(a | (b & c))"
# assert nex.nnf.to_s == "(~a & (~b | ~c))"
# ~~~
# Compute a conjunctive normal form:
# ~~~
# assert ex.cnf.simplify.to_s == "(a|b) & (a|c)"
# assert nex.cnf.simplify.to_s == "(~a) & (~b|~c)"
# ~~~
module lexpr
# A logical expression
# The basic (primitive) operators are: `&` (and), `|` (or) and `~` (not).
# Composed operators are `impl` and `^`, they implemented using the basic operators.
class LExpr
# It the logical expression `ltrue`?
# ~~~
# assert ltrue.is_t
# assert not lfalse.is_t
# assert not (new LVar("a")).is_t
# ~~~
fun is_t: Bool do return false
# It the logical expression `lfalse`?
# ~~~
# assert lfalse.is_f
# assert not ltrue.is_f
# assert not (new LVar("a")).is_f
# ~~~
fun is_f: Bool do return false
# The negation of `self`
# ~~~
# var a = new LVar("a")
# assert (~a).to_s == "~a"
# assert (~~a).to_s == "a"
# ~~~
fun ~:LExpr do return lnot
private var lnot: LExpr is lazy do return new LNot(self)
# Disjunction with `e` (and).
# ~~~
# var a = new LVar("a")
# var b = new LVar("b")
# assert (a|b).to_s == "(a | b)"
# ~~~
# `true` and `false` operands are optimized.
# ~~~
# assert (a|ltrue).is_t
# assert (a|lfalse) == a
# ~~~
fun |(e: LExpr): LExpr do
if self.is_f then return e
if self.is_t then return ltrue
if e.is_f then return self
if e.is_t then return ltrue
return new LOr(self, e)
# Conjunction with `e` (or).
# ~~~
# var a = new LVar("a")
# var b = new LVar("b")
# assert (a&b).to_s == "(a & b)"
# ~~~
# `true` and `false` operands are optimized.
# ~~~
# assert (a<rue) == a
# assert (a&lfalse).is_f
# ~~~
fun &(e: LExpr): LExpr do
if self.is_f then return lfalse
if self.is_t then return e
if e.is_f then return lfalse
if e.is_t then return self
return new LAnd(self, e)
# Implication with `e` (implies).
# Note: it is transformed with conjunctions and disjunctions.
# ~~~
# var a = new LVar("a")
# var b = new LVar("b")
# assert a.imp(b).to_s == "(~a | b)"
# ~~~
fun imp(e: LExpr): LExpr
return (~self) | e
# Exclusive disjunction with `e` (xor).
# Note: it is transformed with conjunctions and disjunctions.
# ~~~
# var a = new LVar("a")
# var b = new LVar("b")
# assert (a^b).to_s == "((a & ~b) | (~a & b))"
# ~~~
fun ^(e: LExpr): LExpr
return (self & ~e) | (~self & e)
# The negation normal form (NNF).
# In NNF, the negation operator is only applied to variables.
# ~~~
# var a = new LVar("a")
# var b = new LVar("b")
# assert (a&b).nnf.to_s == "(a & b)"
# assert (~(a&b)).nnf.to_s == "(~a | ~b)"
# ~~~
# Subclasses implement it recursively.
fun nnf: LExpr do return self
# The negative negation normal form (NNF).
# This method is used to implement `nnf`.
# Basically, it returns the NNF of `~self`.
# ~~~
# var a = new LVar("a")
# var b = new LVar("b")
# assert (a&b).nnnf.to_s == "(~a | ~b)"
# ~~~
# Subclasses implements it by using De Morgan's laws to push negation inwards.
fun nnnf: LExpr do return ~self
# Compute a conjunctive normal form.
# By default, a unique *equivalent* formula is computed (but its size might be exponential).
# ~~~
# var a = new LVar("a")
# var b = new LVar("b")
# var c = new LVar("c")
# var ex = a | (b & c)
# assert ex.cnf.to_s == "(a|b) & (a|c)"
# assert (~ex).cnf.to_s == "(~a) & (~b|~c)"
# ~~~
# If a parameter `vars` is given, an *equisatisfiable* formula is computed.
# Additional variables, named `zzsomething`, are created by the transformation and stored in `vars`.
fun cnf(vars: nullable Array[LVar]): CNF do
var ss = new CNF
var s = new Set[LExpr] s
s.add self
return ss
# The size of the logical expression.
fun size: Int do return 1
# A logical conjunction operation
class LAnd
super LExpr
# The first operand
var e1: LExpr
# The second operand
var e2: LExpr
redef fun to_s do return "({e1} & {e2})"
redef fun nnf do return e1.nnf & e2.nnf
redef fun nnnf do return e1.nnnf | e2.nnnf
redef fun cnf(v) do return e1.cnf(v) & e2.cnf(v)
redef fun size do return e1.size + e2.size + 1
# A logical disjunction operation
class LOr
super LExpr
# The first operand
var e1: LExpr
# The second operand
var e2: LExpr
redef fun to_s do return "({e1} | {e2})"
redef fun nnf do return e1.nnf | e2.nnf
redef fun nnnf do return e1.nnnf & e2.nnnf
redef fun cnf(v) do
var c1 = e1.cnf(v)
var c2 = e2.cnf(v)
if > 1 and > 1 and v != null then
var z = new LVar("zz{v.length}")
v.add z
var nz = ~z
var res = new CNF
for c in do
var set = c.clone
set.add z
for c in do
var set = c.clone
set.add nz
return res
var res = new CNF
for i in do for j in do i.union(j)
return res
redef fun size do return e1.size + e2.size + 1
# A logical negation operation
class LNot
super LExpr
# The argument
var e: LExpr
redef fun ~ do return e
redef fun to_s do return "~{e}"
redef fun nnf do return e.nnnf
redef fun nnnf do return e.nnf
redef fun cnf(v) do
if e isa LVar then return super
return e.nnnf.cnf(v)
redef fun size do return e.size + 1
# The logical *true* variable.
fun ltrue: LTrue do return once new LTrue
# The class of the singleton `ltrue`
class LTrue
super LExpr
redef fun is_t do return true
redef fun ~ do return lfalse
redef fun to_s do return "true"
# The logical *false* variable.
fun lfalse: LFalse do return once new LFalse
# The class of the singleton `lfalse`
class LFalse
super LExpr
redef fun is_f do return true
redef fun ~ do return ltrue
redef fun to_s do return "false"
# A variable of a logical expression.
class LVar
super LExpr
# The name of the variable (used for representation)
# Internally, two variables with the same name are not merged
var name: String
redef fun to_s do return name
# A conjunctive normal form of a logical expression.
class CNF
# The conjunction of disjunction of units.
var data = new Set[Set[LExpr]]
# Simplify `self` by removing some useless clauses.
# * trivially clauses (with both a variable and its negation)
# * subsumed clauses
fun simplify: CNF
var cs2 = new Set[Set[LExpr]]
# First pass to remove clauses with a variable and its negation.
# These clauses become trivially `true`, thus useless in the conjunction.
for c in data do
for i in c do
var nn = ~i
if c.has(nn) then continue label
cs2.add c
end label
# Second pass to remove clauses subsumed by an other one.
var cs3 = new Set[Set[LExpr]]
for c in cs2 do
for c2 in cs2 do
if c2 != c and c2.has_all(c) then continue label
cs3.add c
end label
var res = new CNF = cs3
return res
# Merge two CNF
fun &(o: CNF): CNF
var res = new CNF
return res
redef fun to_s do return [for c in data do "(" + c.join("|") + ")"].join(" & ")
redef fun ==(o) do return o isa CNF and data ==
redef fun hash do return data.hash