popcorn :: pop_logging $ HttpRequest
A request received over HTTP, is build byHttpRequestParser
popcorn :: pop_logging $ HttpRequest
A request received over HTTP, is build byHttpRequestParser
action, which is a standard and minimal file server
class and services to create it
to show more useful information
more_collections :: more_collections
Highly specific, but useful, collections-related classes.serialization :: serialization_core
Abstract services to serialize Nit objects to different formatscore :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structure
module pop_logging
import pop_handlers
import logger
import realtime
# Initialize a clock for the resquest.
# Can be used to compute the time passed to respond that request.
class RequestClock
super Handler
redef fun all(req, res) do req.clock = new Clock
# Display log info about request processing.
class PopLogger
super Logger
super Handler
# Do we want colors in the console output?
var no_color = false is optional
redef var default_formatter = new PopFormatter(no_color) is optional
redef fun all(req, res) do
var clock = req.clock
if clock != null then
add_raw(info_level, "{req.method} {req.url} {status(res)} ({clock.total}s)")
add_raw(info_level, "{req.method} {req.url} {status(res)}")
# Colorize the request status.
private fun status(res: HttpResponse): String do
if no_color then return res.status_code.to_s
return res.color_status
class PopFormatter
super Formatter
# Do not decorate messages with colors
var no_color = false is optional, writable
redef fun format(level, message) do
var string = message.write_to_string
if level == fatal_level then
string = "[FATAL] {string}"
else if level == error_level then
string = "[ERROR] {string}"
else if level == warn_level then
string = "[WARN] {string}"
else if level == info_level then
string = "[INFO] {string}"
else if level == debug_level then
string = "[DEBUG] {string}"
if no_color then return string
if level == fatal_level then
return string.red
else if level == error_level then
return string.red
else if level == warn_level then
return string.yellow
else if level == info_level then
return string.blue
else if level == debug_level then
return string.gray
return string
redef class HttpRequest
# Time that request was received by the Popcorn app.
var clock: nullable Clock = null
redef class HttpResponse
# Return `self` status colored for console.
fun color_status: String do
if status_code >= 100 and status_code < 200 then return status_code.to_s.gray
if status_code >= 200 and status_code < 300 then return status_code.to_s.green
if status_code >= 300 and status_code < 400 then return status_code.to_s.blue
if status_code >= 400 and status_code < 500 then return status_code.to_s.yellow
if status_code >= 500 and status_code < 600 then return status_code.to_s.red
return status_code.to_s