Particles are managed by instances of ParticleSystem
are configured for a specific kind of particle.
For instance, a particle system can be created for a max of 100 particles,
with a smoke effect and a precise texture, as in:
var smoke = new ParticleSystem(100, app.smoke_program, new Texture("smoke.png"))
The system must be registered in app.particle_systems
to be drawn on screen.
Particles are added to a system with their configuration, as in:
var position = new Point3d[Float](0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
var scale = 2.0
var time_to_live = 1.0 # in seconds
smoke.add(position, scale, time_to_live)
and texture
to draw each particles
and texture
to draw each particles
to show more useful information
more_collections :: more_collections
Highly specific, but useful, collections-related classes.performance_analysis :: performance_analysis
Services to gather information on the performance of events by categoriesserialization :: serialization_core
Abstract services to serialize Nit objects to different formatscore :: union_find
union–find algorithm using an efficient disjoint-set data structureEulerCamera
and App::frame_core_draw
to get a stereoscopic view
# Particle effects
# Particles are managed by instances of `ParticleSystem` that
# are configured for a specific kind of particle.
# For instance, a particle system can be created for a max of 100 particles,
# with a smoke effect and a precise texture, as in:
# ~~~
# var smoke = new ParticleSystem(100, app.smoke_program, new Texture("smoke.png"))
# ~~~
# The system must be registered in `app.particle_systems` to be drawn on screen.
# Particles are added to a system with their configuration, as in:
# ~~~
# var position = new Point3d[Float](0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
# var scale = 2.0
# var time_to_live = 1.0 # in seconds
# smoke.add(position, scale, time_to_live)
# ~~~
module particles
import depth_core
redef class App
# Graphics program to display static non-moving particles
var static_program = new ParticleProgram
# Graphics program to display blowing up particles
var explosion_program = new ExplosionProgram
# Graphics program to display particles slowly drifting upwards
var smoke_program = new SmokeProgram
# Enabled particle emitters
# To be populated by the client program.
var particle_systems = new Array[ParticleSystem]
# Particle system using `program` and `texture` to draw each particles
# Each instance draws a maximum of `n_particles`.
# If full, new particles replace the oldest particles.
# Expired particle are still sent to the CPU but should be discarded by the vertex shader.
class ParticleSystem
# Maximum number of particles
var n_particles: Int
private var total_particles = 0
# Program to draw the particles
var program: ParticleProgram
# Texture to apply on particles, if any
var texture: nullable Texture
# Clock used to set `ots` and `program::t`
# TODO control this value from the game logic to allow pausing and slowing time.
private var clock = new Clock
# Coordinates of each particle effects
private var centers = new Array[Float]
# Creation time of each particles
private var ots = new Array[Float]
# Scale of each particles
private var scales = new Array[Float]
# Time-to-live of each particle
private var ttls = new Array[Float]
# Clear all particles
fun clear
total_particles = 0
# Add a particle at `center` with `scale`, living for `ttl` from `time_offset`
# `time_offset` is added to the creation time, it can be used to delay the
# apparition of a particle using a positive value.
# See the doc of the precise class of `program`, or the general `ParticleProgram`
# for information on the effect of these parameters.
fun add(center: Point3d[Float], scale: Float, ttl: Float, time_offset: nullable Float)
var i = total_particles % n_particles
total_particles += 1
centers[i*3 ] = center.x
centers[i*3+1] = center.y
centers[i*3+2] = center.z
ttls[i] = ttl
scales[i] = scale
time_offset = time_offset or else 0.0
ots[i] = + time_offset
# Draw all particles of this emitter
fun draw
if ots.is_empty then return
var program = program
var texture = texture
if texture != null then
glActiveTexture gl_TEXTURE0
glBindTexture(gl_TEXTURE_2D, texture.gl_texture)
program.use_texture.uniform true
program.texture.uniform 0
program.use_texture.uniform false
program.scale.array_enabled = true
program.scale.array(scales, 1) = true, 3)
program.color.array_enabled = false
program.color.uniform(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
program.ot.array_enabled = true
program.ot.array(ots, 1)
program.ttl.array_enabled = true
program.ttl.array(ttls, 1)
program.mvp.uniform app.world_camera.mvp_matrix
glDrawArrays(gl_POINTS, 0, ots.length)
# Particle drawing program using `gl_POINTS`
# This program should be subclassed to create custom particle effects.
# Either `vertex_shader_source` and `vertex_shader_core` can be refined.
class ParticleProgram
super GamnitProgramFromSource
redef var vertex_shader_source = """
// Coordinates of particle effects
attribute vec4 center;
// Particles color tint
attribute vec4 color;
varying vec4 v_color;
// Per particle scaling
attribute float scale;
// Model view projection matrix
uniform mat4 mvp;
// Time-to-live of each particle
attribute float ttl;
// Creation time of each particle
attribute float ot;
// Current time
uniform float t;
void main()
// Pass varyings to the fragment shader
v_color = color;
float dt = t - ot;
float pt = dt/ttl;
// Discard expired or not yet created particles
if (dt > ttl || dt < 0.0) {
gl_PointSize = 0.0;
# Core GLSL code for `vertex_shader_source`
# Refine this function to easily tweak the position, size and color of particles.
# Reminder: Each execution of the vertex shader applies to a single particle.
# ## Input variables:
# * `center`: reference coordinates of the particle effect.
# This if often the center of the particle itself,
# but it can also be reference coordinates for a moving particle.
# * `mvp`: model-view-projection matrix.
# * `color`: color tint of the particle.
# * `t`: global seconds counter since the creation of this particle emitter.
# * `ot`: creation time of the particle, in seconds, in reference to `t`.
# * `dt`: seconds since creation of the particle.
# * `ttl`: time-to-live of the particle, in seconds.
# * `pt`: advancement of this particle in its lifetime, in `[0.0 .. 1.0]`.
# ## Output variables:
# * `gl_Position`: position of the particle in camera coordinates.
# * `gl_PointSize`: size of the particle in camera coordinates.
# Set to `0.0` to discard the particle.
# * `v_color`: tint applied to the particle.
# Assigned by default to the value of `color`.
# ## Reference implementation
# The default implementation apply the model-view-projection matrix on the position
# and scales according to the distance from the camera.
# Most particle effects should apply the same base logic as the default implementation.
# Here it is for reference:
# ~~~glsl
# gl_Position = center * mvp;
# gl_PointSize = scale / gl_Position.z;
# ~~~
fun vertex_shader_core: String do return """
gl_Position = center * mvp;
gl_PointSize = scale / gl_Position.z;
redef var fragment_shader_source = """
precision mediump float;
// Input from the vertex shader
varying vec4 v_color;
// Does this particle use a texture?
uniform bool use_texture;
// Texture to apply on this particle
uniform sampler2D texture0;
void main()
if (use_texture) {
gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture0, gl_PointCoord) * v_color;
} else {
gl_FragColor = v_color;
""" @ glsl_fragment_shader
# Coordinates of particle effects
var center = attributes["center"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy
# Should this program use the texture `texture`?
var use_texture = uniforms["use_texture"].as(UniformBool) is lazy
# Visible texture unit
var texture = uniforms["texture0"].as(UniformSampler2D) is lazy
# Color tint per vertex
var color = attributes["color"].as(AttributeVec4) is lazy
# Scaling per vertex
var scale = attributes["scale"].as(AttributeFloat) is lazy
# Model view projection matrix
var mvp = uniforms["mvp"].as(UniformMat4) is lazy
# Creation time of each particle
var ot = attributes["ot"].as(AttributeFloat) is lazy
# Current time
var t = uniforms["t"].as(UniformFloat) is lazy
# Time-to-live of each particle
var ttl = attributes["ttl"].as(AttributeFloat) is lazy
# Graphics program to display blowing up particles
class ExplosionProgram
super ParticleProgram
redef fun vertex_shader_core do return """
gl_Position = center * mvp;
gl_PointSize = scale / gl_Position.z * pt;
if (pt > 0.8) v_color *= (1.0-pt)/0.2;
# Graphics program to display particles slowly drifting upwards
class SmokeProgram
super ParticleProgram
redef fun vertex_shader_core do return """
vec4 c = center;
c.y += dt * 1.0;
c.x += dt * 0.1;
gl_Position = c * mvp;
gl_PointSize = scale / gl_Position.z * (pt+0.1);
if (pt < 0.1)
v_color *= pt / 0.1;
v_color *= 1.0 - pt*0.9;