Deserialize full Nit objects from MessagePack format

See the package msgpack for more details on the serialization of Nit objects.

Introduced classes

class MsgPackDeserializer

msgpack :: MsgPackDeserializer

Deserialize MessagePack format to full Nit objects

Redefined classes

redef class Bytes

msgpack :: serialization_read $ Bytes

A buffer containing Byte-manipulation facilities
redef interface Map[K: nullable Object, V: nullable Object]

msgpack :: serialization_read $ Map

Maps are associative collections: key -> item.
redef abstract class Reader

msgpack :: serialization_read $ Reader

A Stream that can be read from
redef interface SimpleCollection[E: nullable Object]

msgpack :: serialization_read $ SimpleCollection

Items can be added to these collections.

All class definitions

redef class Bytes

msgpack :: serialization_read $ Bytes

A buffer containing Byte-manipulation facilities
redef interface Map[K: nullable Object, V: nullable Object]

msgpack :: serialization_read $ Map

Maps are associative collections: key -> item.
class MsgPackDeserializer

msgpack $ MsgPackDeserializer

Deserialize MessagePack format to full Nit objects
redef abstract class Reader

msgpack :: serialization_read $ Reader

A Stream that can be read from
redef interface SimpleCollection[E: nullable Object]

msgpack :: serialization_read $ SimpleCollection

Items can be added to these collections.
package_diagram msgpack::serialization_read serialization_read json json msgpack::serialization_read->json msgpack::serialization_common serialization_common msgpack::serialization_read->msgpack::serialization_common msgpack::read read msgpack::serialization_read->msgpack::read parser_base parser_base json->parser_base serialization serialization json->serialization core core msgpack::serialization_common->core binary binary msgpack::read->binary msgpack::ext ext msgpack::read->msgpack::ext ...parser_base ... ...parser_base->parser_base ...serialization ... ...serialization->serialization ...core ... ...core->core ...binary ... ...binary->binary ...msgpack::ext ... ...msgpack::ext->msgpack::ext msgpack::msgpack msgpack msgpack::msgpack->msgpack::serialization_read gamnit::common common gamnit::common->msgpack::msgpack gamnit::common... ... gamnit::common...->gamnit::common


module abstract_collection

core :: abstract_collection

Abstract collection classes and services.
module abstract_text

core :: abstract_text

Abstract class for manipulation of sequences of characters
module array

core :: array

This module introduces the standard array structure.
module binary

binary :: binary

Read and write binary data with any Reader and Writer
module bitset

core :: bitset

Services to handle BitSet
module bytes

core :: bytes

Services for byte streams and arrays
module caching

serialization :: caching

Services for caching serialization engines
module circular_array

core :: circular_array

Efficient data structure to access both end of the sequence.
module codec_base

core :: codec_base

Base for codecs to use with streams
module codecs

core :: codecs

Group module for all codec-related manipulations
module collection

core :: collection

This module define several collection classes.
module core

core :: core

Standard classes and methods used by default by Nit programs and libraries.
module engine_tools

serialization :: engine_tools

Advanced services for serialization engines
module environ

core :: environ

Access to the environment variables of the process
module error

json :: error

Intro JsonParseError which is exposed by all JSON reading APIs
module error

core :: error

Standard error-management infrastructure.
module exec

core :: exec

Invocation and management of operating system sub-processes.
module ext

msgpack :: ext

Application specific MessagePack extension MsgPackExt
module file

core :: file

File manipulations (create, read, write, etc.)
module fixed_ints

core :: fixed_ints

Basic integers of fixed-precision
module fixed_ints_text

core :: fixed_ints_text

Text services to complement fixed_ints
module flat

core :: flat

All the array-based text representations
module gc

core :: gc

Access to the Nit internal garbage collection mechanism
module hash_collection

core :: hash_collection

Introduce HashMap and HashSet.
module inspect

serialization :: inspect

Refine Serializable::inspect to show more useful information
module iso8859_1

core :: iso8859_1

Codec for ISO8859-1 I/O
module kernel

core :: kernel

Most basic classes and methods.
module list

core :: list

This module handle double linked lists
module math

core :: math

Mathematical operations
module meta

meta :: meta

Simple user-defined meta-level to manipulate types of instances as object.
module native

core :: native

Native structures for text and bytes
module numeric

core :: numeric

Advanced services for Numeric types
module parser_base

parser_base :: parser_base

Simple base for hand-made parsers of all kinds
module poset

poset :: poset

Pre order sets and partial order set (ie hierarchies)
module protocol

core :: protocol

module queue

core :: queue

Queuing data structures and wrappers
module range

core :: range

Module for range of discrete objects.
module re

core :: re

Regular expression support for all services based on Pattern
module ropes

core :: ropes

Tree-based representation of a String.
module safe

serialization :: safe

Services for safer deserialization engines
module serialization

serialization :: serialization

General serialization services
module serialization_core

serialization :: serialization_core

Abstract services to serialize Nit objects to different formats
module serialization_read

json :: serialization_read

Services to read JSON: deserialize_json and JsonDeserializer
module serialization_write

json :: serialization_write

Services to write Nit objects to JSON strings: serialize_to_json and JsonSerializer
module sorter

core :: sorter

This module contains classes used to compare things and sorts arrays.
module static

json :: static

Static interface to read Nit objects from JSON strings
module stream

core :: stream

Input and output streams of characters
module text

core :: text

All the classes and methods related to the manipulation of text entities
module time

core :: time

Management of time and dates
module union_find

core :: union_find

union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
module utf8

core :: utf8

Codec for UTF-8 I/O


module json

json :: json

Read and write JSON formatted text using the standard serialization services
module read

msgpack :: read

Low-level read MessagePack format from Reader streams
module serialization_common

msgpack :: serialization_common

Serialization services for serialization_write and serialization_read


module msgpack

msgpack :: msgpack

MessagePack, an efficient binary serialization format


module a_star-m


module client

gamnit :: client

Client-side network services for games and such
module common

gamnit :: common

Services common to the client and server modules
module network

gamnit :: network

Easy client/server logic for games and simple distributed applications
module server

gamnit :: server

Server-side network services for games and such
# Deserialize full Nit objects from MessagePack format
# See the package `msgpack` for more details on the serialization
# of Nit objects.
module serialization_read

import serialization::caching
import serialization::safe
private import json # for class_inheritance_metamodel
private import serialization::engine_tools

import serialization_common
private import read
import ext

# ---
# Easy services

redef class Bytes

	# Deserialize full Nit `nullable Object` from MessagePack formated data
	# The dynamic type of the deserialized object can be limited to `static_type`.
	# Warning: Deserialization errors are reported with `print_error`,
	# the returned object may be partial or fall back on `null`.
	# To handle the errors programmatically, use a `MsgPackDeserializer`.
	fun deserialize_msgpack(static_type: nullable String): nullable Object
		var stream = new BytesReader(self)
		var res = stream.deserialize_msgpack(static_type)
		return res

redef class Reader

	# Deserialize full Nit `nullable Object` from MessagePack formated data
	# This method use metadata in the MessagePack source to recreate full
	# Nit objects serialized by `Writer::serialize_msgpack` or
	# `MsgPackSerializer`.
	# The dynamic type of the deserialized object can be limited to `static_type`.
	# Warning: Deserialization errors are reported with `print_error`,
	# the returned object may be partial or fall back on `null`.
	# To handle the errors programmatically, use a `MsgPackDeserializer`.
	fun deserialize_msgpack(static_type: nullable String): nullable Object
		var deserializer = new MsgPackDeserializer(self)
		var res = deserializer.deserialize(static_type)

		if deserializer.errors.length == 1 then
			print_error deserializer.errors.join("")
		else if deserializer.errors.not_empty then
			print_error "Deserialization Errors:\n* {deserializer.errors.join("\n* ")}"

		return res

# ---
# Engine

# Deserialize MessagePack format to full Nit objects
class MsgPackDeserializer
	super CachingDeserializer
	super MsgPackEngine
	super SafeDeserializer

	# Source stream
	var stream: Reader

	# Map of attributes from the root deserialized object to the current object
	private var path = new Array[Map[nullable Serializable, nullable Serializable]]

	# Metadata arrays with from the root deserialized object to the current object
	var path_arrays = new Array[nullable Array[nullable Object]]

	# Names of the attributes from the root to the object currently being deserialized
	var attributes_path = new Array[String]

	# Last encountered object reference id.
	# See `id_to_object`.
	private var just_opened_id: nullable Int = null

	redef fun deserialize_attribute(name, static_type)
		if path.is_empty then
			# The was a parsing error or the root is not an object
			deserialize_attribute_missing = false
			return null

		var current = path.last

		var serialized_value = null
		var serialized_value_found = false
		if current.keys.has(name) then
			# Non-cached string
			serialized_value = current[name]
			serialized_value_found = true
			# It may be cached, deserialize all keys until we find it
			for key in current.keys.to_a do
				if key isa Array[nullable Serializable] or key isa MsgPackExt then
					var str = convert_object(key, "String")
					if str isa String then
						var value = current[key]
						current.keys.remove key
						current[str] = value

						if str == name then
							serialized_value = value
							serialized_value_found = true

		if not serialized_value_found then
			# Let the generated code / caller of `deserialize_attribute` raise the missing attribute error
			deserialize_attribute_missing = true
			return null

		attributes_path.add name
		var res = convert_object(serialized_value, static_type)

		deserialize_attribute_missing = false
		return res

	# This may be called multiple times by the same object from defs of a same constructor
	redef fun notify_of_creation(new_object)
		var id = just_opened_id
		if id == null then return
		cache[id] = new_object

	# Convert the simple JSON `object` to a Nit object
	private fun convert_object(object: nullable Object, static_type: nullable String): nullable Object
		#print "convert_object {if object != null then object.class_name else "null"}"
		if object isa Array[nullable Object] and object.length >= 1 then
			# Serialized object?
			var first = object.first
			if first isa MsgPackExt then
				if first.typ == ext_typ_obj then
					# An array starts with a *ext*, it must be a serialized object

					# New object declaration
					var id =

					if cache.has_id(id) then
						# FIXME use Warning
						errors.add new Error("Deserialization Error: object with id {id} is deserialized twice.")
						# Keep going

					var type_name = null
					var i = 1

					# Read dynamic type
					if object.length >= 2 then

						# Try to get the type name as a string
						var o = object[i]
						if o isa String and static_type == "String" and object.length == 2 then
							cache[id] = o
							return o
							var typ = convert_object(object[i], "String")
							if typ isa String then
								type_name = typ
								i += 1

					if type_name == null then
						# There was no dynamic type

						# We could use a `class_name_heuristic` here...

						# Fallback to the static type
						if static_type != null then
							type_name = static_type.strip_nullable

						if type_name == null then
							errors.add new Error("Deserialization Error: could not determine dynamic type of `{object}`.")
							return null

					if not accept(type_name, static_type) then return null

					var attributes = null
					if object.length > i then attributes = object[i]
					if not attributes isa Map[nullable Serializable, nullable Serializable] then
						# Some other type (could be an error), or there's no attributes
						attributes = new Map[nullable Serializable, nullable Serializable]

					# advance on path
					path.push attributes
					path_arrays.push object

					just_opened_id = id
					var value = deserialize_class(type_name)
					just_opened_id = null

					# revert on path

					return value
					errors.add new Error("Deserialization Error: unknown MessagePack ext '{first.typ}'.")

			# Plain array? Try to convert it to the desired static_type
			if static_type != null then
				return deserialize_class(static_type.strip_nullable)
			return object

		if object isa Map[nullable Serializable, nullable Serializable] then
			# Plain map
			# TODO parse it as an instance of `static_type`

			if static_type != null then
				path.push object
				path_arrays.push null

				just_opened_id = null
				var value = deserialize_class(static_type.strip_nullable)


				return value

			return object

		if object isa MsgPackExt then

			# First try the custom extensions
			var custom = deserialize_ext(object, static_type)
			if custom == null then

				# No custom, go for deser standard references
				if object.typ == ext_typ_ref then
					# Reference to an object
					var id =
					if not cache.has_id(id) then
						errors.add new Error("Deserialization Error: object reference id unknown.")
						return object
					return cache.object_for(id)

				else if object.typ == ext_typ_char then
					# Char

				else if object.typ == ext_typ_byte then
					# Byte

		if object isa String and object.length == 1 and static_type == "Char" then
			# Char serialized as a string
			return object.chars.first

		if object isa Int and static_type == "Byte" then
			# Byte serialized as an integer
			return object.to_b

		return object

	redef fun deserialize(static_type)

		var root = stream.read_msgpack
		return convert_object(root, static_type)

	# Hook to customize the deserialization of MessagePack extensions
	# Redefine this method in subclasses to return custom Nit objects from
	# an application specific extension.
	# This method is invoked before dealing with the extensions used by the
	# Nit serialization metadata [0x40..0x43]. In general, you should ignore
	# them by returning `null`, but they can also be intercepted to comply to
	# a format from a remote server.
	protected fun deserialize_ext(ext: MsgPackExt, static_type: nullable String): nullable Object
		return null

redef class SimpleCollection[E]
	redef init from_deserializer(v)
		if v isa MsgPackDeserializer then
			v.notify_of_creation self

			var open_array = v.path_arrays.last
			var msgpack_items = null
			if open_array != null then msgpack_items = open_array.last

			if not msgpack_items isa Array[nullable Serializable] then
				v.errors.add new Error("Deserialization Error: no items in source of `{class_name}`")

			# Name of the dynamic name of E
			var items_type_name = (new GetName[E]).to_s

			# Fill array
			for o in msgpack_items do
				var obj = v.convert_object(o, items_type_name)
				if obj isa E then
					add obj
				else v.errors.add new AttributeTypeError(self, "items", obj, items_type_name)

redef class Map[K, V]
	redef init from_deserializer(v)

		if v isa MsgPackDeserializer then
			v.notify_of_creation self

			var open_object = v.path_arrays.last
			var msgpack_items
			if open_object != null then
				# Metadata available
				msgpack_items = open_object.last
				msgpack_items = v.path.last

			if not msgpack_items isa Map[nullable Object, nullable Object] then
				v.errors.add new Error("Deserialization Error: no key/values in source of `{class_name}`")

			var keys_type_name = (new GetName[K]).to_s
			var values_type_name = (new GetName[V]).to_s

			for key_src, value_src in msgpack_items do
				var key = v.convert_object(key_src, keys_type_name)
				if not key isa K then
					v.errors.add new AttributeTypeError(self, "keys", key, keys_type_name)

				var value = v.convert_object(value_src, values_type_name)
				if not value isa V then
					v.errors.add new AttributeTypeError(self, "values", value, values_type_name)

				self[key] = value