to show more useful information
more_collections :: more_collections
Highly specific, but useful, collections-related classes.serialization :: serialization_core
Abstract services to serialize Nit objects to different formatscore :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structureaccept_scroll_and_zoom
gamnit :: camera_control_android
Two fingers camera manipulation, pinch to zoom and slide to scrollgamnit :: camera_control_linux
Mouse wheel and middle mouse button to control cameraEulerCamera
and App::frame_core_draw
to get a stereoscopic view
# Game and multimedia framework for Nit
module gamnit
import app
import display
import textures
import programs
import gamnit_android is conditional(android)
import gamnit_linux is conditional(linux)
import gamnit_ios is conditional(ios)
import input_ios is conditional(ios)
redef class App
# Main `GamnitDisplay` initialized by `create_gamnit`
var display: nullable GamnitDisplay = null
# Hook to setup the OpenGL context: compiling shaders, creating VBO, reloading textures, etc.
# The gamnit services redefine this method to prepare optimizations and more.
# Clients may also refine this method to prepare custom OpenGL resources.
fun create_gamnit do end
# Hook to prepare for recreating the OpenGL context
# Some gamnit services refine this method to reset caches before the
# next call to `create_gamnit`.
fun recreate_gamnit do end
# Create and set `self.display`
fun create_display
var display = new GamnitDisplay
self.display = display
# Print the current GL configuration, for debugging
print "GL vendor: {glGetString(gl_VENDOR)}"
print "GL renderer: {glGetString(gl_RENDERER)}"
print "GL version: {glGetString(gl_VERSION)}"
print "GLSL version: {glGetString(gl_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION)}"
print "GL extensions: {glGetString(gl_EXTENSIONS)}"
print "GL max texture size: {glGetIntegerv(gl_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, 0)}"
# Hook for client programs to setup the scene
# Refine this method to build the game world or the main menu,
# creating instances of `Sprite` and `Actor` as needed.
# This method is called only once per execution of the program and it should
# be considered as the entry point of most game logic.
fun create_scene do end
# Core of the frame logic, executed only when the display is visible
# This method should be redefined by user modules to customize the behavior of the game.
protected fun frame_core(display: GamnitDisplay) do end
# Full frame logic, executed even if the display is not visible
# This method wraps `frame_core` and other services to be executed in the main app loop.
# To customize the behavior on each turn, it is preferable to redefined `frame_core`.
# Still, `frame_full` can be redefined with care for more control.
protected fun frame_full
var display = display
if display != null then frame_core(display)
redef fun run
# TODO manage exit condition
loop frame_full
# Loop on available events and feed them back to the app
# The implementation varies per platform.
private fun feed_events do end
# Hook to receive and respond to `event` triggered by the user or system
# Returns whether or not the event is used or intercepted.
# If `true`, the event will not be processed further by the system.
# Returns `false` to intercepts events like the back key on mobile devices.
# The instances passed as `event` may be freed (or overwritten),
# right after this method returns. They should not be preserved.
fun accept_event(event: InputEvent): Bool do return false
# The window has been resized by the user or system
# The framework handles resizing the viewport automatically.
fun on_resize(display: GamnitDisplay) do end
# Portable indirection to `glBindFramebuffer(gl_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo)`
# This is implemented differently on iOS.
fun bind_screen_framebuffer(fbo: Int) do glBindFramebuffer(gl_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo)