Trees are a widely used abstract data type (ADT) or data structure implementing this ADT that simulates a hierarchical tree structure, with a root value and subtrees of children, represented as a set of linked nodes.
core :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
# Introduce tree structures abstraction
# Trees are a widely used abstract data type (ADT) or data structure
# implementing this ADT that simulates a hierarchical tree structure,
# with a root value and subtrees of children, represented as a set of linked nodes.
module abstract_tree
# Abstract tree map structure
# * `K`: tree node key
# * `E`: tree node value
abstract class TreeMap[K: Comparable, E]
super Map[K, E]
# Type of nodes used in this tree implementation
protected type N: TreeNode[K, E]
# The `root` node of the tree (null if tree is empty)
protected var root: nullable N = null is protected writable
# Display the tree in a gaphical windows
# Graphviz with a working -Txlib is expected
# Used for debugging
fun show_dot is abstract
# Abstract node structure used in `Tree` implementation
# Nodes are defined recursively each node (except the root one) pointing to a parent.
# Nodes can be used to store data with the `TreeNode::value` attribute.
# Formal parameters:
# * `K`: key type (a `Comparable` one so nodes can be sorted by their keys)
# * `E`: value type (to store your data)
abstract class TreeNode[K: Comparable, E]
super Comparable
# TreeNode type
type N: TreeNode[K, E]
# `key` for this node
var key: K
# `value` stored in the node
var value: E
# Direct parent of this node (`null` if the node is root)
# See `Tree::root`.
var parent: nullable N = null is writable
# Depth in tree (length of the path from `self` to `root`)
fun depth: Int do
var node = parent
var i = 0
while node != null do
node = node.parent
i += 1
return i
redef fun to_s do return "\{{value or else ""}\}"
# Return dot representation of this node
# See `Tree::show_dot`.
fun to_dot: String do
var res = new FlatBuffer
res.append "\"{self}\";\n"
if parent != null then res.append "\"{ null)}\" -> \"{self}\"[dir=back];\n"
return res.to_s
redef type OTHER: N
# Nodes equality is done on `value` equality
# Redefine this method to change the default behavior.
redef fun ==(o) do
if not o isa N then return false
return self.value == o.value
# Nodes ordering is based on the `key`
redef fun <(o) do return self.key < o.key