A* pathfinding in graphs

A single graph may have different properties according to the PathContext used


var graph = new Graph[Node,WeightedLink]

var na = new Node(graph)
var nb = new Node(graph)
var nc = new Node(graph)
var nd = new Node(graph)
var ne = new Node(graph)

var lab = new WeightedLink(graph, na, nb, 2)
var lac = new WeightedLink(graph, na, nc, 3)
var lbd = new WeightedLink(graph, nb, nd, 1)
var lcd = new WeightedLink(graph, nc, nd, 3)
var lde = new WeightedLink(graph, nd, ne, 8)

var context = new WeightedPathContext(graph)

var path = na.path_to(ne, 100, context)
assert path != null else print "No possible path"

assert path.step == nb
assert path.step == nd
assert path.step == ne
assert path.at_end_of_path

Introduced classes

class AStarPath[N: nullable Object]

a_star :: AStarPath

Result from path finding and a walkable path
class ConstantPathContext

a_star :: ConstantPathContext

Simple context with constant cost on each links
class Graph[N: Node, L: Link]

a_star :: Graph

General graph
class Node

a_star :: Node

General graph node
abstract class PathContext

a_star :: PathContext

Context related to an evocation of pathfinding
abstract class TargetCondition[N: Node]

a_star :: TargetCondition

Advanced path conditions with customizable accept states
class WeightedPathContext

a_star :: WeightedPathContext

A PathContext for graphs with WeightedLink

Redefined classes

redef abstract class Deserializer

a_star :: a_star $ Deserializer

Abstract deserialization service

All class definitions

class AStarPath[N: nullable Object]

a_star $ AStarPath

Result from path finding and a walkable path
class ConstantPathContext

a_star $ ConstantPathContext

Simple context with constant cost on each links
redef abstract class Deserializer

a_star :: a_star $ Deserializer

Abstract deserialization service
class Graph[N: Node, L: Link]

a_star $ Graph

General graph
class Node

a_star $ Node

General graph node
abstract class PathContext

a_star $ PathContext

Context related to an evocation of pathfinding
abstract class TargetCondition[N: Node]

a_star $ TargetCondition

Advanced path conditions with customizable accept states
class WeightedPathContext

a_star $ WeightedPathContext

A PathContext for graphs with WeightedLink
package_diagram a_star::a_star a_star serialization serialization a_star::a_star->serialization poset poset serialization->poset meta meta serialization->meta json json serialization->json ...poset ... ...poset->poset ...meta ... ...meta->meta ...json ... ...json->json


module abstract_collection

core :: abstract_collection

Abstract collection classes and services.
module abstract_text

core :: abstract_text

Abstract class for manipulation of sequences of characters
module array

core :: array

This module introduces the standard array structure.
module bitset

core :: bitset

Services to handle BitSet
module bytes

core :: bytes

Services for byte streams and arrays
module caching

serialization :: caching

Services for caching serialization engines
module circular_array

core :: circular_array

Efficient data structure to access both end of the sequence.
module codec_base

core :: codec_base

Base for codecs to use with streams
module codecs

core :: codecs

Group module for all codec-related manipulations
module collection

core :: collection

This module define several collection classes.
module core

core :: core

Standard classes and methods used by default by Nit programs and libraries.
module engine_tools

serialization :: engine_tools

Advanced services for serialization engines
module environ

core :: environ

Access to the environment variables of the process
module error

core :: error

Standard error-management infrastructure.
module exec

core :: exec

Invocation and management of operating system sub-processes.
module file

core :: file

File manipulations (create, read, write, etc.)
module fixed_ints

core :: fixed_ints

Basic integers of fixed-precision
module fixed_ints_text

core :: fixed_ints_text

Text services to complement fixed_ints
module flat

core :: flat

All the array-based text representations
module gc

core :: gc

Access to the Nit internal garbage collection mechanism
module hash_collection

core :: hash_collection

Introduce HashMap and HashSet.
module inspect

serialization :: inspect

Refine Serializable::inspect to show more useful information
module iso8859_1

core :: iso8859_1

Codec for ISO8859-1 I/O
module kernel

core :: kernel

Most basic classes and methods.
module list

core :: list

This module handle double linked lists
module math

core :: math

Mathematical operations
module meta

meta :: meta

Simple user-defined meta-level to manipulate types of instances as object.
module native

core :: native

Native structures for text and bytes
module numeric

core :: numeric

Advanced services for Numeric types
module protocol

core :: protocol

module queue

core :: queue

Queuing data structures and wrappers
module range

core :: range

Module for range of discrete objects.
module re

core :: re

Regular expression support for all services based on Pattern
module ropes

core :: ropes

Tree-based representation of a String.
module serialization_core

serialization :: serialization_core

Abstract services to serialize Nit objects to different formats
module sorter

core :: sorter

This module contains classes used to compare things and sorts arrays.
module stream

core :: stream

Input and output streams of characters
module text

core :: text

All the classes and methods related to the manipulation of text entities
module time

core :: time

Management of time and dates
module union_find

core :: union_find

union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
module utf8

core :: utf8

Codec for UTF-8 I/O


module serialization

serialization :: serialization

General serialization services


module a_star-m


# A* pathfinding in graphs
# A single graph may have different properties according to the `PathContext` used
# Usage:
# ~~~
# # Weighted graph (letters are nodes, digits are weights):
# #
# #     a -2- b
# #    /     /
# #   3     1
# #  /     /
# # c -3- d -8- e
# #
# var graph = new Graph[Node,WeightedLink]
# var na = new Node(graph)
# var nb = new Node(graph)
# var nc = new Node(graph)
# var nd = new Node(graph)
# var ne = new Node(graph)
# var lab = new WeightedLink(graph, na, nb, 2)
# var lac = new WeightedLink(graph, na, nc, 3)
# var lbd = new WeightedLink(graph, nb, nd, 1)
# var lcd = new WeightedLink(graph, nc, nd, 3)
# var lde = new WeightedLink(graph, nd, ne, 8)
# var context = new WeightedPathContext(graph)
# var path = na.path_to(ne, 100, context)
# assert path != null else print "No possible path"
# assert path.step == nb
# assert path.step == nd
# assert path.step == ne
# assert path.at_end_of_path
# ~~~
module a_star

import serialization

# General graph node
class Node
	super Serializable

	# Type of the others nodes in the `graph`
	type N: Node

	# parent graph
	var graph: Graph[N, Link]


	# adjacent nodes
	var links: Set[Link] = new HashSet[Link]

	# used to check if node has been searched in one pathfinding
	private var last_pathfinding_evocation: Int = 0

	# cost up to in current evocation
	# lifetime limited to evocation of `path_to`
	private var best_cost_up_to: Int = 0

	# source node
	# lifetime limited to evocation of `path_to`
	private var best_source: nullable N = null

	# is in frontier or buckets
	# lifetime limited to evocation of `path_to`
	private var open: Bool = false

	# Main functionality, returns path from `self` to `dest`
	fun path_to(dest: N, max_cost: Int, context: PathContext): nullable AStarPath[N]
		return path_to_alts(dest, max_cost, context, null)

	# Find a path to a possible `destination` or a node accepted by `alt_targets`
	fun path_to_alts(destination: nullable N, max_cost: Int, context: PathContext,
		alt_targets: nullable TargetCondition[N]): nullable AStarPath[N]
		var cost = 0

		var nbr_buckets = context.worst_cost + context.worst_heuristic_cost + 1
		var buckets = new Array[List[N]].with_capacity(nbr_buckets)

		for i in [0 .. nbr_buckets[ do
			buckets.add(new List[N])

		graph.pathfinding_current_evocation += 1

		# open source node
		open = true
		self.last_pathfinding_evocation = graph.pathfinding_current_evocation
		self.best_cost_up_to = 0

			var frontier_node: nullable N = null

			var bucket_searched = 0

			# find next valid node in frontier/buckets
				var current_bucket = buckets[cost % nbr_buckets]

				if current_bucket.is_empty then # move to next bucket
					cost += 1
					if cost > max_cost then return null
					bucket_searched += 1

					if bucket_searched > nbr_buckets then break
				else # found a node
					frontier_node = current_bucket.pop

					if frontier_node.open then break

			# no path possible
			if frontier_node == null then
				return null

			# at destination
			else if frontier_node == destination or
			     (alt_targets != null and alt_targets.accept(frontier_node)) then

				var path = new AStarPath[N](cost)

				while frontier_node != self do
					frontier_node = frontier_node.best_source
					assert frontier_node != null

				return path

			# adds all next nodes to frontier/buckets
				frontier_node.open = false

				for link in frontier_node.links do
					var peek_node = link.to
					if not context.is_blocked(link) and
					 (peek_node.last_pathfinding_evocation != graph.pathfinding_current_evocation or
					   (peek_node.open and
					     peek_node.best_cost_up_to > cost + context.cost(link)))
						peek_node.open = true
						peek_node.last_pathfinding_evocation = graph.pathfinding_current_evocation
						peek_node.best_cost_up_to = cost + context.cost(link)
						peek_node.best_source = frontier_node

						var est_cost
						if destination != null then
							est_cost = peek_node.best_cost_up_to + context.heuristic_cost(peek_node, destination)
						else if alt_targets != null then
							est_cost = peek_node.best_cost_up_to + alt_targets.heuristic_cost(peek_node, link)
						else est_cost = 0

						var at_bucket = buckets[est_cost % nbr_buckets]

	# Find the closest node accepted by `cond` under `max_cost`
	fun find_closest(max_cost: Int, context: PathContext, cond: nullable TargetCondition[N]): nullable N
		var path = path_to_alts(null, max_cost, context, cond)
		if path == null then return null
		return path.nodes.last

	# We customize the serialization process to avoid problems with recursive
	# serialization engines. These engines, such as `JsonSerializer`,
	# are at danger to serialize the graph as a very deep tree.
	# With a large graph it can cause a stack overflow.
	# Instead, we serialize the nodes first and then the links.
	redef fun core_serialize_to(serializer)
		serializer.serialize_attribute("graph", graph)

	redef init from_deserializer(deserializer)
		deserializer.notify_of_creation self

		var graph = deserializer.deserialize_attribute("graph", (new GetName[Graph[N, Link]]).to_s)
		if not graph isa Graph[N, Link] then graph = new Graph[N, Link]
		self.graph = graph

# Link between two nodes and associated to a graph
class Link

	# Type of the nodes in `graph`
	type N: Node

	# Type of the other links in `graph`
	type L: Link

	# The graph to which belongs `self`
	var graph: Graph[N, L]

	# Origin of this link
	var from: N

	# Endpoint of this link
	var to: N


# General graph
class Graph[N: Node, L: Link]
	super Serializable

	# Nodes in this graph
	var nodes = new Set[N]

	# Links in this graph
	var links = new Set[L]

	# Add a `node` to this graph
	fun add_node(node: N): N

		return node

	# Add a `link` to this graph
	fun add_link(link: L): L


		return link

	# Used to check if nodes have been searched in one pathfinding
	private var pathfinding_current_evocation: Int = 0

	redef fun core_serialize_to(serializer)
		serializer.serialize_attribute("nodes", nodes)
		serializer.serialize_attribute("links", links)

	redef init from_deserializer(deserializer)
		deserializer.notify_of_creation self

		var nodes = deserializer.deserialize_attribute("nodes", (new GetName[Set[N]]).to_s)
		if deserializer.deserialize_attribute_missing then
			deserializer.errors.add new AttributeMissingError(self, "nodes")
		if nodes isa Set[N] then self.nodes = nodes

		var links = deserializer.deserialize_attribute("links", (new GetName[Set[L]]).to_s)
		if deserializer.deserialize_attribute_missing then
			deserializer.errors.add new AttributeMissingError(self, "links")
		if links isa Set[L] then for link in links do add_link link

# Result from path finding and a walkable path
class AStarPath[N]

	# Total cost of this path
	var total_cost: Int

	# Nodes composing this path
	var nodes = new List[N]

	private var at: Int = 0

	# Step on the path and get the next node to travel
	fun step: N
		assert nodes.length >= at else print "a_star::AStarPath::step failed, is at_end_of_path"

		var s = nodes[at]
		at += 1

		return s

	# Peek at the next step of the path
	fun peek_step: N do return nodes[at]

	# Are we at the end of this path?
	fun at_end_of_path: Bool do return at >= nodes.length

# Context related to an evocation of pathfinding
abstract class PathContext

	# Type of the nodes in `graph`
	type N: Node

	# Type of the links in `graph`
	type L: Link

	# Graph to which is associated `self`
	var graph: Graph[N, L]

	# Worst cost of all the link's costs
	fun worst_cost: Int is abstract

	# Get cost of a link
	fun cost(link: L): Int is abstract

	# Is that link blocked?
	fun is_blocked(link: L): Bool is abstract

	# Heuristic
	fun heuristic_cost(a, b: N): Int is abstract

	# The worst cost suggested by the heuristic
	fun worst_heuristic_cost: Int is abstract

### Additionnal classes, may be useful

# Simple context with constant cost on each links
# Warning: A* is not optimize for such a case
class ConstantPathContext
	super PathContext

	redef fun worst_cost do return 1
	redef fun cost(l) do return 1
	redef fun is_blocked(l) do return false
	redef fun heuristic_cost(a, b) do return 0
	redef fun worst_heuristic_cost do return 0

# A `PathContext` for graphs with `WeightedLink`
class WeightedPathContext
	super PathContext

	redef type L: WeightedLink


		var worst_cost = 0
		for l in graph.links do
			var cost = l.weight
			if cost >= worst_cost then worst_cost = cost + 1
		self.worst_cost = worst_cost

	redef var worst_cost is noinit

	redef fun cost(l) do
		return l.weight
	redef fun is_blocked(l) do return false
	redef fun heuristic_cost(a, b) do return 0
	redef fun worst_heuristic_cost do return 0

# A `Link` with a `weight`
class WeightedLink
	super Link

	# The `weight`, or cost, of this link
	var weight: Int

# Advanced path conditions with customizable accept states
abstract class TargetCondition[N: Node]

	# Should the pathfinding accept `node` as a goal?
	fun accept(node: N): Bool is abstract

	# Approximate cost from `node` to an accept state
	fun heuristic_cost(node: N, link: Link): Int is abstract
