to show more useful information
serialization :: serialization_core
Abstract services to serialize Nit objects to different formatscore :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structureEulerCamera
and App::frame_core_draw
to get a stereoscopic view
# Services to parse .mtl material files
module mtl
import model_parser_base
# Parser of `.mtl` files
# ~~~
# var mtl_src = """
# # Green material with low reflections
# newmtl GreenMaterial
# Ns 96.078431
# Ka 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
# Kd 0.027186 0.180434 0.012088
# Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
# Ni 1.000000
# d 1.000000
# illum 2
# """
# var parser = new MtlFileParser(mtl_src)
# var name_to_mtls = parser.parse
# assert name_to_mtls.keys.join == "GreenMaterial"
# ~~~
class MtlFileParser
super StringProcessor
# Read and parse source and return all materials organized by their names
fun parse: Map[String, MtlDef]
var mat_lib = new Map[String, MtlDef]
var material: nullable MtlDef = null
while not eof do
var token = read_token
if token == "newmtl" then
var name = read_until_eol_or_comment
material = new MtlDef(name)
mat_lib[name] = material
else if material != null then
if token == "Ka" then
material.ambient = read_vec3
else if token == "Kd" then
material.diffuse = read_vec3
else if token == "Ks" then
material.specular = read_vec3
else if token == "d" then
material.dissolved = read_number
else if token == "Tr" then
material.dissolved = 1.0 - read_number
else if token == "illum" then
material.illumination_model = read_number.to_i
else if token == "map_Ka" then
material.map_ambient = read_until_eol_or_comment
else if token == "map_Kd" then
material.map_diffuse = read_until_eol_or_comment
else if token == "map_Bump" then
material.map_bump = read_until_eol_or_comment
else if token == "map_Ks" then
material.map_specular = read_until_eol_or_comment
else if token == "map_Ns" then
material.map_exponent = read_until_eol_or_comment
# TODO other line type headers
else if token == "Ns" then
else if token == "Ni" then
else if token == "sharpness" then
else if token == "bump" then
return mat_lib
# Material defined in a `.mtl` file
class MtlDef
# Name of this material
var name: String
# Ambient color
var ambient = new Vec3 is lazy
# Diffuse color
var diffuse = new Vec3 is lazy
# Specular color
var specular = new Vec3 is lazy
# Dissolved level, where 1.0 is fully visible
var dissolved = 1.0
# Transparency level, where 1.0 is fully invisible
fun transparency: Float do return 1.0 - dissolved
# Illumination model
var illumination_model = 0
# Ambient map
var map_ambient: nullable String = null
# Diffuse map
var map_diffuse: nullable String = null
# Bump map or normals texture
var map_bump: nullable String = null
# Specular reflectivity map
var map_specular: nullable String = null
# Specular exponent map
var map_exponent: nullable String = null
# Collect non-null maps from `map_diffuse, map_bump, map_specular, map_exponent`
fun maps: Array[String]
return [for m in [map_ambient, map_diffuse, map_bump, map_specular, map_exponent] do if m != null then m]