Read and write binary data with any Reader and Writer

var w = new"/tmp/data.bin")
w.write "hello"
w.write_int64 123456789
w.write_byte 3
w.write_float 1.25
w.write_double 1.234567
w.write_bits(true, false, true)
assert w.last_error == null

var r = new"/tmp/data.bin")
assert == "hello"
assert r.read_int64 == 123456789
assert r.read_byte == 3
assert r.read_float == 1.25
assert r.read_double == 1.234567

var bits = r.read_bits
assert bits[0] and not bits[1] and bits[2]

assert r.last_error == null

Introduced classes

abstract class BinaryStream

binary :: BinaryStream

A stream of binary data

Redefined classes

redef enum Float

binary :: binary $ Float

Native floating point numbers.
redef enum Int

binary :: binary $ Int

Native integer numbers.
redef abstract class Reader

binary :: binary $ Reader

A Stream that can be read from
redef abstract class Writer

binary :: binary $ Writer

A Stream that can be written to

All class definitions

abstract class BinaryStream

binary $ BinaryStream

A stream of binary data
redef enum Float

binary :: binary $ Float

Native floating point numbers.
redef enum Int

binary :: binary $ Int

Native integer numbers.
redef abstract class Reader

binary :: binary $ Reader

A Stream that can be read from
redef abstract class Writer

binary :: binary $ Writer

A Stream that can be written to
package_diagram binary::binary binary core core binary::binary->core msgpack::write write msgpack::write->binary::binary msgpack::read read msgpack::read->binary::binary msgpack::serialization_write serialization_write msgpack::serialization_write->msgpack::write msgpack::serialization_write... ... msgpack::serialization_write...->msgpack::serialization_write msgpack::serialization_read serialization_read msgpack::serialization_read->msgpack::read msgpack::msgpack_to_json msgpack_to_json msgpack::msgpack_to_json->msgpack::read msgpack::serialization_read... ... msgpack::serialization_read...->msgpack::serialization_read msgpack::msgpack_to_json... ... msgpack::msgpack_to_json...->msgpack::msgpack_to_json


module abstract_collection

core :: abstract_collection

Abstract collection classes and services.
module abstract_text

core :: abstract_text

Abstract class for manipulation of sequences of characters
module array

core :: array

This module introduces the standard array structure.
module bitset

core :: bitset

Services to handle BitSet
module bytes

core :: bytes

Services for byte streams and arrays
module circular_array

core :: circular_array

Efficient data structure to access both end of the sequence.
module codec_base

core :: codec_base

Base for codecs to use with streams
module codecs

core :: codecs

Group module for all codec-related manipulations
module collection

core :: collection

This module define several collection classes.
module environ

core :: environ

Access to the environment variables of the process
module error

core :: error

Standard error-management infrastructure.
module exec

core :: exec

Invocation and management of operating system sub-processes.
module file

core :: file

File manipulations (create, read, write, etc.)
module fixed_ints

core :: fixed_ints

Basic integers of fixed-precision
module fixed_ints_text

core :: fixed_ints_text

Text services to complement fixed_ints
module flat

core :: flat

All the array-based text representations
module gc

core :: gc

Access to the Nit internal garbage collection mechanism
module hash_collection

core :: hash_collection

Introduce HashMap and HashSet.
module iso8859_1

core :: iso8859_1

Codec for ISO8859-1 I/O
module kernel

core :: kernel

Most basic classes and methods.
module list

core :: list

This module handle double linked lists
module math

core :: math

Mathematical operations
module native

core :: native

Native structures for text and bytes
module numeric

core :: numeric

Advanced services for Numeric types
module protocol

core :: protocol

module queue

core :: queue

Queuing data structures and wrappers
module range

core :: range

Module for range of discrete objects.
module re

core :: re

Regular expression support for all services based on Pattern
module ropes

core :: ropes

Tree-based representation of a String.
module sorter

core :: sorter

This module contains classes used to compare things and sorts arrays.
module stream

core :: stream

Input and output streams of characters
module text

core :: text

All the classes and methods related to the manipulation of text entities
module time

core :: time

Management of time and dates
module union_find

core :: union_find

union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
module utf8

core :: utf8

Codec for UTF-8 I/O


module core

core :: core

Standard classes and methods used by default by Nit programs and libraries.


module read

msgpack :: read

Low-level read MessagePack format from Reader streams
module write

msgpack :: write

Low-level write in MessagePack format to Writer streams


module a_star-m


module client

gamnit :: client

Client-side network services for games and such
module common

gamnit :: common

Services common to the client and server modules
module msgpack

msgpack :: msgpack

MessagePack, an efficient binary serialization format
module msgpack_to_json

msgpack :: msgpack_to_json

Convert MessagePack format to JSON
module network

gamnit :: network

Easy client/server logic for games and simple distributed applications
module serialization_read

msgpack :: serialization_read

Deserialize full Nit objects from MessagePack format
module serialization_write

msgpack :: serialization_write

Serialize full Nit objects to MessagePack format
module server

gamnit :: server

Server-side network services for games and such
# Read and write binary data with any `Reader` and `Writer`
# ~~~
# var w = new"/tmp/data.bin")
# w.write "hello"
# w.write_int64 123456789
# w.write_byte 3
# w.write_float 1.25
# w.write_double 1.234567
# w.write_bits(true, false, true)
# assert w.last_error == null
# w.close
# var r = new"/tmp/data.bin")
# assert == "hello"
# assert r.read_int64 == 123456789
# assert r.read_byte == 3
# assert r.read_float == 1.25
# assert r.read_double == 1.234567
# var bits = r.read_bits
# assert bits[0] and not bits[1] and bits[2]
# assert r.last_error == null
# r.close
# ~~~
module binary

in "C" `{
	#include <inttypes.h>
	#include <endian.h>

	// Android compatibility
	#ifndef be32toh
		#define be32toh(val) betoh32(val)
		#define le32toh(val) letoh32(val)

	#ifndef be64toh
		#define be64toh(val) betoh64(val)
		#define le64toh(val) letoh64(val)

# A stream of binary data
abstract class BinaryStream
	super Stream

	# Use the big-endian convention? otherwise use little-endian.
	# By default, `true` to use big-endian.
	var big_endian = true is writable

redef abstract class Writer
	super BinaryStream

	# Write a boolean `value` on a byte, using 0 for `false` and 1 for `true`
	fun write_bool(value: Bool) do write_byte if value then 1 else 0

	# Write up to 8 `Bool` in a byte
	# To be used with `BinaryReader::read_bits`.
	# Ensure: `bits.length <= 8`
	fun write_bits(bits: Bool...)
		assert bits.length <= 8

		var int = 0
		for b in bits.length.times do
			if bits[b] then int |= 1 << (7 - b)

		write_byte int

	# Write `text` as a null terminated string
	# To be used with `Reader::read_string`.
	# Require: `text` has no null bytes.
	fun write_string(text: Text)
		write text
		write_byte 0x00

	# Write the length as a 64 bits integer, then the content of `text`
	# To be used with `Reader::read_block`.
	# Compared to `write_string`, this method supports null bytes in `text`.
	fun write_block(text: Text)
		write_int64 text.byte_length
		write text

	# Write a floating point `value` on 32 bits
	# Using this format may result in a loss of precision as it uses less bits
	# than Nit `Float`.
	fun write_float(value: Float)
		for i in [0..4[ do write_byte value.float_byte_at(i, big_endian)

	# Write a floating point `value` on 64 bits
	fun write_double(value: Float)
		for i in [0..8[ do write_byte value.double_byte_at(i, big_endian)

	# Write `value` as a signed integer on 64 bits
	# Using this format may result in a loss of precision as the length of a
	# Nit `Int` may be more than 64 bits on some platforms.
	fun write_int64(value: Int)
		for i in [0..8[ do write_byte value.int64_byte_at(i, big_endian)

	# TODO:
	# fun write_int8
	# fun write_uint8 # No need for this one, it is the current `read_char`
	# fun write_int16
	# fun write_uint16
	# fun write_int32
	# fun write_uint32
	# fun write_uint64
	# fun write_long_double?

redef abstract class Reader
	super BinaryStream

	# Read a single byte and return `true` if its value is different than 0
	# Returns `false` when an error is pending (`last_error != null`).
	fun read_bool: Bool do return read_byte > 0

	# Get an `Array` of 8 `Bool` by reading a single byte
	# To be used with `BinaryWriter::write_bits`.
	# Returns an array of `false` when an error is pending (`last_error != null`).
	fun read_bits: Array[Bool]
		var int = read_byte
		if int < 0 then return new Array[Bool]
		var arr = new Array[Bool]
		for i in [7 .. 0].step(-1) do
			arr.push(((int >> i) & 1) != 0)
		return arr

	# Read a null terminated string
	# To be used with `Writer::write_string`.
	# Returns a truncated string when an error is pending (`last_error != null`).
	fun read_string: String
		var buf = new Bytes.empty
			var byte = read_byte
			if byte <= 0 then
				return buf.to_s
			buf.add byte

	# Read the length as a 64 bits integer, then the content of the block
	# To be used with `Writer::write_block`.
	# Returns a truncated string when an error is pending (`last_error != null`).
	fun read_block: String
		var length = read_int64
		if length == 0 then return ""
		return read_bytes(length).to_s

	# Read a floating point on 32 bits and return it as a `Float`
	# Using this format may result in a loss of precision as it uses less bits
	# than Nit `Float`.
	# Returns `0.0` when an error is pending (`last_error != null`).
	fun read_float: Float
		if last_error != null then return 0.0

		var b0 = read_byte
		var b1 = read_byte
		var b2 = read_byte
		var b3 = read_byte

		# Check for error, `last_error` is set by `read_byte`
		if b0 < 0 or b1 < 0 or b2 < 0 or b3 < 0 then return 0.0

		return native_read_float(b0, b1, b2, b3, big_endian)

	# Utility for `read_float`
	private fun native_read_float(b0, b1, b2, b3: Int, big_endian: Bool): Float `{
		union {
			unsigned char b[4];
			float val;
			uint32_t conv;
		} u;

		u.b[0] = b0;
		u.b[1] = b1;
		u.b[2] = b2;
		u.b[3] = b3;

		if (big_endian)
			u.conv = be32toh(u.conv);
		else u.conv = le32toh(u.conv);

		return u.val;

	# Read a floating point on 64 bits and return it as a `Float`
	# Returns `0.0` when an error is pending (`last_error != null`).
	fun read_double: Float
		if last_error != null then return 0.0

		var b0 = read_byte
		var b1 = read_byte
		var b2 = read_byte
		var b3 = read_byte
		var b4 = read_byte
		var b5 = read_byte
		var b6 = read_byte
		var b7 = read_byte

		# Check for error, `last_error` is set by `read_byte`
		if b0 < 0 or b1 < 0 or b2 < 0 or b3 < 0 or
		   b4 < 0 or b5 < 0 or b6 < 0 or b7 < 0 then return 0.0

		return native_read_double(b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, big_endian)

	# Utility for `read_double`
	private fun native_read_double(b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7: Int, big_endian: Bool): Float `{
		union {
			unsigned char b[8];
			double val;
			uint64_t conv;
		} u;

		u.b[0] = b0;
		u.b[1] = b1;
		u.b[2] = b2;
		u.b[3] = b3;
		u.b[4] = b4;
		u.b[5] = b5;
		u.b[6] = b6;
		u.b[7] = b7;

		if (big_endian)
			u.conv = be64toh(u.conv);
		else u.conv = le64toh(u.conv);

		return u.val;

	# Read a signed integer on 64 bits and return is an `Int`
	# Using this format may result in a loss of precision as the length of a
	# Nit `Int` may be less than 64 bits on some platforms.
	# Returns `0` when an error is pending (`last_error != null`).
	fun read_int64: Int
		if last_error != null then return 0

		var b0 = read_byte
		var b1 = read_byte
		var b2 = read_byte
		var b3 = read_byte
		var b4 = read_byte
		var b5 = read_byte
		var b6 = read_byte
		var b7 = read_byte

		# Check for error, `last_error` is set by `read_byte`
		if b0 < 0 or b1 < 0 or b2 < 0 or b3 < 0 or
		   b4 < 0 or b5 < 0 or b6 < 0 or b7 < 0 then return 0

		return native_read_int64(b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, big_endian)

	# Utility for `read_int64`
	private fun native_read_int64(b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7: Int, big_endian: Bool): Int `{
		union {
			unsigned char b[8];
			int64_t val;
			uint64_t conv;
		} u;

		u.b[0] = b0;
		u.b[1] = b1;
		u.b[2] = b2;
		u.b[3] = b3;
		u.b[4] = b4;
		u.b[5] = b5;
		u.b[6] = b6;
		u.b[7] = b7;

		if (big_endian)
			u.conv = be64toh(u.conv);
		else u.conv = le64toh(u.conv);

		return u.val;

redef class Int
	# Utility for `BinaryWriter`
	private fun int64_byte_at(index: Int, big_endian: Bool): Int `{
		union {
			unsigned char bytes[8];
			int64_t val;
			uint64_t conv;
		} u;

		u.val = self;

		if (big_endian)
			u.conv = htobe64(u.conv);
		else u.conv = htole64(u.conv);

		return u.bytes[index];

redef class Float
	# Utility for `BinaryWriter`
	private fun float_byte_at(index: Int, big_endian: Bool): Int `{
		union {
			unsigned char bytes[4];
			float val;
			uint32_t conv;
		} u;

		u.val = self;

		if (big_endian)
			u.conv = htobe32(u.conv);
		else u.conv = htole32(u.conv);

		return u.bytes[index];

	# Utility for `BinaryWriter`
	private fun double_byte_at(index: Int, big_endian: Bool): Int `{
		union {
			unsigned char bytes[8];
			double val;
			uint64_t conv;
		} u;

		u.val = self;

		if (big_endian)
			u.conv = htobe64(u.conv);
		else u.conv = htole64(u.conv);

		return u.bytes[index];