Common usage imply 5 steps:
interfaceredef receive_signal_unsafe
to handle sigsegv
redef receive_signal
to handle other signals safely
4, Notify what signals to handle with handle_signal
Usage example:
class MyReceiver
super SignalHandler
redef fun receive_signal(signal)
print "received safely {signal}"
if signal == sigalarm then print "Alarm!"
redef fun receive_signal_unsafe( signal ) do print "received unsafely {signal}"
var r = new MyReceiver
# Handle `sigsegv` signal unsafely (the only way for this one)
r.handle_signal(sigsegv, false)
# Handle `sigint` and `sigalarm` safely
r.handle_signal(sigint, true)
r.handle_signal(sigalarm, true)
# Ask system to receive a `sigalarm` signal in 1 second
# Check signals and callback `receive_signal`
var hit = check_signals
if hit then break
core :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
# ANSI C signal handling
# Common usage imply 5 steps:
# 1. Implement the `SignalHandler` interface
# 2. `redef receive_signal_unsafe` to handle `sigsegv`
# 3. `redef receive_signal` to handle other signals safely
# 4, Notify what signals to handle with `handle_signal`
# 5. If using the safe handler method, routinely call `check_signals`
# Usage example:
# ~~~~
# class MyReceiver
# super SignalHandler
# redef fun receive_signal(signal)
# do
# print "received safely {signal}"
# if signal == sigalarm then print "Alarm!"
# end
# redef fun receive_signal_unsafe( signal ) do print "received unsafely {signal}"
# end
# var r = new MyReceiver
# # Handle `sigsegv` signal unsafely (the only way for this one)
# r.handle_signal(sigsegv, false)
# # Handle `sigint` and `sigalarm` safely
# r.handle_signal(sigint, true)
# r.handle_signal(sigalarm, true)
# # Ask system to receive a `sigalarm` signal in 1 second
# set_alarm(1)
# loop
# # Check signals and callback `receive_signal`
# var hit = check_signals
# if hit then break
# end
# ~~~~
module signals
#define _POSIX_SOURCE 1
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
void (*nit_SignalHandler_receive_signal)(void* self, long signal);
Structure to manage each possible signals
are used in an array of 32 maximum signals.
This array is global to the software.
struct nit_signals_ent {
char raised; /* !=0 if has been raised */
void* handler; /* instance to receive call */
char safely; /* if !=0 then manage signal safely, otherwise react when raised */
} nit_signals_list[32] = {{0}};
/* Receiver to all signals
If unsafe, it calls directly the Nit receiver,
otherwise it marks the signal as raised and returns.
void receiver(int sig)
if (sig < 32 && sig >=0)
if (nit_signals_list[sig].safely) {
nit_signals_list[sig].raised += 1;
} else {
nit_SignalHandler_receive_signal(nit_signals_list[sig].handler, sig);
# Receives the callback from system when a given signal arise
interface SignalHandler
# Invoked after a call to `check_signals` if a signal has been raised
# (should be redefed by subclasses)
# Should be used by most signals except `sigkill` and `sigstop` since they
# cannot be caught, blocked or ignored.
# class MyReceiver
# super SignalHandler
# redef fun receive_signal(signal) do print "received safely {signal}"
# end
# var r = new MyReceiver
# r.handle_signal(sigint, true) # will call back when "check_signals" is called
# # ...
# check_signals # if a signal was received, it will invoke `r.receive_signal`
fun receive_signal(signal: Int) do end
# Called immediatly on receiving an unsafe signal (should be redefed by subclasses)
# Should be used for `sigkill` and `sigstop` since they cannot be caught,
# blocked or ignored.
# You should consider this methods as being fragile. It should be implemented in C
# and you should not do too much callbacks to Nit.
# class MyReceiver
# super SignalHandler
# redef fun receive_signal_unsafe(signal) do print "received unsafely {signal}"
# end
# var r = new MyReceiver
# r.handle_signal(sigsegv, false) # `r.receive_signal_unsafe` will be invoked on sigsegv
fun receive_signal_unsafe(signal: Int) do end
# Set the receiver as the handler of the signal
# If `safely`, receiver will be called when `check_signals` in invoked
# otherwise the receiver is invoked when the signal is raised, it may
# crash the Nit system but is unavoidable for unstoppable signals.
fun handle_signal(signal: Int, safely: Bool) import receive_signal `{
if (signal < 32 && signal >=0) {
struct sigaction act;
act.sa_flags = 0;
act.sa_handler = receiver;
sigaction(signal, &act, NULL);
#ifdef SignalHandler_decr_ref
SignalHandler last_handler = (SignalHandler)nit_signals_list[signal].handler;
if (last_handler != NULL)
nit_signals_list[signal].handler = self;
#ifdef SignalHandler_incr_ref
nit_signals_list[signal].safely = safely;
nit_SignalHandler_receive_signal =
(void (*)(void*, long))&SignalHandler_receive_signal;
# Set to ignore the signal
fun ignore_signal(signal: Int) `{
if (signal < 32 && signal >=0) {
struct sigaction act;
act.sa_flags = 0;
act.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
sigaction(signal, &act, NULL);
#ifdef SignalHandler_decr_ref
SignalHandler last_handler = (SignalHandler)nit_signals_list[signal].handler;
if (last_handler != NULL)
# Set default action for the signal
fun default_signal(signal: Int) `{
if (signal < 32 && signal >=0) {
struct sigaction act;
act.sa_flags = 0;
act.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;
sigaction(signal, &act, NULL);
#ifdef SignalHandler_decr_ref
SignalHandler last_handler = (SignalHandler)nit_signals_list[signal].handler;
if (last_handler != NULL)
# Check signals for safe operation
# will callback receiver of raised signals
# can callback any instance of SignalHandler, not just this one
fun check_signals: Bool is extern import SignalHandler.receive_signal `{
int sig;
int raised_something = 0;
for (sig = 0; sig < 32; sig ++)
if (nit_signals_list[sig].raised) {
nit_signals_list[sig].raised = 0;
raised_something = 1;
SignalHandler handler = (SignalHandler)nit_signals_list[sig].handler;
SignalHandler_receive_signal(handler, sig);
return raised_something;
# Set alarm signal
# can callback any instance of SignalHandler, not just this one
fun set_alarm(sec: Int) `{ alarm(sec); `}
redef class Process
# Send a signal to the process
fun signal(signal: Int) do native_kill(id, signal)
# Send the kill signal to the process
fun kill do signal(sigkill)
# Native implementation of `signal`
private fun native_kill(pid, signal: Int) `{ kill(pid, signal); `}
# Hang up detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process
fun sighup: Int do return 1
# Issued if the user sends an interrupt signal
fun sigint: Int do return 2
# Issued if the user sends a quit signal
fun sigquit: Int do return 3
# Issued if the user attempts to execute an illegal, malformed, unknown, or privileged instruction
fun sigill: Int do return 4
# Issued when an exception occurs: a condition that a debugger has requested to be informed of
fun sigtrap: Int do return 5
# This signal is sent to a process to tell it to abort, i. e. to terminate
fun sigabrt: Int do return 6
# This signal is sent to a process when it causes a bus error
fun sigbus: Int do return 7
# Issued if an illegal mathematical operation is attempted
fun sigfpe: Int do return 8
# If a process gets this signal it must quit immediately and will not perform any clean-up operations
fun sigkill: Int do return 9
# Sent to a process to indicate user-defined conditions
fun sigusr1: Int do return 10
# Sent to a process when it makes an invalid virtual memory reference, or segmentation fault
fun sigsegv: Int do return 11
# Sent to a process to indicate user-defined conditions
fun sigusr2: Int do return 12
# Sent to a process when it attempts to write to a pipe without a process connected to the other end
fun sigpipe: Int do return 13
# Alarm Clock signal
fun sigalarm: Int do return 14
# Software termination signal
fun sigterm: Int do return 15
# Sent to a process when a child process terminates or is interrupted
fun sigchild: Int do return 17
# Tell the operating system to continue (restart) a process previously paused by the SIGSTOP or SIGTSTP signal
fun sigcont: Int do return 18
# Tell the operating system to stop a process
fun sigstop: Int do return 19
# Sent to a process by its terminal to request it to stop temporarily
fun sigtstp: Int do return 20
# Sent to a process when a socket has urgent or out-of-band data available to read
fun sigurg: Int do return 23
# Sent to a process when it has used the CPU for a duration that exceeds a user-settable value
fun sigxcpu: Int do return 24
# Sent to a process when it grows a file larger than the maximum allowed size
fun sigxfsz: Int do return 25
# Virtual timer expired
fun sigvtalrm: Int do return 26
# Profiling timer expired
fun sigprof: Int do return 27
# Sent to a process when its controlling terminal changes its window size
fun sigwinch: Int do return 28
# Sent to a process when the system experiences a power failure
fun sigpwr: Int do return 30
# Sent to a process when it passes a bad argument to a system call
fun sigsys: Int do return 31