core :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
# Pointer and hardware key events
module input_events
import mnit::input
import android::game
in "C header" `{
#include <android/log.h>
#include <android_native_app_glue.h>
#define LOGW(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_WARN, "mnit", __VA_ARGS__))
#ifdef DEBUG
#define LOGI(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "mnit", __VA_ARGS__))
#define LOGI(...) (void)0
in "C" `{
/* Handle inputs from the Android platform and sort them before
sending them in the Nit App */
static int32_t mnit_handle_input(struct android_app* app, AInputEvent* event) {
App nit_app = app->userData;
LOGI("handle input %i", (int)pthread_self());
if (AInputEvent_getType(event) == AINPUT_EVENT_TYPE_KEY) {
return App_native_input_key(nit_app, event);
else if (AInputEvent_getType(event) == AINPUT_EVENT_TYPE_MOTION) {
return App_native_input_motion(nit_app, event);
return 0;
private extern class NativeAndroidMotionEvent `{AInputEvent *`}
fun pointers_count: Int `{
return AMotionEvent_getPointerCount(self);
fun edge: Int `{
return AMotionEvent_getEdgeFlags(self);
# Get the non-primary pointer id that just went down (returns -1 or > 0)
fun index_down_pointer: Int `{
int a = AMotionEvent_getAction(self);
else return -1;
fun action: AMotionEventAction `{ return AMotionEvent_getAction(self); `}
fun native_down_time: Int `{ return AMotionEvent_getDownTime(self); `}
private extern class AMotionEventAction `{ int32_t `}
fun action: Int `{ return self & AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_MASK; `}
# Pointer index concerned by this action
# Require: `is_pointer_down or is_pointer_up`
fun pointer_index: Int `{
fun is_down: Bool do return action == 0
fun is_up: Bool do return action == 1
fun is_move: Bool do return action == 2
fun is_cancel: Bool do return action == 3
fun is_outside: Bool do return action == 4
fun is_pointer_down: Bool do return action == 5
fun is_pointer_up: Bool do return action == 6
# An input event on Android
interface AndroidInputEvent
super InputEvent
# A motion event concerning a single or more `pointers`
class AndroidMotionEvent
super AndroidInputEvent
super MotionEvent
private var native: NativeAndroidMotionEvent
# Pointers (or fingers) composing this motion event
var pointers: Array[AndroidPointerEvent] is lazy do
return [for i in native.pointers_count.times do new AndroidPointerEvent(self, i)]
# The pointer (or finger) causing this event
var acting_pointer: AndroidPointerEvent is lazy do
var action = native.action
var index = 0
if action.is_pointer_down or action.is_pointer_up then
index = native.action.pointer_index
return new AndroidPointerEvent(self, index)
redef fun just_went_down do return native.action.is_down or native.action.is_pointer_down
# Was the top edge of the screen intersected by this event?
fun touch_to_edge: Bool do return native.edge == 1
# Was the bottom edge of the screen intersected by this event?
fun touch_bottom_edge: Bool do return native.edge == 2
# Was the left edge of the screen intersected by this event?
fun touch_left_edge: Bool do return native.edge == 4
# Was the right edge of the screen intersected by this event?
fun touch_right_edge: Bool do return native.edge == 8
redef fun down_pointer: nullable AndroidPointerEvent
if just_went_down then
# The primary pointer went down
return pointers[0]
var i = native.index_down_pointer
if i > 0 then
# A secondary pointer went down
return pointers[i]
return null
# Time when the user originally pressed down to start a stream of position events
# The return value is in the `java.lang.System.nanoTime()` time base.
fun down_time: Int do return native.native_down_time
# A pointer event
class AndroidPointerEvent
super PointerEvent
super AndroidInputEvent
private var motion_event: AndroidMotionEvent
private var pointer_index: Int
redef fun x do return native_x(motion_event.native, pointer_index)
private fun native_x(motion_event: NativeAndroidMotionEvent, pointer_index: Int): Float `{
return AMotionEvent_getX(motion_event, pointer_index);
redef fun y do return native_y(motion_event.native, pointer_index)
private fun native_y(motion_event: NativeAndroidMotionEvent, pointer_index: Int): Float `{
return AMotionEvent_getY(motion_event, pointer_index);
# Pressure applied by this pointer
fun pressure: Float do return native_pressure(motion_event.native, pointer_index)
private fun native_pressure(motion_event: NativeAndroidMotionEvent, pointer_index: Int): Float `{
return AMotionEvent_getPressure(motion_event, pointer_index);
redef fun pressed
var action = motion_event.native.action
return action.is_down or action.is_move or action.is_pointer_down
redef fun is_move do return motion_event.acting_pointer == self and
# Does this pointer just began touching the screen?
fun just_went_down: Bool do return motion_event.acting_pointer == self and
# Unique id of this pointer since the beginning of the gesture
redef fun pointer_id do return native_pointer_id(motion_event.native, pointer_index)
private fun native_pointer_id(motion_event: NativeAndroidMotionEvent, pointer_index: Int): Int `{
return AMotionEvent_getPointerId(motion_event, pointer_index);
# An hardware key event
extern class AndroidKeyEvent `{AInputEvent *`}
super KeyEvent
super AndroidInputEvent
private fun action: Int `{ return AKeyEvent_getAction(self); `}
redef fun is_down do return action == 0
redef fun is_up do return action == 1
# Hardware code of the key raising this event
fun key_code: Int `{ return AKeyEvent_getKeyCode(self); `}
redef fun to_c
var i = native_to_c
if i == 0 then return null
return i.code_point
private fun native_to_c: Int `{
int code = AKeyEvent_getKeyCode(self);
if (code >= AKEYCODE_0 && code <= AKEYCODE_9)
return '0'+code-AKEYCODE_0;
if (code >= AKEYCODE_A && code <= AKEYCODE_Z)
return 'a'+code-AKEYCODE_A;
return 0;
redef fun name do return key_code.to_s
# Was this event raised by the back key?
fun is_back_key: Bool do return key_code == 4
# Was this event raised by the search key?
fun is_search_key: Bool do return key_code == 84
# Was this event raised by the volume up key?
fun is_volume_up: Bool do return key_code == 24
# Was this event raised by the volume down key?
fun is_volume_down: Bool do return key_code == 25
redef class App
redef fun init_window
set_as_input_handler native_app_glue
private fun set_as_input_handler(app_glue: NativeAppGlue)
import native_input_key, native_input_motion `{
app_glue->onInputEvent = mnit_handle_input;
# these are used as a callback from native to type incoming events
private fun native_input_key(event: AndroidKeyEvent): Bool is abstract
private fun native_input_motion(event: NativeAndroidMotionEvent): Bool is abstract