Validation and Deserialization of request bodies:
class MyJsonHandler
super Handler
# Validator used do validate the body
redef var validator = new MyFormValidator
# Define the kind of objects expected by the deserialization process
redef type BODY: MyForm
redef fun post(req, res) do
var post = validate_body(req, res)
if post == null then return # Validation error: let popcorn return a HTTP 400
var form = deserialize_body(req, res)
if form == null then return # Deserialization error: let popcorn return a HTTP 400
# TODO do something with the input
class MyForm
var name: String
class MyFormValidator
super ObjectValidator
init do
add new StringField("name", min_size=1, max_size=255)
action, which is a standard and minimal file server
class and services to create it
to show more useful information
more_collections :: more_collections
Highly specific, but useful, collections-related classes.serialization :: serialization_core
Abstract services to serialize Nit objects to different formatsdeserialize_json
and JsonDeserializer
and JsonSerializer
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union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
# Introduce useful services for JSON REST API handlers.
# Validation and Deserialization of request bodies:
# ~~~nit
# class MyJsonHandler
# super Handler
# # Validator used do validate the body
# redef var validator = new MyFormValidator
# # Define the kind of objects expected by the deserialization process
# redef type BODY: MyForm
# redef fun post(req, res) do
# var post = validate_body(req, res)
# if post == null then return # Validation error: let popcorn return a HTTP 400
# var form = deserialize_body(req, res)
# if form == null then return # Deserialization error: let popcorn return a HTTP 400
# # TODO do something with the input
# print
# end
# end
# class MyForm
# serialize
# var name: String
# end
# class MyFormValidator
# super ObjectValidator
# init do
# add new StringField("name", min_size=1, max_size=255)
# end
# end
# ~~~
module pop_json
import json
import meta
import pop_handlers
import pop_validation
redef class Handler
# Validator used to check body input
# Here we use the `pop_validation` module to validate JSON document from the request body.
var validator: nullable DocumentValidator = null
# Validate body input with `validator`
# Try to validate the request body as a json document using `validator`:
# * Returns the validated string input if the result of the validation is ok.
# * Answers a json error and returns `null` if something went wrong.
# * If no `validator` is set, returns the body without validation.
# Example:
# ~~~nit
# class ValidatedHandler
# super Handler
# redef var validator = new MyObjectValidator
# redef fun post(req, res) do
# var body = validate_body(req, res)
# if body == null then return # Validation error
# # At this point popcorn returned a HTTP 400 code with the validation error
# # if the validation failed.
# # TODO do something with the input
# print body
# end
# end
# class MyObjectValidator
# super ObjectValidator
# init do
# add new StringField("name", min_size=1, max_size=255)
# end
# end
# ~~~
fun validate_body(req: HttpRequest, res: HttpResponse): nullable String do
var body = req.body
var validator = self.validator
if validator == null then return body
if not validator.validate(body) then
res.json(validator.validation, 400)
return null
return body
# Deserialize the request body
# Returns the deserialized request body body or `null` if something went wrong.
# If the object cannot be deserialized, answers with a HTTP 400.
# See `BODY` and `new_body_object`.
# Example:
# ~~~nit
# class MyDeserializedHandler
# super Handler
# redef type BODY: MyObject
# redef fun post(req, res) do
# var form = deserialize_body(req, res)
# if form == null then return # Deserialization error
# # At this point popcorn returned a HTTP 400 code if something was wrong with
# # the deserialization process
# # TODO do something with the input
# print
# end
# end
# class MyObject
# serialize
# var name: String
# end
# ~~~
fun deserialize_body(req: HttpRequest, res: HttpResponse): nullable BODY do
var body = req.body
var deserializer = new JsonDeserializer(body)
var form = deserializer.deserialize(body_type)
if not form isa BODY or deserializer.errors.not_empty then
res.json_error("Bad input", 400)
return null
return form
# Kind of objects returned by `deserialize_body`
# Define it in each sub handlers depending on the kind of objects sent in request bodies.
type BODY: Serializable
private var body_type: String is lazy do return (new GetName[BODY]).to_s
redef class HttpResponse
# Write data as JSON and set the right content type header.
fun json(json: nullable Serializable, status: nullable Int, plain, pretty: nullable Bool) do
header["Content-Type"] = media_types["json"].as(not null)
if json == null then
send(null, status)
send(json.serialize_to_json(plain or else true, pretty or else false), status)
# Write error as JSON.
# Format: `{"message": message, "status": status}`
fun json_error(message: String, status: Int) do
var obj = new JsonObject
obj["status"] = status
obj["message"] = message
json(obj, status)