pitch, yaw, roll
)gamnit :: EulerCamera :: accept_scroll_and_zoom
Zoom and scroll this camera from user inputgamnit :: EulerCamera :: camera_pan_mask
Scroll trigger button mask from SDL2 (1: left, 2: middle, 4: right)gamnit :: EulerCamera :: camera_pan_mask=
Scroll trigger button mask from SDL2 (1: left, 2: middle, 4: right)gamnit :: EulerCamera :: camera_to_world
Convert the positionx, y
on screen, to world coordinates on the plane at target_z
gamnit :: EulerCamera :: camera_zoom_mod
Zoom factor, default at 1.2, higher means more reactive zoom effectgamnit :: EulerCamera :: camera_zoom_mod=
Zoom factor, default at 1.2, higher means more reactive zoom effectgamnit :: EulerCamera :: defaultinit
gamnit :: EulerCamera :: eye_separation
Half of the distance between the eyesgamnit :: EulerCamera :: eye_separation=
Half of the distance between the eyesgamnit :: EulerCamera :: far
Clipping wall the farthest of the camera, in world dimensionsgamnit :: EulerCamera :: far=
Clipping wall the farthest of the camera, in world dimensionsgamnit :: EulerCamera :: field_of_view_y
Field of view in radians on the vertical axis of the screengamnit :: EulerCamera :: field_of_view_y=
Field of view in radians on the vertical axis of the screengamnit :: EulerCamera :: mvp_matrix=
gamnit :: EulerCamera :: near=
Clipping wall near the camera, in world dimensionsgamnit :: EulerCamera :: pitch=
Rotation around the X axis (looking down or up)gamnit :: EulerCamera :: reset_height
Reset the camera position so thatheight
world units are visible on the y axis at z=0
gamnit :: EulerCamera :: rotation_matrix
Rotation matrix produced by the current rotation of the cameragamnit :: EulerCamera :: rotation_matrix=
Do not useyaw
and pitch
, the value will instead originate from the Cardboard API
gamnit :: EulerCamera :: sensitivity=
Look around sensitivity, used byturn
gamnit :: EulerCamera :: yaw=
Rotation around the Y axis (looking left or right)gamnit $ EulerCamera :: SELF
Type of this instance, automatically specialized in every classgamnit :: camera_control_android $ EulerCamera :: accept_scroll_and_zoom
Zoom and scroll this camera from user inputgamnit :: camera_control_linux $ EulerCamera :: accept_scroll_and_zoom
Zoom and scroll this camera from user inputgamnit :: cameras_cache $ EulerCamera :: far=
Clipping wall the farthest of the camera, in world dimensionsgamnit :: cameras_cache $ EulerCamera :: field_of_view_y=
Field of view in radians on the vertical axis of the screengamnit :: cameras_cache $ EulerCamera :: mvp_matrix
The returned matrix must not be modified as it is cached.gamnit $ EulerCamera :: mvp_matrix
The Model-View-Projection matrix created by this cameragamnit :: stereoscopic_view $ EulerCamera :: mvp_matrix
The Model-View-Projection matrix created by this cameragamnit :: cameras_cache $ EulerCamera :: near=
Clipping wall near the camera, in world dimensionsgamnit :: cameras_cache $ EulerCamera :: pitch=
Rotation around the X axis (looking down or up)gamnit :: cameras_cache $ EulerCamera :: roll=
Rotation around the Z axisgamnit :: cardboard $ EulerCamera :: rotation_matrix
Do not useyaw
and pitch
, the value will instead originate from the Cardboard API
gamnit :: cameras_cache $ EulerCamera :: yaw=
Rotation around the Y axis (looking left or right)gamnit :: EulerCamera :: accept_scroll_and_zoom
Zoom and scroll this camera from user inputgamnit :: EulerCamera :: camera_pan_mask
Scroll trigger button mask from SDL2 (1: left, 2: middle, 4: right)gamnit :: EulerCamera :: camera_pan_mask=
Scroll trigger button mask from SDL2 (1: left, 2: middle, 4: right)gamnit :: EulerCamera :: camera_to_world
Convert the positionx, y
on screen, to world coordinates on the plane at target_z
gamnit :: EulerCamera :: camera_zoom_mod
Zoom factor, default at 1.2, higher means more reactive zoom effectgamnit :: EulerCamera :: camera_zoom_mod=
Zoom factor, default at 1.2, higher means more reactive zoom effectcore :: Object :: class_factory
Implementation used byget_class
to create the specific class.
gamnit :: Camera :: defaultinit
core :: Object :: defaultinit
gamnit :: EulerCamera :: defaultinit
gamnit :: EulerCamera :: eye_separation
Half of the distance between the eyesgamnit :: EulerCamera :: eye_separation=
Half of the distance between the eyesgamnit :: EulerCamera :: far
Clipping wall the farthest of the camera, in world dimensionsgamnit :: EulerCamera :: far=
Clipping wall the farthest of the camera, in world dimensionsgamnit :: EulerCamera :: field_of_view_y
Field of view in radians on the vertical axis of the screengamnit :: EulerCamera :: field_of_view_y=
Field of view in radians on the vertical axis of the screencore :: Object :: is_same_instance
Return true ifself
and other
are the same instance (i.e. same identity).
core :: Object :: is_same_serialized
the same as other
in a serialization context?
core :: Object :: is_same_type
Return true ifself
and other
have the same dynamic type.
gamnit :: Camera :: mvp_matrix
The Model-View-Projection matrix created by this cameragamnit :: EulerCamera :: mvp_matrix=
gamnit :: EulerCamera :: near=
Clipping wall near the camera, in world dimensionscore :: Object :: output_class_name
Display class name on stdout (debug only).gamnit :: EulerCamera :: pitch=
Rotation around the X axis (looking down or up)gamnit :: EulerCamera :: reset_height
Reset the camera position so thatheight
world units are visible on the y axis at z=0
gamnit :: EulerCamera :: rotation_matrix
Rotation matrix produced by the current rotation of the cameragamnit :: EulerCamera :: rotation_matrix=
Do not useyaw
and pitch
, the value will instead originate from the Cardboard API
gamnit :: EulerCamera :: sensitivity=
Look around sensitivity, used byturn
gamnit :: EulerCamera :: yaw=
Rotation around the Y axis (looking left or right)
# Simple camera with perspective oriented with Euler angles (`pitch, yaw, roll`)
class EulerCamera
super Camera
# Rotation around the X axis (looking down or up)
var pitch = 0.0 is writable
# Rotation around the Y axis (looking left or right)
var yaw = 0.0 is writable
# Rotation around the Z axis
var roll = 0.0 is writable
# Field of view in radians on the vertical axis of the screen
# Default at `0.8`
var field_of_view_y = 0.8 is writable
# Clipping wall near the camera, in world dimensions
# Default at `0.01`.
var near = 0.01 is writable
# Clipping wall the farthest of the camera, in world dimensions
# Default at `10000.0` but this one should be adapted to each context.
var far = 10000.0 is writable
# Look around sensitivity, used by `turn`
var sensitivity = 0.005 is writable
# Apply a mouse movement (or similar) to the camera
# `dx` and `dy` are relative mouse movements in pixels.
fun turn(dx, dy: Float)
# Moving on x, turn around the y axis
yaw -= dx*sensitivity
pitch -= dy*sensitivity
# Protect rotation around then x axis for not falling on your back
pitch = pitch.min(pi/2.0)
pitch = pitch.max(-pi/2.0)
# Move the camera considering the current orientation
fun move(dx, dy, dz: Float)
# +dz move forward
position.x -= yaw.sin*dz
position.z -= yaw.cos*dz
# +dx strafe to the right
position.x += yaw.cos*dx
position.z -= yaw.sin*dx
# +dz move towards the sky
position.y += dy
# Aim the camera at `x, y, z`
fun look_at(x, y, z: Float)
var dx = position.x
var dy = position.y
var dz = position.z
yaw = atan2(dx, dz)
pitch = atan2(-dy, dz)
# Rotation matrix produced by the current rotation of the camera
protected fun rotation_matrix: Matrix
var view = new Matrix.identity(4)
# Rotate the camera, first by looking left or right, then up or down
view.rotate(yaw, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
view.rotate(pitch, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
view.rotate(roll, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
return view
redef fun mvp_matrix
var view = new Matrix.identity(4)
# Translate the world away from the camera
view.translate(-position.x, -position.y, -position.z)
# Rotate the camera, first by looking left or right, then up or down
view = view * rotation_matrix
# Use a projection matrix with a depth
var projection = new Matrix.perspective(field_of_view_y,
display.aspect_ratio, near, far)
return view * projection
# Reset the camera position so that `height` world units are visible on the y axis at z=0
# By default, `height` is set to `display.height`.
# After the reset, the camera sits on the Z axis and rotation values are reset to 0.
# The X axis is horizontal on the screen and the Y axis is vertical.
# Higher values on the Z axis are closer to the camera.
fun reset_height(height: nullable Float)
if height == null then height = display.height.to_f
var opp = height / 2.0
var angle = field_of_view_y / 2.0
var adj = opp / angle.tan
position.x = 0.0
position.y = 0.0
position.z = adj
pitch = 0.0
yaw = 0.0
roll = 0.0
# Convert the position `x, y` on screen, to world coordinates on the plane at `target_z`
# `target_z` defaults to `0.0` and specifies the Z coordinates of the plane
# on which to project the screen position `x, y`.
# This method assumes that the camera is looking along the Z axis towards higher values.
# Using it in a different orientation can be useful, but won't result in valid
# world coordinates.
fun camera_to_world(x, y: Numeric, target_z: nullable Float): Point[Float]
# TODO, this method could be tweaked to support projecting the 2D point,
# on the near plane (x,y) onto a given distance no matter to orientation
# of the camera.
target_z = target_z or else 0.0
# Convert from pixel units / window resolution to
# units on the near clipping wall to
# units on the target wall at Z = 0
var near_height = (field_of_view_y/2.0).tan * near
var cross_screen_to_near = near_height / (display.height.to_f/2.0)
var cross_near_to_target = (position.z - target_z) / near
var mod = cross_screen_to_near * cross_near_to_target
var wx = position.x + (x.to_f-display.width.to_f/2.0) * mod
var wy = position.y - (y.to_f-display.height.to_f/2.0) * mod
return new Point[Float](wx, wy)
redef class EulerCamera
# Zoom and scroll this camera from user input
# Scrolling is accomplished by moving the camera on the XY plane and
# zooming by moving it on the Z axis.
# This method has distinct implementations per platform.
# On desktop computers, the mouse wheel changes the zoom level, and
# holding down the middle mouse button scrolls the camera.
# On Android, a two finger pinch and slide gesture zoom and scroll.
# Returns `true` if the event is used.
# Should be called from `App::accept_event` before accepting pointer events:
# ~~~nitish
# redef class App
# redef fun accept_event(event)
# do
# if world_camera.accept_scroll_and_zoom(event) then return true
# # Handle other events...
# return false
# end
# end
# ~~~
fun accept_scroll_and_zoom(event: InputEvent): Bool do return false
redef class EulerCamera
# The returned matrix must not be modified as it is cached.
redef fun mvp_matrix
var m = mvp_matrix_cache
if m == null or check_position_changed then
m = super
mvp_matrix_cache = m
return m
redef fun pitch=(value)
mvp_matrix_cache = null
redef fun yaw=(value)
mvp_matrix_cache = null
redef fun roll=(value)
mvp_matrix_cache = null
redef fun field_of_view_y=(value)
mvp_matrix_cache = null
redef fun near=(value)
mvp_matrix_cache = null
redef fun far=(value)
mvp_matrix_cache = null
redef class EulerCamera
# Zoom factor, default at 1.2, higher means more reactive zoom effect
var camera_zoom_mod = 1.2 is writable
# Scroll trigger button mask from SDL2 (1: left, 2: middle, 4: right)
# Set to 0 to deactivate the scrolling feature.
var camera_pan_mask = 2 is writable
redef fun accept_scroll_and_zoom(event)
# Zoom
if event isa GamnitMouseWheelEvent then
var dy = event.y
var mod = camera_zoom_mod
if dy > 0.0 then
# Zoom in when moving the wheel up
mod = 1.0/mod
else dy = -dy
position.z *= dy * mod
return true
# Scroll
var but_mask = camera_pan_mask
if but_mask != 0 and event isa GamnitPointerEvent then
var native = event.native
if native isa SDLMouseMotionEvent and native.state & but_mask == but_mask then
var dx = native.xrel.to_f
var dy = native.yrel.to_f
var world_height = field_of_view_y.sin * position.z
var mod = app.display.as(not null).height.to_f / world_height
position.x -= dx / mod
position.y += dy / mod # Y is inverted between the input and output
return true
return false
redef class EulerCamera
# Smoothened history of pointers in the current motion event
private var last_motion_pointers = new HashMap[Int, Point[Float]] is lazy
# Start time of the current motion event
private var last_motion_start: Int = -1
redef fun accept_scroll_and_zoom(event)
if not event isa AndroidMotionEvent then return false
if event.pointers.length < 2 then
# Intercept leftovers of the last motion
return event.down_time == last_motion_start
# Collect active pointer and their world position
var new_motion_pointers = new HashMap[Int, Point[Float]]
var ids = new Array[Int]
for pointer in event.pointers do
var id = pointer.pointer_id
ids.add id
new_motion_pointers[id] = camera_to_world(pointer.x, pointer.y)
var last_motion_pointers = last_motion_pointers
if last_motion_start == event.down_time and
last_motion_pointers.keys.has(ids[0]) and last_motion_pointers.keys.has(ids[1]) then
# Continued motion event
# Get new and old position for 2 fingers
var new_motion_a = new_motion_pointers[ids[0]]
var new_motion_b = new_motion_pointers[ids[1]]
var prev_pos_a = last_motion_pointers[ids[0]]
var prev_pos_b = last_motion_pointers[ids[1]]
# Move camera
var prev_middle_pos = prev_pos_a.lerp(prev_pos_b, 0.5)
var new_middle_pos = new_motion_a.lerp(new_motion_b, 0.5)
position.x -= new_middle_pos.x - prev_middle_pos.x
position.y -= new_middle_pos.y - prev_middle_pos.y
# Zoom camera
var prev_dist = prev_pos_a.dist(prev_pos_b)
var new_dist = new_motion_a.dist(new_motion_b)
position.z = prev_dist * position.z / new_dist
# Prepare for a new motion event
last_motion_start = event.down_time
# Keep a smooth history
for i in [0..1] do
if last_motion_pointers.keys.has(ids[i]) then
last_motion_pointers[ids[i]] = last_motion_pointers[ids[i]]*0.5 +
else last_motion_pointers[ids[i]] = new_motion_pointers[ids[i]]
return true
redef class EulerCamera
redef var mvp_matrix = new Matrix.identity(4)
# Half of the distance between the eyes
var eye_separation: Float = 0.03125
# MVP matrix for the left eye
fun mvp_matrix_left: Matrix do return mvp_matrix_eye(eye_separation)
# MVP matrix for the right eye
fun mvp_matrix_right: Matrix do return mvp_matrix_eye(-eye_separation)
# Get an MVP matrix for an eye at `diff` world unit from the center
private fun mvp_matrix_eye(diff: Float): Matrix
var view = new Matrix.identity(4)
# Translate the world away from the camera
view.translate(-position.x/2.0, -position.y/2.0, -position.z/2.0)
# Rotate the camera, first by looking left or right, then up or down
view = view * rotation_matrix
# Apply eye transformation
var translation = new Matrix.identity(4)
translation.translate(diff, 0.0, 0.0)
view = view * translation
# Use a projection matrix with a depth
var projection = new Matrix.perspective(pi*field_of_view_y/2.0,
display.aspect_ratio, near, far)
return view * projection
redef class EulerCamera
# Do not use `yaw` and `pitch`, the value will instead originate from the Cardboard API
redef var rotation_matrix = new Matrix.identity(4)
# Get the angle value from the `rotation_matrix`
redef fun pitch
var a = rotation_matrix[0, 1]
var b = rotation_matrix[1, 1]
return -atan2(a, b)
# Get the angle value from the `rotation_matrix`
redef fun yaw
var a = rotation_matrix[2, 0]
var b = rotation_matrix[2, 2]
return -atan2(a, b)