A Markdown parser for Nit.

Redefined classes

redef class Sys

markdown :: nitmd $ Sys

The main class of the program.

All class definitions

redef class Sys

markdown :: nitmd $ Sys

The main class of the program.
package_diagram markdown::nitmd nitmd markdown::decorators decorators markdown::nitmd->markdown::decorators markdown::man man markdown::nitmd->markdown::man config config markdown::nitmd->config markdown markdown markdown::decorators->markdown markdown::man->markdown ini ini config->ini opts opts config->opts ...markdown ... ...markdown->markdown ...ini ... ...ini->ini ...opts ... ...opts->opts a_star-m a_star-m a_star-m->markdown::nitmd


module abstract_collection

core :: abstract_collection

Abstract collection classes and services.
module abstract_text

core :: abstract_text

Abstract class for manipulation of sequences of characters
module array

core :: array

This module introduces the standard array structure.
module bitset

core :: bitset

Services to handle BitSet
module bytes

core :: bytes

Services for byte streams and arrays
module circular_array

core :: circular_array

Efficient data structure to access both end of the sequence.
module codec_base

core :: codec_base

Base for codecs to use with streams
module codecs

core :: codecs

Group module for all codec-related manipulations
module collection

core :: collection

This module define several collection classes.
module core

core :: core

Standard classes and methods used by default by Nit programs and libraries.
module environ

core :: environ

Access to the environment variables of the process
module error

core :: error

Standard error-management infrastructure.
module exec

core :: exec

Invocation and management of operating system sub-processes.
module file

core :: file

File manipulations (create, read, write, etc.)
module fixed_ints

core :: fixed_ints

Basic integers of fixed-precision
module fixed_ints_text

core :: fixed_ints_text

Text services to complement fixed_ints
module flat

core :: flat

All the array-based text representations
module gc

core :: gc

Access to the Nit internal garbage collection mechanism
module hash_collection

core :: hash_collection

Introduce HashMap and HashSet.
module ini

ini :: ini

Read and write INI configuration files
module iso8859_1

core :: iso8859_1

Codec for ISO8859-1 I/O
module kernel

core :: kernel

Most basic classes and methods.
module list

core :: list

This module handle double linked lists
module markdown

markdown :: markdown

Markdown parsing.
module math

core :: math

Mathematical operations
module native

core :: native

Native structures for text and bytes
module numeric

core :: numeric

Advanced services for Numeric types
module opts

opts :: opts

Management of options on the command line
module protocol

core :: protocol

module queue

core :: queue

Queuing data structures and wrappers
module range

core :: range

Module for range of discrete objects.
module re

core :: re

Regular expression support for all services based on Pattern
module ropes

core :: ropes

Tree-based representation of a String.
module sorter

core :: sorter

This module contains classes used to compare things and sorts arrays.
module stream

core :: stream

Input and output streams of characters
module template

template :: template

Basic template system
module text

core :: text

All the classes and methods related to the manipulation of text entities
module time

core :: time

Management of time and dates
module union_find

core :: union_find

union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
module utf8

core :: utf8

Codec for UTF-8 I/O


module config

config :: config

Configuration options for nit tools and apps
module decorators

markdown :: decorators

Decorators for markdown parsing.
module man

markdown :: man

Simple groff decorator restricted for manpages.


module a_star-m


# A Markdown parser for Nit.
module nitmd

import markdown
import decorators
import man

import config

var opt_to = new OptionString("Specify output format (html, md, man)", "-t", "--to")

var usage = new Buffer
usage.append "Usage: nitmd [-t format] <file.md>\n"
usage.append "Translate Markdown documents to other formats."

var config = new Config
config.tool_description = usage.write_to_string

if config.args.length != 1 then
	exit 1

var file = config.args.first
if not file.file_exists then
	print "'{file}' not found"
	exit 1

var ifs = new FileReader.open(file)
var md = ifs.read_all

var processor = new MarkdownProcessor
var to = opt_to.value
if to == null or to == "html" then
	# Noop
else if to == "md" then
	processor.decorator = new MdDecorator
else if to == "man" then
	processor.decorator = new ManDecorator
	print "Unknown output format: {to}"
	exit 1
print processor.process(md)