android :: intent_api15 $ Category
A category gives extra information about the action to executeandroid :: intent_api15 $ Intent
Services allowing to launch an activity and start/stop servicesandroid :: intent_api15 $ Category
A category gives extra information about the action to executeandroid :: intent_api15 $ Intent
Services allowing to launch an activity and start/stop servicesSerializable::inspect
to show more useful information
serialization :: serialization_core
Abstract services to serialize Nit objects to different formatsdeserialize_json
and JsonDeserializer
and JsonSerializer
core :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
# Refines intent module to add API 15 services
module intent_api15 is android_api_min 15
import intent_api14
in "Java" `{
import android.content.Intent;
redef extern class NativeIntent
fun selector=(selector: NativeIntent) in "Java" `{ self.setSelector(selector); `}
redef class Category
fun app_browser: JavaString in "Java" `{ return Intent.CATEGORY_APP_BROWSER; `}
fun app_calculator: JavaString in "Java" `{ return Intent.CATEGORY_APP_CALCULATOR; `}
fun app_calendar: JavaString in "Java" `{ return Intent.CATEGORY_APP_CALENDAR; `}
fun app_contacts: JavaString in "Java" `{ return Intent.CATEGORY_APP_CONTACTS; `}
fun app_email: JavaString in "Java" `{ return Intent.CATEGORY_APP_EMAIL; `}
fun app_gallery: JavaString in "Java" `{ return Intent.CATEGORY_APP_GALLERY; `}
fun app_maps: JavaString in "Java" `{ return Intent.CATEGORY_APP_MAPS; `}
fun app_messaging: JavaString in "Java" `{ return Intent.CATEGORY_APP_MESSAGING; `}
fun app_music: JavaString in "Java" `{ return Intent.CATEGORY_APP_MUSIC; `}
fun browsable: JavaString in "Java" `{ return Intent.CATEGORY_BROWSABLE; `}
redef class Intent
fun selector=(selector: NativeIntent) do intent.selector = selector