For now, only Github OAuth is provided.
This module provide 4 base classes that can be used together to implement a Github OAuth handshake.
Here an example of application using the Github Auth as login mechanism.
There is 4 available routes:
: redirects the user to the Github OAuth login page (see GithubLogin
: shows the currently logged in user (see Profile Handler
: logs out the user by destroying the entry from the session (see GithubLogout
: callback url for Github service after player login (see GithubOAuthCallBack
)Routes redirection are handled at the OAuth service registration. Please see for more niformation on how to configure your service to provide smouth redirections beween your routes.
import popcorn
import popcorn::pop_auth
class ProfileHandler
super Handler
redef fun get(req, res) do
var session = req.session
if session == null then
res.send "No session :("
var user = session.user
if user == null then
res.send "Not logged in"
res.send "<h1>Hello {user.login}</h1>"
var client_id = "github client id"
var client_secret = "github client secret"
var app = new App
app.use("/*", new SessionInit)
app.use("/login", new GithubLogin(client_id))
app.use("/oauth", new GithubOAuthCallBack(client_id, client_secret))
app.use("/logout", new GithubLogout)
app.use("/profile", new ProfileHandler)
app.listen("localhost", 3000)
Optionaly, you can use the GithubUser
handler to provide access to the
Github user stored in session:
app.use("/api/user", new GithubUser)
popcorn :: GithubOAuthCallBack
Get the authentification code and translate it to an access token.FileServer
action, which is a standard and minimal file server
class and services to create it
to show more useful information
more_collections :: more_collections
Highly specific, but useful, collections-related classes.curl :: native_curl
Binding of C libCurl which allow us to interact with network.serialization :: serialization_core
Abstract services to serialize Nit objects to different formatsdeserialize_json
and JsonDeserializer
and JsonSerializer
core :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
# Authentification handlers.
# For now, only Github OAuth is provided.
# See
# This module provide 4 base classes that can be used together to implement a
# Github OAuth handshake.
# Here an example of application using the Github Auth as login mechanism.
# There is 4 available routes:
# * `/login`: redirects the user to the Github OAuth login page (see `GithubLogin`)
# * `/profile`: shows the currently logged in user (see `Profile Handler`)
# * `/logout`: logs out the user by destroying the entry from the session (see `GithubLogout`)
# * `/oauth`: callback url for Github service after player login (see `GithubOAuthCallBack`)
# Routes redirection are handled at the OAuth service registration. Please see
# for more niformation on how
# to configure your service to provide smouth redirections beween your routes.
# ~~~
# import popcorn
# import popcorn::pop_auth
# class ProfileHandler
# super Handler
# redef fun get(req, res) do
# var session = req.session
# if session == null then
# res.send "No session :("
# return
# end
# var user = session.user
# if user == null then
# res.send "Not logged in"
# return
# end
# res.send "<h1>Hello {user.login}</h1>"
# end
# end
# var client_id = "github client id"
# var client_secret = "github client secret"
# var app = new App
# app.use("/*", new SessionInit)
# app.use("/login", new GithubLogin(client_id))
# app.use("/oauth", new GithubOAuthCallBack(client_id, client_secret))
# app.use("/logout", new GithubLogout)
# app.use("/profile", new ProfileHandler)
# app.listen("localhost", 3000)
# ~~~
# Optionaly, you can use the `GithubUser` handler to provide access to the
# Github user stored in session:
# ~~~
# app.use("/api/user", new GithubUser)
# ~~~
module pop_auth
import pop_json
import pop_sessions
import github
# Github OAuth login handler.
# See
class GithubLogin
super Handler
# Client ID delivered by GitHub for your application.
# See
var client_id: String is writable
# The URL in your application where users will be sent after authorization.
# If `null`, the URL used in application registration will be used.
# See
var redirect_uri: nullable String = null is writable
# A space delimited list of scopes.
# See
var scope: nullable String = null is writable
# An optional and unguessable random string.
# It is used to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks.
var state: nullable String = null is writable
# Allow signup at login.
# Whether or not unauthenticated users will be offered an option to sign up
# for GitHub during the OAuth flow. The default is true.
# Use false in the case that a policy prohibits signups.
var allow_signup = true is writable
# Github OAuth login URL.
var auth_url = "" is writable
# Build Github URL to OAuth service.
fun build_auth_redirect: String do
var url = "{auth_url}?client_id={client_id}&allow_signup={allow_signup}"
var redirect_uri = self.redirect_uri
if redirect_uri != null then url = "{url}&redirect_uri={redirect_uri}"
var scope = self.scope
if scope != null then url = "{url}&scope={scope}"
var state = self.state
if state != null then url = "{url}&state={state}"
return url
redef fun get(req, res) do res.redirect build_auth_redirect
# Get the authentification code and translate it to an access token.
class GithubOAuthCallBack
super Handler
# The client ID delivered by GitHub for your application.
# See
var client_id: String is writable
# The client secret you received from Github when your registered your application.
var client_secret: String is writable
# The URL in your application where users will be sent after authorization.
# If `null`, the URL used in application registration will be used.
# See
var redirect_uri: nullable String is writable
# An optional and unguessable random string.
# It is used to protect against cross-site request forgery attacks.
var state: nullable String is writable
# Github OAuth token URL.
var token_url = "" is writable
# Header map sent with the OAuth token request.
var headers: HeaderMap do
var map = new HeaderMap
map["Accept"] = "application/json"
return map
# Build the OAuth post data.
fun build_auth_body(code: String): HeaderMap do
var map = new HeaderMap
map["client_id"] = client_id
map["client_secret"] = client_secret
map["code"] = code
var redirect_uri = self.redirect_uri
if redirect_uri != null then map["redirect_uri"] = redirect_uri
var state = self.state
if state != null then map["state"] = state
return map
redef fun get(req, res) do
# Get OAuth code
var code = req.string_arg("code")
if code == null then
res.error 401
# Exchange it for an access token
var access_token = request_access_token(code)
if access_token == null then
res.error 401
# Load github user
var gh_api = new GithubAPI(access_token)
var user = gh_api.get_auth_user
if user == null then
res.error 401
# Set session and redirect to user page
var session = req.session
if session == null then
res.error 500
session.user = user
res.redirect redirect_uri or else "/"
# Request an access token from an access `code`.
private fun request_access_token(code: String): nullable String do
var request = new CurlHTTPRequest(token_url)
request.headers = headers = build_auth_body(code)
var response = request.execute
return parse_token_response(response)
# Parse the Github access_token response and extract the access_token.
private fun parse_token_response(response: CurlResponse): nullable String do
if response isa CurlResponseFailed then
print "Request to Github OAuth failed"
print "Requested URI: {token_url}"
print "Error code: {response.error_code}"
print "Error msg: {response.error_msg}"
return null
else if response isa CurlResponseSuccess then
var obj = response.body_str.parse_json
if not obj isa JsonObject then
print "Error: Cannot parse json response"
print response.body_str
return null
var access_token = obj.get_or_null("access_token")
if not access_token isa String then
print "Error: No `access_token` key in response"
print obj.to_json
return null
return access_token
return null
# Destroy user session and redirect to homepage.
class GithubLogout
super Handler
# The URL in your application where users will be sent after logout.
# If `null`, the root uri `/` will be used.
var redirect_uri: nullable String is writable
redef fun get(req, res) do
var session = req.session
if session != null then
session.user = null
res.redirect redirect_uri or else "/"
# AuthHandler allows access to session user
# Inherit this handler to access to session user from your custom handler.
# For example, you need a profile handler that checks if the user is logged
# before returning it in json format.
# ~~~
# import popcorn::pop_auth
# class ProfileHandler
# super AuthHandler
# redef fun get(req, res) do
# var user = check_session_user(req, res)
# if user == null then return
# res.json user
# end
# end
# ~~~
# By using `check_session_user`, we delegate to the `AuthHandler` the responsability
# to set the HTTP 403 error.
# We then check is the user is not null before pursuing.
abstract class AuthHandler
super Handler
# Returns `user` from `req.session` or null if no user is authenticated.
fun session_user(req: HttpRequest): nullable User do
var session = req.session
if session == null then return null
var user = session.user
return user
# Check the session for user and return it.
# If no `user` can be found in session, set res as a HTTP 403 error and return `null`.
fun check_session_user(req: HttpRequest, res: HttpResponse): nullable User do
var user = session_user(req)
if user == null then
res.error 403
return user
# Get the currently logged in user from session.
class GithubUser
super AuthHandler
redef fun get(req, res) do
var user = check_session_user(req, res)
if user == null then return
res.json user
redef class Session
# Github user if logged in.
var user: nullable User = null is writable